(* Title: Pure/General/completion.ML
Author: Makarius
Semantic completion within the formal context.
signature COMPLETION =
type name = string * (string * string)
type T
val names: Position.T -> name list -> T
val none: T
val make: string * Position.T -> ((string -> bool) -> name list) -> T
val encode: T -> XML.body
val markup_element: T -> (Markup.T * XML.body) option
val markup_report: T list -> string
val make_report: string * Position.T -> ((string -> bool) -> name list) -> string
val suppress_abbrevs: string -> Markup.T list
val check_option: Options.T -> Proof.context -> string * Position.T -> string
val check_option_value:
Proof.context -> string * Position.T -> string * Position.T -> Options.T -> string * Options.T
structure Completion: COMPLETION =
(* completion of names *)
type name = string * (string * string); (*external name, kind, internal name*)
abstype T = Completion of {pos: Position.T, total: int, names: name list}
fun dest (Completion args) = args;
fun names pos names =
{pos = pos,
total = length names,
names = take (Options.default_int "completion_limit") names};
val none = names Position.none [];
fun make (name, pos) make_names =
if Position.is_reported pos andalso name <> "" andalso name <> "_"
then names pos (make_names (String.isPrefix (Name.clean name)))
else none;
fun encode completion =
val {total, names, ...} = dest completion;
open XML.Encode;
in pair int (list (pair string (pair string string))) (total, names) end;
fun markup_element completion =
let val {pos, names, ...} = dest completion in
if Position.is_reported pos andalso not (null names) then
SOME (Position.markup pos Markup.completion, encode completion)
else NONE
val markup_report =
map_filter markup_element #> map XML.Elem #> YXML.string_of_body #> Markup.markup_report;
val make_report = markup_report oo (single oo make);
(* suppress short abbreviations *)
fun suppress_abbrevs s =
if not (Symbol.is_ascii_identifier s) andalso (length (Symbol.explode s) <= 1 orelse s = "::")
then [Markup.no_completion]
else [];
(* system options *)
fun check_option options ctxt (name, pos) =
val markup =
Options.markup options (name, pos) handle ERROR msg =>
val completion_report =
make_report (name, pos) (fn completed =>
Options.names options
|> filter completed
|> map (fn a => (a, ("system_option", a))));
in error (msg ^ completion_report) end;
val _ = Context_Position.report ctxt pos markup;
in name end;
fun check_option_value ctxt (name, pos) (value, pos') options =
val _ = check_option options ctxt (name, pos);
val options' =
Options.update name value options
handle ERROR msg => error (msg ^ Position.here pos');
in (name, options') end;