Isabelle Binary Distribution
<h2>(1) Linux/x86 systems with RPM</h2>
This is the binary distribution of <!-- _GP_ distname --> for
Linux/x86 systems. It requires RPM based package management (as used
by most Linux distributions), and <em>root</em> user access to
<!-- _GP_ setdowncolor("#E0E0E0") -->
<table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="4" width="520">
<!-- _GP_ download("Poly/ML system", "contrib/polyml.i386.rpm", "../..") -->
<!-- _GP_ download("Isabelle main system", "isabelle.rpm", "../..") -->
<!-- _GP_ download("Isabelle/HOL image", "isabelle-HOL.i386.rpm", "../..") -->
<!-- _GP_ download("Isabelle/HOL-Real image (optional)", "isabelle-HOL-Real.i386.rpm", "../..") -->
<!-- _GP_ download("Isabelle/ZF image (optional)", "isabelle-ZF.i386.rpm", "../..") -->
<!-- _GP_ download("Isabelle pdf documentation (optional)", "isabelle-pdfdocs.rpm", "../..") -->
<!-- _GP_ download("Proof General system (recommended)", "contrib/proofgeneral.rpm", "../..") -->
<!-- _GP_ download("X-Symbol package (recommended)", "contrib/xsymbol.rpm", "../..") -->
Example installation in <tt>/usr/share</tt> (the default location).
rpm -i --prefix /usr/share polyml.i386.rpm
rpm -i --prefix /usr/share isabelle.rpm
rpm -i --prefix /usr/share isabelle-HOL.i386.rpm
rpm -i --prefix /usr/share proofgeneral.rpm #requires XEmacs-21
rpm -i --prefix /usr/share xsymbol.rpm #requires XEmacs-21
<h2>(2) Generic Linux/x86 or Solaris/Sparc systems</h2>
The following distribution of <!-- _GP_ distname --> works for any
Linux/x86 or Solaris/Sparc system -- only Poly/ML is platform
dependent. Installation does not rely on package management; it may
be performed by non-root users as well.
<!-- _GP_ setdowncolor("#E0E0E0") -->
<table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="4" width="520">
<!-- _GP_ download("Poly/ML base system", "contrib/polyml.tar.gz", "../..") -->
<!-- _GP_ download("Poly/ML module for Linux/x86", "contrib/polyml_x86-linux.tar.gz", "../..") -->
<!-- _GP_ download("Poly/ML module for Solaris/Sparc", "contrib/polyml_sparc-solaris.tar.gz", "../..") -->
<!-- _GP_ download("Isabelle main system", distname . ".tar.gz", "../..") -->
<!-- _GP_ download("Isabelle pdf documentation (optional)", distname . "_pdf.tar.gz", "../..") --> <!-- _GP_ download("Proof General system (recommended)", "contrib/proofgeneral.tar.gz", "../..") -->
<!-- _GP_ download("X-Symbol package (recommended)", "contrib/xsymbol.tar.gz", "../..") -->
Example installation in <tt>/usr/share</tt> for Linux/x86.
tar -C /usr/share -x -z -f polyml.tar.gz
tar -C /usr/share -x -z -f polyml_x86-linux.tar.gz
tar -C /usr/share -x -z -f <!-- _GP_ distname . ".tar.gz"-->
tar -C /usr/share -x -z -f proofgeneral.tar.gz #requires XEmacs-21
tar -C /usr/share -x -z -f xsymbol.tar.gz #requires XEmacs-21
cd <!-- _GP_ "/usr/share/" . distname -->
./bin/isatool install -p /usr/bin