(* Title: Pure/PIDE/command.ML
Author: Makarius
Prover command execution: read -- eval -- print.
signature COMMAND =
val read: (unit -> theory) -> Token.T list -> Toplevel.transition
type eval
val eval_eq: eval * eval -> bool
val eval_running: eval -> bool
val eval_finished: eval -> bool
val eval_result_state: eval -> Toplevel.state
val eval: (unit -> theory) -> Token.T list -> eval -> eval
type print
val print: bool -> (string * string list) list -> string ->
eval -> print list -> print list option
type print_fn = Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.state -> unit
val print_function: string ->
({command_name: string, args: string list} ->
{delay: Time.time option, pri: int, persistent: bool, print_fn: print_fn} option) -> unit
val no_print_function: string -> unit
type exec = eval * print list
val no_exec: exec
val exec_ids: exec option -> Document_ID.exec list
val exec: Document_ID.execution -> exec -> unit
structure Command: COMMAND =
(** memo results **)
datatype 'a expr =
Expr of Document_ID.exec * (unit -> 'a) |
Result of 'a Exn.result;
abstype 'a memo = Memo of 'a expr Synchronized.var
fun memo exec_id e = Memo (Synchronized.var "Command.memo" (Expr (exec_id, e)));
fun memo_value a = Memo (Synchronized.var "Command.memo" (Result (Exn.Res a)));
fun memo_result (Memo v) =
(case Synchronized.value v of
Expr (exec_id, _) => error ("Unfinished execution result: " ^ Document_ID.print exec_id)
| Result res => Exn.release res);
fun memo_finished (Memo v) =
(case Synchronized.value v of Expr _ => false | Result _ => true);
fun memo_exec execution_id (Memo v) =
Synchronized.timed_access v (K (SOME Time.zeroTime))
(fn expr =>
(case expr of
Expr (exec_id, body) =>
uninterruptible (fn restore_attributes => fn () =>
if Execution.running execution_id exec_id then
val res =
|> restore_attributes
|> Future.worker_nest "Command.memo_exec"
|> Exn.interruptible_capture) ();
in SOME ((), Result res) end
else SOME ((), expr)) ()
| Result _ => SOME ((), expr)))
|> (fn NONE => error "Conflicting command execution" | _ => ());
fun memo_fork params execution_id (Memo v) =
(case Synchronized.value v of
Result _ => ()
| _ => ignore ((singleton o Future.forks) params (fn () => memo_exec execution_id (Memo v))));
(** main phases of execution **)
(* read *)
fun read init span =
val outer_syntax = #2 (Outer_Syntax.get_syntax ());
val command_reports = Outer_Syntax.command_reports outer_syntax;
val proper_range =
Position.set_range (Token.position_range_of (#1 (take_suffix Token.is_improper span)));
val pos =
(case find_first Token.is_command span of
SOME tok => Token.position_of tok
| NONE => proper_range);
val (is_malformed, token_reports) = Thy_Syntax.reports_of_tokens span;
val _ = Position.reports_text (token_reports @ maps command_reports span);
if is_malformed then Toplevel.malformed pos "Malformed command syntax"
(case Outer_Syntax.read_spans outer_syntax span of
[tr] =>
if Keyword.is_control (Toplevel.name_of tr) then
Toplevel.malformed pos "Illegal control command"
else Toplevel.modify_init init tr
| [] => Toplevel.ignored (Position.set_range (Token.position_range_of span))
| _ => Toplevel.malformed proper_range "Exactly one command expected")
handle ERROR msg => Toplevel.malformed proper_range msg
(* eval *)
type eval_state =
{failed: bool, malformed: bool, command: Toplevel.transition, state: Toplevel.state};
val init_eval_state =
{failed = false, malformed = false, command = Toplevel.empty, state = Toplevel.toplevel};
datatype eval = Eval of {exec_id: Document_ID.exec, eval_process: eval_state memo};
fun eval_eq (Eval {exec_id, ...}, Eval {exec_id = exec_id', ...}) = exec_id = exec_id';
fun eval_running (Eval {exec_id, ...}) = Execution.is_running_exec exec_id;
fun eval_finished (Eval {eval_process, ...}) = memo_finished eval_process;
fun eval_result (Eval {eval_process, ...}) = memo_result eval_process;
val eval_result_state = #state o eval_result;
fun run int tr st =
if Goal.future_enabled () andalso Keyword.is_diag (Toplevel.name_of tr) then
(Goal.fork_params {name = "Toplevel.diag", pos = Toplevel.pos_of tr, pri = ~1}
(fn () => Toplevel.command_exception int tr st); ([], SOME st))
else Toplevel.command_errors int tr st;
fun check_cmts span tr st' =
Toplevel.setmp_thread_position tr
(fn () =>
Outer_Syntax.side_comments span |> maps (fn cmt =>
(Thy_Output.check_text (Token.source_position_of cmt) st'; [])
handle exn =>
if Exn.is_interrupt exn then reraise exn
else ML_Compiler.exn_messages_ids exn)) ();
fun proof_status tr st =
(case try Toplevel.proof_of st of
SOME prf => Toplevel.status tr (Proof.status_markup prf)
| NONE => ());
fun eval_state span tr ({malformed, state = st, ...}: eval_state) =
if malformed then
{failed = true, malformed = malformed, command = tr, state = Toplevel.toplevel}
val malformed' = Toplevel.is_malformed tr;
val is_init = Toplevel.is_init tr;
val is_proof = Keyword.is_proof (Toplevel.name_of tr);
val _ = Multithreading.interrupted ();
val _ = Toplevel.status tr Markup.running;
