/* Title: Pure/Build/browser_info.scala
Author: Makarius
HTML/PDF presentation of PIDE document information.
package isabelle
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap
import scala.collection.mutable
object Browser_Info {
/* browser_info store configuration */
object Config {
val none: Config = new Config { def enabled: Boolean = false }
val standard: Config = new Config { def enabled: Boolean = true }
def dir(path: Path): Config =
new Config {
def enabled: Boolean = true
override def presentation_dir(store: Store): Path = path
def make(s: String): Config =
if (s == ":") standard else dir(Path.explode(s))
abstract class Config private {
def enabled: Boolean
def enabled(info: Sessions.Info): Boolean = enabled || info.browser_info
def presentation_dir(store: Store): Path = store.presentation_dir
/* meta info within the file-system */
object Meta_Info {
/* directory */
val PATH: Path = Path.explode(".browser_info")
def check_directory(dir: Path): Unit = {
if (dir.is_dir && !(dir + PATH).is_dir && File.read_dir(dir).nonEmpty) {
error("Existing content in " + dir.expand + " lacks " + PATH + " meta info.\n" +
"To avoid potential disaster, it has not been changed automatically.\n" +
"If this is the intended directory, please move/remove/empty it manually.")
def init_directory(dir: Path): Path = {
Isabelle_System.make_directory(dir + PATH)
def clean_directory(dir: Path): Path = {
Isabelle_System.rm_tree(dir) // guarded by check_directory!
Isabelle_System.new_directory(dir + PATH)
/* content */
def make_path(dir: Path, name: String): Path =
dir + PATH + Path.basic(name)
def value(dir: Path, name: String): String = {
val path = make_path(dir, name)
if (path.is_file) File.read(path) else ""
def change(dir: Path, name: String)(f: String => String): Unit = {
val path = make_path(dir, name)
val x = value(dir, name)
val y =
try { f(x) }
catch { case ERROR(msg) => error("Failed to change " + path.expand + ":\n" + msg)}
if (x != y) File.write(path, y)
/* build_uuid */
val BUILD_UUID = "build_uuid"
def check_build_uuid(dir: Path, uuid: String): Boolean = {
val uuid0 = value(dir, BUILD_UUID)
uuid0.nonEmpty && uuid.nonEmpty && uuid0 == uuid
def set_build_uuid(dir: Path, uuid: String): Unit =
change(dir, BUILD_UUID)(_ => uuid)
/* index */
val INDEX = "index.json"
object Item {
def parse(json: JSON.T): Item = {
def err(): Nothing =
error("Bad JSON object for item:\n" + JSON.Format.pretty_print(json))
val obj = JSON.Object.unapply(json) getOrElse err()
val name = JSON.string(obj, "name") getOrElse err()
val description = JSON.string(obj, "description") getOrElse ""
Item(name, description = Symbol.trim_blank_lines(description))
sealed case class Item(name: String, description: String = "") {
override def toString: String = name
def json: JSON.T = JSON.Object("name" -> name, "description" -> description)
object Index {
def parse(s: JSON.S, kind: String): Index = {
if (s.isEmpty) Index(kind, Nil)
else {
def err(): Nothing = error("Bad JSON object " + kind + " index:\n" + s)
val json = JSON.parse(s)
val obj = JSON.Object.unapply(json) getOrElse err()
val kind1 = JSON.string(obj, "kind") getOrElse err()
val items = JSON.list(obj, "items", x => Some(Item.parse(x))) getOrElse err()
if (kind == kind1) Index(kind, items)
else error("Expected index kind " + quote(kind) + " but found " + quote(kind1))
sealed case class Index(kind: String, items: List[Item]) {
def is_empty: Boolean = items.isEmpty
def + (item: Item): Index =
Index(kind, (item :: items.filterNot(_.name == item.name)).sortBy(_.name))
def json: JSON.T = JSON.Object("kind" -> kind, "items" -> items.map(_.json))
def print_json: JSON.S = JSON.Format.pretty_print(json)
/* presentation elements */
sealed case class Elements(
html: Markup.Elements = Markup.Elements.empty,
entity: Markup.Elements = Markup.Elements.empty,
language: Markup.Elements = Markup.Elements.empty)
val default_elements: Elements =
