author wenzelm
Tue, 22 Oct 2024 19:26:40 +0200
changeset 81232 9867b5cf3f7a
parent 81218 94bace5078ba
child 81251 89ea66c2045b
permissions -rw-r--r--
more concise representation of term positions;

(*  Title:      Pure/Syntax/term_position.ML
    Author:     Makarius

Positions within term syntax trees (non-empty list).

signature TERM_POSITION =
  val pretty: Position.T list -> Pretty.T
  val encode: Position.T list -> string
  val detect: string -> bool
  val decode: string -> Position.T list
  val detect_position: term -> bool
  val decode_position: term -> (Position.T list * typ) option
  val decode_position1: term -> Position.T option
  val detect_positionT: typ -> bool
  val decode_positionT: typ -> Position.T list
  val decode_positionS: sort -> Position.T list * sort
  val markers: string list
  val strip_positions: term -> term

structure Term_Position: TERM_POSITION =

(* markup *)

val position_dummy = "<position>";
val position_text = XML.Text position_dummy;

fun pretty ps = Pretty.marks_str (map Position.markup ps, position_dummy);

fun encode_pos pos = XML.Elem (Position.markup pos, [position_text]);

fun decode_pos (XML.Elem ((name, props), [arg])) =
      if name = Markup.positionN andalso arg = position_text
      then SOME (Position.of_properties props)
      else NONE
  | decode_pos _ = NONE;

(* encode *)

val encode_none = YXML.string_of (encode_pos Position.none);

fun encode ps =
  (case remove (op =) Position.none ps of
    [] => encode_none
  | ps' => YXML.string_of_body (map encode_pos (distinct (op =) ps')));

val encode_prefix = YXML.XY ^ Markup.positionN;

(* decode *)

val detect = String.isPrefix encode_prefix;

fun decode str =
  if str = encode_none then [Position.none]
  else if detect str then
      val xml = YXML.parse_body str handle Fail msg => error msg;
      val ps = map decode_pos xml;
      if not (null ps) andalso forall is_some ps then map the ps
      else if forall is_none ps then []
      else error ("Bad encoded positions: " ^ quote str)
  else [];

(* positions within parse trees *)

fun detect_position (Free (x, _)) = detect x
  | detect_position _ = false;

fun decode_position (Free (x, _)) =
      (case decode x of
        [] => NONE
      | ps => SOME (ps, TFree (x, dummyS)))
  | decode_position _ = NONE;

fun decode_position1 (Free (x, _)) =
      (case decode x of
        [] => NONE
      | pos :: _ => SOME pos)
  | decode_position1 _ = NONE;

fun detect_positionT (TFree (x, _)) = detect x
  | detect_positionT _ = false;

fun decode_positionT (TFree (x, _)) = decode x
  | decode_positionT _ = [];

fun decode_positionS cs =
  let val (ps, sort) = List.partition detect cs
  in (maps decode ps, sort) end;

(* strip_positions *)

val markers = ["_constrain", "_constrainAbs", "_ofsort"];

fun strip_positions ((t as Const (c, _)) $ u $ v) =
      if member (op =) markers c andalso detect_position v
      then strip_positions u
      else t $ strip_positions u $ strip_positions v
  | strip_positions (t $ u) = strip_positions t $ strip_positions u
  | strip_positions (Abs (x, T, t)) = Abs (x, T, strip_positions t)
  | strip_positions t = t;
