Isabelle Packages
The following source and binary packages of <!-- _GP_ distname -->
provide everything required for easy installation of the full Isabelle
working environment on common Unix platforms.
A <em>minimal</em> Isabelle installation requires only <tt>bash</tt>
and <tt>perl</tt> (usually provided by the operating system), and a
suitable implementation of Standard ML (e.g. <a
href="http://www.polyml.org">Poly/ML</a> as included below). A
<em>comfortable</em> Isabelle working environment demands further user
interface support, as provided by <a
href="http://proofgeneral.inf.ed.ac.uk/">Proof General</a> (please <a
href="http://proofgeneral.inf.ed.ac.uk/register">register</a>). The Proof General
distribution now includes the <a
href="http://x-symbol.sourceforge.net">X-Symbol</a> package. It
should be used with a recent version of <a
href="http://www.xemacs.org">XEmacs 21</a> or <a
href="http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/emacs.html">GNU Emacs 21</a>.
We provide a complete set of packages for Isabelle, Proof General, and
While XEmacs 21 is not included here, most operating system
distributions already provide a suitable package, although not
installed by default. Some of the packages below are platform
dependent; we include binaries for Linux/x86, Solaris/Sparc, and
Darwin/PPC (MacOS X).
Short <a href="#install">installation instructions</a> are near the
bottom of this page. For more information, see the file INSTALL in
<!-- _GP_ distname -->.tar.gz.
<!-- _GP_ setdowncolor("\"#E0E0E0\"") -->
<table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="4" width="520">
<!-- _GP_ downloadhead("Isabelle") -->
<!-- _GP_ download(1, "Sources and documentation", distname . ".tar.gz", "../..") -->
<!-- _GP_ download(1, "Documentation in PDF", distname . "_pdf.tar.gz", "../..") -->
<!-- _GP_ download(1, "Theory library in PDF and HTML", distname . "_library.tar.gz", "../..") -->
<!-- _GP_ downloadhead("Proof General") -->
<!-- _GP_ download(1, "Proof General", "contrib/ProofGeneral-3.5.tar.gz", "../..") -->
<!-- _GP_ downloadhead("Poly/ML compiler and runtime system") -->
<!-- _GP_ download(1, "Poly/ML base system", "contrib/polyml_base.tar.gz", "../..") -->
<!-- _GP_ download(3, "Poly/ML binary modules", "contrib/polyml_x86-linux.tar.gz", "../..") -->
<!-- _GP_ download(0, "", "contrib/polyml_sparc-solaris.tar.gz", "../..") -->
<!-- _GP_ download(0, "", "contrib/polyml_ppc-darwin.tar.gz", "../..") -->
<!-- _GP_ downloadhead("Precompiled logics") -->
<!-- _GP_ download(3, "HOL", "HOL_x86-linux.tar.gz", "../..") -->
<!-- _GP_ download(0, "", "HOL_sparc-solaris.tar.gz", "../..") -->
<!-- _GP_ download(0, "", "HOL_ppc-darwin.tar.gz", "../..") -->
<!-- _GP_ download(3, "HOL-Complex", "HOL-Complex_x86-linux.tar.gz", "../..") -->
<!-- _GP_ download(0, "", "HOL-Complex_sparc-solaris.tar.gz", "../..") -->
<!-- _GP_ download(0, "", "HOL-Complex_ppc-darwin.tar.gz", "../..") -->
<!-- _GP_ download(3, "HOL4", "HOL4_x86-linux.tar.gz", "../..") -->
<!-- _GP_ download(0, "", "HOL4_sparc-solaris.tar.gz", "../..") -->
<!-- _GP_ download(0, "", "HOL4_ppc-darwin.tar.gz", "../..") -->
<!-- _GP_ download(3, "ZF", "ZF_x86-linux.tar.gz", "../..") -->
<!-- _GP_ download(0, "", "ZF_sparc-solaris.tar.gz", "../..") -->
<!-- _GP_ download(0, "", "ZF_ppc-darwin.tar.gz", "../..") -->
<!-- _GP_ downloadhead("HOL4 proof terms") -->
<!-- _GP_ download(1, "HOL4 proof terms", "contrib/HOL4-proofs.tar.gz", "../..") -->
<a name="install">In</a> fact, there is no installation required. Users may just unpack all
required packages within the same directory. The default settings of
Isabelle should be reasonable for most circumstances.
A typical Linux/x86 site installation of Isabelle/HOL works as
follows. By using GNU <tt>tar</tt>, the archives are uncompressed and
unpacked into the <tt>/usr/local</tt> directory (this location may be
changed to anything appropriate).
tar -C /usr/local -xzf
<!-- _GP_ href(distname . ".tar.gz", distname . ".tar.gz") --> <br>
tar -C /usr/local -xzf
<!-- _GP_ href("contrib/ProofGeneral.tar.gz", "ProofGeneral.tar.gz") --> <br>
tar -C /usr/local -xzf
<!-- _GP_ href("contrib/polyml_base.tar.gz", "polyml_base.tar.gz") --> <br>
tar -C /usr/local -xzf
<!-- _GP_ href("contrib/polyml_x86-linux.tar.gz", "polyml_x86-linux.tar.gz") --> <br>
tar -C /usr/local -xzf
<!-- _GP_ href("HOL_x86-linux.tar.gz", "HOL_x86-linux.tar.gz") --> <br>
Users may now invoke Isabelle without further ado, e.g. run the main
executable <tt>/usr/local/Isabelle/bin/Isabelle</tt> to launch the
Proof General interface for Isabelle/Isar. Note that there is a
separate option in the Proof General <em>Options</em> menu to enable
<h3>Running Isabelle on Windows</h3>
Windows is not an officially supported platform for runnning Isabelle,
but a friendly user, Norbert Völker, <a
a page with tips</a> on how to get the core system working anyway.
For a complete system we recommend to run some recent version of
Solaris, Darwin, or Linux.