%%\includeonly{Types/types} %%UNCOMMENT to process only selected chapters
%last package!
\remarkstrue %TRUE causes remarks to be displayed (as marginal notes)
\index{conditional expressions|see{\isa{if} expressions}}
\index{primitive recursion|see{recursion, primitive}}
\index{product type|see{pairs and tuples}}
\index{structural induction|see{induction, structural}}
\index{termination|see{functions, total}}
\index{tuples|see{pairs and tuples}}
\index{*<*lex*>|see{lexicographic product}}
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{2} \setcounter{tocdepth}{2} %% {secnumdepth}{2}???
\\ \vspace{0.5cm} A Proof Assistant for Higher-Order Logic
\author{Tobias Nipkow \quad Lawrence C. Paulson \quad Markus Wenzel%\\[1ex]
%Technische Universit{\"a}t M{\"u}nchen \\
%Institut f{\"u}r Informatik \\[1ex]
%University of Cambridge\\
%Computer Laboratory
%\LARGE In memoriam \\[1ex]
%{\sc Annette Schumann}\\[1ex]
%1959 -- 2001
\part{Elementary Techniques}
\part{Logic and Sets}
\part{Advanced Material}
{\large\sf\slshape You know my methods. Apply them!}\\[1ex]
Sherlock Holmes