html = Rendering.foreground_elements ++ Rendering.text_color_elements +
Markup.NUMERAL + Markup.COMMENT + Markup.ENTITY + Markup.LANGUAGE +
Markup.PATH + Markup.URL,
entity = Markup.Elements(Markup.THEORY, Markup.TYPE_NAME, Markup.CONSTANT, Markup.FACT,
Markup.CLASS, Markup.LOCALE, Markup.FREE))
val extra_elements: Elements =
html = default_elements.html ++ Rendering.markdown_elements,
language = Markup.Elements(Markup.Language.DOCUMENT))
/** HTML/PDF presentation context **/
def context(
sessions_structure: Sessions.Structure,
elements: Elements = default_elements,
root_dir: Path = Path.current,
document_info: Document_Info = Document_Info.empty
): Context = new Context(sessions_structure, elements, root_dir, document_info)
class Context private[Browser_Info](
sessions_structure: Sessions.Structure,
val elements: Elements,
val root_dir: Path,
val document_info: Document_Info
) {
/* directory structure and resources */
def theory_by_name(session: String, theory: String): Option[Document_Info.Theory] =
document_info.theory_by_name(session, theory)
def theory_by_file(session: String, file: String): Option[Document_Info.Theory] =
document_info.theory_by_file(session, file)
def session_chapter(session: String): String =
def chapter_dir(session: String): Path =
root_dir + Path.basic(session_chapter(session))
def session_dir(session: String): Path =
chapter_dir(session) + Path.basic(session)
def theory_dir(theory: Document_Info.Theory): Path =
def theory_html(theory: Document_Info.Theory): Path =
def check(name: String): Option[Path] = {
val path = Path.basic(name).html
if (Path.eq_case_insensitive(path, Path.index_html)) None
else Some(path)
check(theory.print_short) orElse check(theory.name) getOrElse
error("Illegal global theory name " + quote(theory.name) +
" (conflict with " + Path.index_html + ")")
def file_html(file: String): Path =
def smart_html(theory: Document_Info.Theory, file: String): Path =
if (File.is_thy(file)) theory_html(theory) else file_html(file)
/* HTML content */
def head(title: String, rest: XML.Body = Nil): XML.Tree =
HTML.div("head", HTML.chapter(title) :: rest)
def source(body: XML.Body): XML.Tree = HTML.pre("source", body)
def contents(
heading: String,
items: List[XML.Body],
css_class: String = "contents"
) : List[XML.Elem] = {
if (items.isEmpty) Nil
else List(HTML.div(css_class, List(HTML.section(heading), HTML.itemize(items))))
/* preview PIDE document */
lazy val isabelle_css: String = File.read(HTML.isabelle_css)
def html_document(title: String, body: XML.Body, fonts_css: String): HTML_Document = {
val content =
HTML.style(fonts_css + "\n\n" + isabelle_css),
List(HTML.source(body)), css = "", structural = false)
HTML_Document(title, content)
def preview_document(
snapshot: Document.Snapshot,
plain_text: Boolean = false,
fonts_css: String = HTML.fonts_css()
): HTML_Document = {
require(!snapshot.is_outdated, "document snapshot outdated")
val name = snapshot.node_name
if (plain_text) {
val title = "File " + Symbol.cartouche_decoded(name.file_name)
val body = HTML.text(snapshot.node.source)
html_document(title, body, fonts_css)
else {
Resources.html_document(snapshot) getOrElse {
val title =
if (name.is_theory) "Theory " + quote(name.theory_base_name)
else "File " + Symbol.cartouche_decoded(name.file_name)
val xml = snapshot.xml_markup(elements = elements.html)
val body = Node_Context.empty.make_html(elements, xml)
html_document(title, body, fonts_css)
/* maintain presentation structure */
def update_chapter(session_name: String, session_description: String): Unit = synchronized {
val dir = Meta_Info.init_directory(chapter_dir(session_name))
Meta_Info.change(dir, Meta_Info.INDEX) { text =>
val index0 = Meta_Info.Index.parse(text, "chapter")
val item = Meta_Info.Item(session_name, description = session_description)
val index = index0 + item
if (index != index0) {
val title = "Isabelle/" + session_chapter(session_name) + " sessions"
HTML.write_document(dir, "index.html",