val (errs1, result) = run (is_init orelse is_proof) (Toplevel.set_print false tr) st;
val errs2 = (case result of NONE => [] | SOME st' => check_cmts span tr st');
val errs = errs1 @ errs2;
val _ = Toplevel.status tr Markup.finished;
val _ = List.app (Future.error_msg (Toplevel.pos_of tr)) errs;
(case result of
val _ = if null errs then Exn.interrupt () else ();
val _ = Toplevel.status tr Markup.failed;
in {failed = true, malformed = malformed', command = tr, state = st} end
| SOME st' =>
val _ = proof_status tr st';
in {failed = false, malformed = malformed', command = tr, state = st'} end)
fun eval init span eval0 =
val exec_id = Document_ID.make ();
fun process () =
val tr =
Position.setmp_thread_data (Position.id_only (Document_ID.print exec_id))
(fn () => read init span |> Toplevel.exec_id exec_id) ();
in eval_state span tr (eval_result eval0) end;
in Eval {exec_id = exec_id, eval_process = memo exec_id process} end;
(* print *)
datatype print = Print of
{name: string, args: string list, delay: Time.time option, pri: int, persistent: bool,
exec_id: Document_ID.exec, print_process: unit memo};
type print_fn = Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.state -> unit;
type print_function =
{command_name: string, args: string list} ->
{delay: Time.time option, pri: int, persistent: bool, print_fn: print_fn} option;
val print_functions =
Synchronized.var "Command.print_functions" ([]: (string * print_function) list);
fun print_error tr e =
(Toplevel.setmp_thread_position tr o Runtime.controlled_execution) e ()
handle exn =>
if Exn.is_interrupt exn then reraise exn
else List.app (Future.error_msg (Toplevel.pos_of tr)) (ML_Compiler.exn_messages_ids exn);
fun print_eq (Print {exec_id, ...}, Print {exec_id = exec_id', ...}) = exec_id = exec_id';
fun print_finished (Print {print_process, ...}) = memo_finished print_process;
fun print_persistent (Print {persistent, ...}) = persistent;
fun print command_visible command_overlays command_name eval old_prints =
val print_functions = Synchronized.value print_functions;
fun new_print name args get_pr =
fun make_print strict {delay, pri, persistent, print_fn} =
val exec_id = Document_ID.make ();
fun process () =
val {failed, command, state = st', ...} = eval_result eval;
val tr = Toplevel.exec_id exec_id command;
if failed andalso not strict then ()
else print_error tr (fn () => print_fn tr st')
Print {
name = name, args = args, delay = delay, pri = pri, persistent = persistent,
exec_id = exec_id, print_process = memo exec_id process}
val params = {command_name = command_name, args = args};
(case Exn.capture (Runtime.controlled_execution get_pr) params of
Exn.Res NONE => NONE
| Exn.Res (SOME pr) => SOME (make_print false pr)
| Exn.Exn exn =>
SOME (make_print true
{delay = NONE, pri = 0, persistent = false, print_fn = fn _ => fn _ => reraise exn}))
fun get_print (a, b) =
(case find_first (fn Print {name, args, ...} => name = a andalso args = b) old_prints of
(case AList.lookup (op =) print_functions a of
| SOME get_pr => new_print a b get_pr)
| some => some);
val new_prints =
if command_visible then
distinct (op =) (fold (fn (a, _) => cons (a, [])) print_functions command_overlays)
|> map_filter get_print
else filter (fn print => print_finished print andalso print_persistent print) old_prints;
if eq_list print_eq (old_prints, new_prints) then NONE else SOME new_prints
fun print_function name f =
Synchronized.change print_functions (fn funs =>
(if not (AList.defined (op =) funs name) then ()
else warning ("Redefining command print function: " ^ quote name);
AList.update (op =) (name, f) funs));
fun no_print_function name =
Synchronized.change print_functions (filter_out (equal name o #1));
val _ =
print_function "print_state"
(fn {command_name, ...} =>
SOME {delay = NONE, pri = 1, persistent = true,
print_fn = fn tr => fn st' =>
val is_init = Keyword.is_theory_begin command_name;
val is_proof = Keyword.is_proof command_name;
val do_print =
not is_init andalso
(Toplevel.print_of tr orelse (is_proof andalso Toplevel.is_proof st'));
in if do_print then Toplevel.print_state false st' else () end});
(* combined execution *)
type exec = eval * print list;
val no_exec: exec =
(Eval {exec_id = Document_ID.none, eval_process = memo_value init_eval_state}, []);
fun exec_ids NONE = []
| exec_ids (SOME (Eval {exec_id, ...}, prints)) =
exec_id :: map (fn Print {exec_id, ...} => exec_id) prints;
fun run_print execution_id (Print {name, delay, pri, print_process, ...}) =
if Multithreading.enabled () then
val group = Future.worker_subgroup ();
fun fork () =
memo_fork {name = name, group = SOME group, deps = [], pri = pri, interrupts = true}
execution_id print_process;
(case delay of
NONE => fork ()
| SOME d => ignore (Event_Timer.request (Time.+ (Time.now (), d)) fork))
else memo_exec execution_id print_process;
fun exec execution_id (Eval {eval_process, ...}, prints) =
(memo_exec execution_id eval_process; List.app (run_print execution_id) prints);