author wenzelm
Fri, 15 Nov 2024 13:31:36 +0100
changeset 81448 9b2e13b3ee43
parent 81398 f92ea68473f2
permissions -rw-r--r--
more rebust mechanics of refresh (see also 82110cbcf9a1 and 2d9b6e32632d): painter.getFontRenderContext might be in undefined state (notably on macOS due to display scaling);

/*  Title:      Tools/jEdit/src/graphview_dockable.scala
    Author:     Makarius

Stateless dockable window for graphview.

package isabelle.jedit

import isabelle._

import javax.swing.JComponent
import java.awt.{Point, Font}
import java.awt.event.{WindowFocusListener, WindowEvent}

import org.gjt.sp.jedit.View

import scala.swing.TextArea

object Graphview_Dockable {
  /* implicit arguments -- owned by GUI thread */

  private var implicit_snapshot = Document.Snapshot.init

  private val no_graph: Exn.Result[Graph_Display.Graph] = Exn.Exn(ERROR("No graph"))
  private var implicit_graph = no_graph

  private def set_implicit(
    snapshot: Document.Snapshot,
    graph: Exn.Result[Graph_Display.Graph]
  ): Unit = {
    GUI_Thread.require {}

    implicit_snapshot = snapshot
    implicit_graph = graph

  private def reset_implicit(): Unit =
    set_implicit(Document.Snapshot.init, no_graph)

  class Handler extends Active.Handler {
    override def handle(
      view: View,
      text: String,
      elem: XML.Elem,
      doc_view: Document_View,
      snapshot: Document.Snapshot
    ): Boolean = {
      elem match {
        case XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.GRAPHVIEW, _), body) =>
          Isabelle_Thread.fork(name = "graphview") {
            val graph =
              Exn.capture {
            GUI_Thread.later {
              set_implicit(snapshot, graph)
        case _ => false

class Graphview_Dockable(view: View, position: String) extends Dockable(view, position) {
  private val snapshot = Graphview_Dockable.implicit_snapshot
  private val graph_result = Graphview_Dockable.implicit_graph

  private val window_focus_listener =
    new WindowFocusListener {
      def windowGainedFocus(e: WindowEvent): Unit =
        Graphview_Dockable.set_implicit(snapshot, graph_result)
      def windowLostFocus(e: WindowEvent): Unit =

  val graphview =
    graph_result match {
      case Exn.Res(graph) =>
        val graphview = new isabelle.graphview.Graphview(graph) {
          def options: Options = PIDE.options.value

          override def make_tooltip(parent: JComponent, x: Int, y: Int, tip: XML.Elem): String = {
            Pretty_Tooltip.invoke(() =>
                val model = File_Model.init(PIDE.session)
                val rendering = JEdit_Rendering(snapshot, model, options)
                val loc = new Point(x, y)
                Pretty_Tooltip(view, parent, loc, rendering, Command.Results.empty, List(tip))

          override def make_font(): Font =
            if (editor_style) GUI.imitate_font(Font_Info.main().font)
                family = options.string("graphview_font_family"),
                scale = options.real("graphview_font_scale"))

          override def foreground_color =
            if (editor_style) view.getTextArea.getPainter.getForeground
            else super.foreground_color

          override def background_color =
            if (editor_style) view.getTextArea.getPainter.getBackground
            else super.background_color

          override def selection_color =
            if (editor_style) view.getTextArea.getPainter.getSelectionColor
            else super.selection_color

          override def highlight_color =
            if (editor_style) view.getTextArea.getPainter.getLineHighlightColor
            else super.highlight_color

          override def error_color = PIDE.options.color_value("error_color")

          editor_style = true
        new isabelle.graphview.Main_Panel(graphview)
      case Exn.Exn(exn) => new TextArea(Exn.message(exn))

  override def focusOnDefaultComponent(): Unit = {
    graphview match {
      case main_panel: isabelle.graphview.Main_Panel =>
      case _ =>

  /* main */

  private val main =
    Session.Consumer[Session.Global_Options](getClass.getName) {
      case _: Session.Global_Options =>
        GUI_Thread.later {
          graphview match {
            case main_panel: isabelle.graphview.Main_Panel =>
            case _ =>

  override def init(): Unit = {
    PIDE.session.global_options += main

  override def exit(): Unit = {
    PIDE.session.global_options -= main