List(HTML.title(title + Isabelle_System.isabelle_heading())),
HTML.chapter(title) ::
(if (index.is_empty) Nil
index.items.map(item =>
(List(HTML.link(item.name + "/index.html", HTML.text(item.name))),
if (item.description.isEmpty) Nil
else HTML.break ::: List(HTML.pre(HTML.text(item.description)))))))))),
root = Some(root_dir))
def update_root(): Unit = synchronized {
root_dir + Path.explode("isabelle.gif"))
Meta_Info.change(root_dir, Meta_Info.INDEX) { text =>
val index0 = Meta_Info.Index.parse(text, "root")
val index = {
val items1 =
.map(ch => Meta_Info.Item(ch.name, description = ch.description))
val items2 = index0.items.filterNot(item => items1.exists(_.name == item.name))
index0.copy(items = items1 ::: items2)
if (index != index0) {
val title = "The " + XML.text(Isabelle_System.isabelle_name()) + " Library"
HTML.write_document(root_dir, "index.html",
List(HTML.title(title + Isabelle_System.isabelle_heading())),
HTML.chapter(title) ::
(if (index.is_empty) Nil
index.items.map(item =>
(List(HTML.link(item.name + "/index.html", HTML.text(item.name))),
if (item.description.isEmpty) Nil
else HTML.break ::: List(HTML.pre(HTML.text(item.description)))))))))),
root = Some(root_dir))
sealed case class HTML_Document(title: String, content: String)
/* formal entities */
object Theory_Ref {
def unapply(props: Properties.T): Option[String] =
(props, props) match {
case (Markup.Kind(Markup.THEORY), Markup.Name(theory)) => Some(theory)
case _ => None
object Entity_Ref {
def unapply(props: Properties.T): Option[(String, String, String)] =
(props, props, props, props) match {
case (Markup.Entity.Ref.Prop(_), Position.Def_File(file), Markup.Kind(kind), Markup.Name(name))
if Path.is_wellformed(file) => Some((file, kind, name))
case _ => None
object Node_Context {
val empty: Node_Context = new Node_Context
def make(
context: Context,
session_name: String,
theory_name: String,
file_name: String,
node_dir: Path,
): Node_Context =
new Node_Context {
private val seen_ranges: mutable.Set[Symbol.Range] = mutable.Set.empty
override def make_def(range: Symbol.Range, body: XML.Body): Option[XML.Elem] =
body match {
case List(XML.Elem(Markup("span", List("id" -> _)), _)) => None
case _ =>
for (theory <- context.theory_by_name(session_name, theory_name))
yield {
val body1 =
if (seen_ranges.contains(range)) {
HTML.entity_def(HTML.span(HTML.id(offset_id(range)), body))
else HTML.span(body)
theory.get_defs(file_name, range).foldLeft(body1) {
case (elem, entity) =>
HTML.entity_def(HTML.span(HTML.id(entity.kname), List(elem)))
private def offset_id(range: Text.Range): String =
"offset_" + range.start + ".." + range.stop
override def make_file_ref(file: String, body: XML.Body): Option[XML.Elem] = {
for (theory <- context.theory_by_file(session_name, file))
yield {
val html_path = context.theory_dir(theory) + context.smart_html(theory, file)
val html_link = HTML.relative_href(html_path, base = Some(node_dir))
HTML.link(html_link, body)
override def make_ref(props: Properties.T, body: XML.Body): Option[XML.Elem] = {
props match {
case Theory_Ref(thy_name) =>
for (theory <- context.theory_by_name(session_name, thy_name))
yield {
val html_path = context.theory_dir(theory) + context.theory_html(theory)
val html_link = HTML.relative_href(html_path, base = Some(node_dir))
HTML.link(html_link, body)
case Entity_Ref(def_file, kind, name) =>
def logical_ref(theory: Document_Info.Theory): Option[String] =
theory.get_def(def_file, kind, name).map(_.kname)
def physical_ref(theory: Document_Info.Theory): Option[String] =
props match {
case Position.Def_Range(range) if theory.name == theory_name =>
seen_ranges += range
case _ => None
for {
theory <- context.theory_by_file(session_name, def_file)
html_ref <- logical_ref(theory) orElse physical_ref(theory)
yield {
val html_path = context.theory_dir(theory) + context.smart_html(theory, def_file)
val html_link = HTML.relative_href(html_path, base = Some(node_dir))
