(* Title: HOL/Integ/qelim.ML
ID: $Id$
Author: Amine Chaieb and Tobias Nipkow, TU Muenchen
File containing the implementation of the proof protocoling
and proof generation for multiple quantified formulae.
signature QELIM =
val proof_of_mlift_qelim: Sign.sg -> (term -> bool) ->
(string list -> term -> thm) -> (term -> thm) ->
(string list -> term -> thm) -> term -> thm
structure Qelim : QELIM =
open CooperDec;
open CooperProof;
(*--- ---*)
(*--- ---*)
(*--- Protocoling part ---*)
(*--- ---*)
(*--- includes the protocolling datastructure ---*)
(*--- ---*)
(*--- and the protocolling fuctions ---*)
(*--- ---*)
(*--- ---*)
(*--- ---*)
val cboolT = ctyp_of (sign_of HOL.thy) HOLogic.boolT;
(* List of the theorems to be used in the following*)
val qe_ex_conj = thm "qe_ex_conj";
val qe_ex_nconj = thm "qe_ex_nconj";
val qe_ALL = thm "qe_ALL";
(*Datatype declaration for the protocoling procedure.*)
datatype QeLog = AFN of term*(string list)
|QFN of term*(string list)
|ExConj of term*QeLog
|ExDisj of (string*typ*term)*term*QeLog*QeLog
|QeConst of string*QeLog*QeLog
|QeNot of QeLog
|QeAll of QeLog
|Lift_Qelim of term*QeLog
|QeUnk of term;
datatype mQeLog = mQeProof of (string list)*mQeLog
|mAFN of term
|mNFN of mQeLog
|mQeConst of string*mQeLog*mQeLog
|mQeNot of mQeLog
|mQelim of term*(string list)*mQeLog
|mQeAll of mQeLog
|mQefm of term;
(* This is the protokoling my function for the quantifier elimination*)
fun mlift_qelim_wp isat vars =
let fun mqelift_wp vars fm = if (isat fm) then mAFN(fm)
(case fm of
( Const ("Not",_) $ p) => mQeNot(mqelift_wp vars p)
|( Const ("op &",_) $ p $q) => mQeConst("CJ", mqelift_wp vars p,mqelift_wp vars q)
|( Const ("op |",_) $ p $q) => mQeConst("DJ", mqelift_wp vars p,mqelift_wp vars q)
|( Const ("op -->",_) $ p $q) => mQeConst("IM", mqelift_wp vars p,mqelift_wp vars q)
|( Const ("op =",Type ("fun",[Type ("bool", []),_])) $ p $q) =>mQeConst("EQ", mqelift_wp vars p,mqelift_wp vars q)
|( Const ("All",QT) $ Abs(x,T,p)) =>mQeAll (mqelift_wp vars (Const("Ex",QT) $ Abs(x,T,(HOLogic.Not $ p))))
|(Const ("Ex",_) $ Abs (x,T,p)) =>
let val (x1,p1) = variant_abs (x,T,p)
val prt = mqelift_wp (x1::vars) p1
in mQelim(Free(x1,T),vars,mNFN(prt))
| _ => mQefm(fm)
in (fn fm => mQeProof(vars,mNFN(mqelift_wp vars fm )))
(*--- ---*)
(*--- ---*)
(*--- Interpretation and Proofgeneration Part ---*)
(*--- ---*)
(*--- Protocole interpretation functions ---*)
(*--- ---*)
(*--- and proofgeneration functions ---*)
(*--- ---*)
(*--- ---*)
(*--- ---*)
(*--- ---*)
(*function that interpretates the protokol generated by the _wp function*)
(* proof_of_lift_qelim interpretates a protokol for the quantifier elimination one some quantified formula. It uses the functions afnp nfnp and qfnp as proof functions to generate a prove for the hole quantifier elimination.*)
(* afnp : must retun a proof for the transformations on the atomic formalae*)
(* nfnp : must return a proof for the post one-quatifiers elimination process*)
(* qfnp mus return a proof for the one quantifier elimination (existential) *)
(* All these function are independent of the theory on whitch we are trying to prove quantifier elimination*)
(* But the following invariants mus be respected : *)
(* afnp : term -> string list -> thm*)
(* nfnp : term -> thm*)
(* qfnp : term -> string list -> thm*)
(*For all theorms generated by these function must hold :*)
(* All of them are logical equivalences.*)
(* on left side of the equivalence must appear the term exactely as ist was given as a parameter (or eventually modulo Gamma, where Gamma are the rules whitch are allowed to be used during unification ex. beta reduction.....)*)
(* qfnp must take as an argument for the term an existential quantified formula*)
fun proof_of_mlift_qelim sg isat afnp nfnp qfnp =
let fun h_proof_of_mlift_qelim isat afnp nfnp qfnp prtkl vrl =
(case prtkl of
mAFN (fm) => afnp vrl fm
|mNFN (prt) => let val th1 = h_proof_of_mlift_qelim isat afnp nfnp qfnp prt vrl
val th2 = nfnp (snd (qe_get_terms th1))
in [th1,th2] MRS trans
|mQeConst (s,pr1,pr2) =>
let val th1 = h_proof_of_mlift_qelim isat afnp nfnp qfnp pr1 vrl
val th2 = h_proof_of_mlift_qelim isat afnp nfnp qfnp pr2 vrl
in (case s of
"CJ" => [th1,th2] MRS (qe_conjI)
|"DJ" => [th1,th2] MRS (qe_disjI)
|"IM" => [th1,th2] MRS (qe_impI)
|"EQ" => [th1,th2] MRS (qe_eqI)
|mQeNot (pr) =>(h_proof_of_mlift_qelim isat afnp nfnp qfnp pr vrl ) RS (qe_Not)
|mQeAll(pr) => (h_proof_of_mlift_qelim isat afnp nfnp qfnp pr vrl ) RS (qe_ALL)
|mQelim (x as (Free(xn,xT)),vl,pr) =>
let val th_1 = h_proof_of_mlift_qelim isat afnp nfnp qfnp pr vl
val mQeProof(l2,pr2) = mlift_qelim_wp isat (xn::vrl) (snd(qe_get_terms th_1))
val th_2 = [th_1,(h_proof_of_mlift_qelim isat afnp nfnp qfnp pr2 l2)] MRS trans
val th1 = (forall_intr (cterm_of sg x) th_2) COMP (qe_exI)
val th2 = qfnp vl (snd (qe_get_terms th1))
in [th1,th2] MRS trans
|mQefm (fm) => instantiate' [Some cboolT] [Some (cterm_of sg fm)] refl
in (fn fm => let val mQeProof(vars,prt) = (mlift_qelim_wp isat (fv fm) fm)
in (h_proof_of_mlift_qelim isat afnp nfnp qfnp prt vars)