(* Title: Pure/ML-Systems/polyml.ML
Compatibility wrapper for Poly/ML 5.3.0.
use "ML-Systems/unsynchronized.ML";
open Thread;
structure ML_Name_Space =
open PolyML.NameSpace;
type T = PolyML.NameSpace.nameSpace;
val global = PolyML.globalNameSpace;
fun reraise exn =
(case PolyML.exceptionLocation exn of
NONE => raise exn
| SOME location => PolyML.raiseWithLocation (exn, location));
use "ML-Systems/polyml_common.ML";
use "ML-Systems/multithreading_polyml.ML";
val pointer_eq = PolyML.pointerEq;
fun share_common_data () = PolyML.shareCommonData PolyML.rootFunction;
use "ML-Systems/compiler_polyml-5.3.ML";
PolyML.Compiler.reportUnreferencedIds := true;
(* toplevel pretty printing *)
val pretty_ml =
fun convert len (PolyML.PrettyBlock (ind, _, context, prts)) =
fun property name default =
(case List.find (fn PolyML.ContextProperty (a, _) => name = a | _ => false) context of
SOME (PolyML.ContextProperty (_, b)) => b
| NONE => default);
val bg = property "begin" "";
val en = property "end" "";
val len' = property "length" len;
in ML_Pretty.Block ((bg, en), map (convert len') prts, ind) end
| convert len (PolyML.PrettyString s) =
ML_Pretty.String (s, case Int.fromString len of SOME i => i | NONE => size s)
| convert _ (PolyML.PrettyBreak (wd, _)) =
ML_Pretty.Break (if wd < 99999 then (false, wd) else (true, 2));
in convert "" end;
fun ml_pretty (ML_Pretty.Block ((bg, en), prts, ind)) =
let val context =
(if bg = "" then [] else [PolyML.ContextProperty ("begin", bg)]) @
(if en = "" then [] else [PolyML.ContextProperty ("end", en)])
in PolyML.PrettyBlock (ind, false, context, map ml_pretty prts) end
| ml_pretty (ML_Pretty.String (s, len)) =
if len = size s then PolyML.PrettyString s
else PolyML.PrettyBlock
(0, false, [PolyML.ContextProperty ("length", Int.toString len)], [PolyML.PrettyString s])
| ml_pretty (ML_Pretty.Break (false, wd)) = PolyML.PrettyBreak (wd, 0)
| ml_pretty (ML_Pretty.Break (true, _)) = PolyML.PrettyBreak (99999, 0);
fun toplevel_pp context (_: string list) pp =
use_text context (1, "pp") false
("PolyML.addPrettyPrinter (fn _ => fn _ => ml_pretty o Pretty.to_ML o (" ^ pp ^ "))");