HTML.entity_ref(HTML.link(html_link + "#" + html_ref, body))
case _ => None
class Node_Context {
def make_def(range: Symbol.Range, body: XML.Body): Option[XML.Elem] = None
def make_ref(props: Properties.T, body: XML.Body): Option[XML.Elem] = None
def make_file_ref(file: String, body: XML.Body): Option[XML.Elem] = None
val div_elements: Set[String] =
Set(HTML.div.name, HTML.pre.name, HTML.par.name, HTML.list.name, HTML.`enum`.name,
def make_html(elements: Elements, xml: XML.Body): XML.Body = {
def html_div(html: XML.Body): Boolean =
html exists {
case XML.Elem(markup, body) => div_elements.contains(markup.name) || html_div(body)
case XML.Text(_) => false
def html_class(c: String, html: XML.Body): XML.Body =
if (c == "") html
else if (html_div(html)) List(HTML.div(c, html))
else List(HTML.span(c, html))
def html_body(xml_body: XML.Body, end_offset: Symbol.Offset): (XML.Body, Symbol.Offset) =
xml_body.foldRight((List.empty[XML.Tree], end_offset)) { case (tree, (res, end_offset1)) =>
val (res1, offset) = html_body_single(tree, end_offset1)
(res1 ++ res, offset)
def html_body_single(xml_tree: XML.Tree, end_offset: Symbol.Offset): (XML.Body, Symbol.Offset) =
xml_tree match {
case XML.Wrapped_Elem(markup, _, body) => html_body_single(XML.Elem(markup, body), end_offset)
case XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.ENTITY, props @ Markup.Kind(kind)), body) =>
val (body1, offset) = html_body(body, end_offset)
if (elements.entity(kind)) {
make_ref(props, body1) match {
case Some(link) => (List(link), offset)
case None => (body1, offset)
else (body1, offset)
case XML.Elem(Markup.Path(file), body) =>
val (body1, offset) = html_body(body, end_offset)
make_file_ref(file, body1) match {
case Some(link) => (List(link), offset)
case None => (body1, offset)
case XML.Elem(Markup.Url(href), body) =>
val (body1, offset) = html_body(body, end_offset)
(List(HTML.link(href, body1)), offset)
case XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.LANGUAGE, Markup.Name(name)), body) =>
val (body1, offset) = html_body(body, end_offset)
(html_class(if (elements.language(name)) name else "", body1), offset)
case XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.MARKDOWN_PARAGRAPH, _), body) =>
val (body1, offset) = html_body(body, end_offset)
(List(HTML.par(body1)), offset)
case XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.MARKDOWN_ITEM, _), body) =>
val (body1, offset) = html_body(body, end_offset)
(List(HTML.item(body1)), offset)
case XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.Markdown_Bullet.name, _), text) =>
(Nil, end_offset - XML.symbol_length(text))
case XML.Elem(Markup.Markdown_List(kind), body) =>
val (body1, offset) = html_body(body, end_offset)
if (kind == Markup.ENUMERATE) (List(HTML.`enum`(body1)), offset)
else (List(HTML.list(body1)), offset)
case XML.Elem(markup, body) =>
val (body1, offset) = html_body(body, end_offset)
val html =
markup.properties match {
case Markup.Kind(kind) if kind == Markup.COMMAND || kind == Markup.KEYWORD =>
html_class(kind, body1)
case _ =>
Rendering.get_foreground_text_color(markup) match {
case Some(c) => (html_class(c.toString, html), offset)
case None => (html_class(markup.name, html), offset)
case XML.Text(text) =>
val offset = end_offset - Symbol.length(text)
val body = HTML.text(Symbol.decode(text))
make_def(Text.Range(offset, end_offset), body) match {
case Some(body1) => (List(body1), offset)
case None => (body, offset)
html_body(xml, XML.symbol_length(xml) + 1)._1
/** build presentation **/
val session_graph_path: Path = Path.explode("session_graph.pdf")
def build_session(
context: Context,
session_context: Export.Session_Context,
progress: Progress = new Progress,
): Unit = {
val session_name = session_context.session_name
val session_info = session_context.sessions_structure(session_name)
val session_dir = context.session_dir(session_name).expand
progress.echo("Presenting " + session_name + " in " + session_dir + " ...")
