author paulson <>
Wed, 19 Oct 2022 13:41:42 +0100
changeset 76339 9e1fef7b4f29
parent 76006 c9d56340b56e
permissions -rw-r--r--
deleted unused material

chapter_definition HOL
  description "
    Higher-Order Logic.

    Isabelle/HOL is a version of classical higher-order logic resembling
    that of the HOL System (

chapter_definition FOL
  description "
    First-Order Logic with some variations: single-sorted vs. many-sorted
    (polymorphic), classical vs. intuitionistic, domain-theory (LCF) vs.
    set-theory (ZF).

chapter_definition Pure
  description "
    The Pure logical framework.

    Isabelle/Pure is a version of intuitionistic higher-order logic that
    expresses rules for Natural Deduction declaratively.

chapter_definition Misc
  description "
    Miscellaneous object-logics, tools, and experiments.

chapter_definition Doc
  description "
    Sources of Documentation.

chapter_definition Unsorted
  description "
    Sessions without 'chapter' declaration.