(* Title: Pure/Concurrent/lazy_sequential.ML
Author: Florian Haftmann and Makarius, TU Muenchen
Lazy evaluation with memoing of results and regular exceptions
(sequential version).
structure Lazy: LAZY =
(* datatype *)
datatype 'a expr =
Expr of unit -> 'a |
Result of 'a Exn.result;
abstype 'a lazy = Lazy of 'a expr Unsynchronized.ref
fun lazy e = Lazy (Unsynchronized.ref (Expr e));
fun value a = Lazy (Unsynchronized.ref (Result (Exn.Res a)));
fun peek (Lazy r) =
(case ! r of
Expr _ => NONE
| Result res => SOME res);
fun is_running _ = false;
fun is_finished x = is_some (peek x);
val finished_result = peek;
(* force result *)
fun force_result (Lazy r) =
val result =
(case ! r of
Expr e => Exn.capture e ()
| Result res => res);
val _ = if Exn.is_interrupt_exn result then () else r := Result result;
in result end;
fun force r = Exn.release (force_result r);
fun map f x = lazy (fn () => f (force x));
(* future evaluation *)
fun future params x =
if is_finished x then Future.value_result (force_result x)
else (singleton o Future.forks) params (fn () => force x);
type 'a lazy = 'a Lazy.lazy;