val session = context.document_info.the_session(session_name)
Bytes.write(session_dir + session_graph_path,
val document_variants =
for {
doc <- session_info.document_variants
db <- session_context.session_db()
document <- Document_Build.read_document(db, session_name, doc.name)
yield {
val doc_path = session_dir + doc.path.pdf
if (Path.eq_case_insensitive(doc.path.pdf, session_graph_path)) {
error("Illegal document variant " + quote(doc.name) +
" (conflict with " + session_graph_path + ")")
progress.echo("Presenting document " + session_name + "/" + doc.name, verbose = true)
if (session_info.document_echo) progress.echo("Document at " + doc_path)
Bytes.write(doc_path, document.pdf)
val document_links = {
val link1 = HTML.link(session_graph_path, HTML.text("theory dependencies"))
val links2 = document_variants.map(doc => HTML.link(doc.path.pdf, HTML.text(doc.name)))
Library.separate(HTML.break ::: HTML.nl,
(link1 :: links2).map(link => HTML.text("View ") ::: List(link))).flatten
def present_theory(theory_name: String): XML.Body = {
def err(): Nothing =
error("Missing document information for theory: " + quote(theory_name))
val snapshot = Build.read_theory(session_context.theory(theory_name)) getOrElse err()
val theory = context.theory_by_name(session_name, theory_name) getOrElse err()
progress.echo("Presenting theory " + quote(theory_name), verbose = true)
val thy_elements = theory.elements(context.elements)
def node_context(file_name: String, node_dir: Path): Node_Context =
Node_Context.make(context, session_name, theory_name, file_name, node_dir)
val thy_html =
node_context(theory.thy_file, session_dir).
make_html(thy_elements, snapshot.xml_markup(elements = thy_elements.html)))
val master_dir = Path.explode(snapshot.node_name.master_dir)
val files =
for {
blob_name <- snapshot.node_files.tail
xml = snapshot.switch(blob_name).xml_markup(elements = thy_elements.html)
if xml.nonEmpty
yield {
val file = blob_name.node
progress.echo("Presenting file " + quote(file), verbose = true)
val file_html = session_dir + context.file_html(file)
val file_dir = file_html.dir
val html_link = HTML.relative_href(file_html, base = Some(session_dir))
val html = context.source(node_context(file, file_dir).make_html(thy_elements, xml))
val path = Path.explode(file)
val src_path = File.relative_path(master_dir, path).getOrElse(path)
val file_title = "File " + Symbol.cartouche_decoded(src_path.implode_short)
HTML.write_document(file_dir, file_html.file_name,
List(HTML.title(file_title)), List(context.head(file_title), html),
root = Some(context.root_dir))
List(HTML.link(html_link, HTML.text(file_title)))
val thy_title = "Theory " + theory.print_short
HTML.write_document(session_dir, context.theory_html(theory).implode,
List(HTML.title(thy_title)), List(context.head(thy_title), thy_html),
root = Some(context.root_dir))
HTML.text(theory.print_short) :::
(if (files.isEmpty) Nil else List(HTML.itemize(files)))))
val theories = session.used_theories.map(present_theory)
val title = "Session " + session_name
HTML.write_document(session_dir, "index.html",
List(HTML.title(title + Isabelle_System.isabelle_heading())),
context.head(title, List(HTML.par(document_links))) ::
context.contents("Theories", theories),
root = Some(context.root_dir))
Meta_Info.set_build_uuid(session_dir, session.build_uuid)
context.update_chapter(session_name, session_info.description)
def build(
browser_info: Config,
store: Store,
deps: Sessions.Deps,
sessions: List[String],
progress: Progress = new Progress,
server: SSH.Server = SSH.no_server
): Unit = {
val root_dir = browser_info.presentation_dir(store).absolute
progress.echo("Presentation in " + root_dir)
using(Export.open_database_context(store, server = server)) { database_context =>
val context0 = context(deps.sessions_structure, root_dir = root_dir)
val sessions1 =
deps.sessions_structure.build_requirements(sessions).filter { session_name =>
using(database_context.open_database(session_name)) { session_database =>
database_context.store.read_build(session_database.db, session_name) match {
case None => false
case Some(build) =>
val session_dir = context0.session_dir(session_name)
!Meta_Info.check_build_uuid(session_dir, build.uuid)
val context1 =
context(deps.sessions_structure, root_dir = root_dir,
document_info = Document_Info.read(database_context, deps, sessions1))
Par_List.map({ (session: String) =>
using(database_context.open_session(deps.background(session))) { session_context =>
build_session(context1, session_context, progress = progress)
}, sessions1)