/* Title: Pure/Tools/sync.scala
Author: Makarius
Synchronize Isabelle + AFP repositories.
package isabelle
object Sync {
/* session images */
def find_images(options: Options, session_images: List[String],
dirs: List[Path] = Nil
): List[String] = {
if (session_images.isEmpty) Nil
else {
val store = Sessions.store(options)
val sessions_structure = Sessions.load_structure(options, dirs = dirs)
sessions_structure.build_requirements(session_images).flatMap { session =>
val heap =
store.find_heap(session).map(_.expand).map(path =>
File.standard_path(path.dir.dir) + "/./" + path.dir.file_name + "/" + path.file_name)
val db =
store.find_database(session).map(_.expand).map(path =>
File.standard_path(path.dir.dir.dir) + "/./" + path.dir.dir.file_name + "/" +
path.dir.file_name + "/" + path.file_name)
heap.toList ::: db.toList
/* sync */
def sync(options: Options, context: Rsync.Context, target: String,
verbose: Boolean = false,
thorough: Boolean = false,
purge_heaps: Boolean = false,
session_images: List[String] = Nil,
preserve_jars: Boolean = false,
dry_run: Boolean = false,
rev: String = "",
afp_root: Option[Path] = None,
afp_rev: String = ""
): Unit = {
val hg = Mercurial.self_repository()
val afp_hg = afp_root.map(Mercurial.repository(_))
val more_filter = if (preserve_jars) List("include *.jar", "protect *.jar") else Nil
def sync(hg: Mercurial.Repository, dest: String, r: String,
contents: List[File.Content] = Nil, filter: List[String] = Nil
): Unit = {
hg.sync(context, dest, rev = r, verbose = verbose, thorough = thorough, dry_run = dry_run,
contents = contents, filter = filter ::: more_filter)
context.progress.echo_if(verbose, "\n* Isabelle repository:")
val filter_heaps = if (purge_heaps) Nil else List("protect /heaps", "protect /heaps/**")
sync(hg, target, rev,
contents = List(File.content(Path.explode("etc/ISABELLE_ID"), hg.id(rev = rev))),
filter = filter_heaps ::: List("protect /AFP"))
for (hg <- afp_hg) {
context.progress.echo_if(verbose, "\n* AFP repository:")
sync(hg, Rsync.append(target, "AFP"), afp_rev)
val images =
find_images(options, session_images,
dirs = afp_root.map(_ + Path.explode("thys")).toList)
if (images.nonEmpty) {
context.progress.echo_if(verbose, "\n* Session images:")
Rsync.exec(context, verbose = verbose, thorough = thorough, dry_run = dry_run,
args = List("--relative", "--") ::: images ::: List(Rsync.append(target, "heaps/"))).check
val isabelle_tool =
Isabelle_Tool("sync", "synchronize Isabelle + AFP repositories",
Scala_Project.here, { args =>
var afp_root: Option[Path] = None
var purge_heaps = false
var session_images = List.empty[String]
var preserve_jars = false
var protect_args = false
var thorough = false
var afp_rev = ""
var dry_run = false
var rev = ""
var port = SSH.default_port
var verbose = false
val getopts = Getopts("""
Usage: isabelle sync [OPTIONS] TARGET
Options are:
-A ROOT include AFP with given root directory (":" for """ + AFP.BASE.implode + """)
-H purge heaps directory on target
-I NAME include session heap image and build database
(based on accidental local state)
-J preserve *.jar files
-S robust (but less portable) treatment of spaces in
file and directory names on the target
-T thorough treatment of file content and directory times
-a REV explicit AFP revision (default: state of working directory)
-n no changes: dry-run
-r REV explicit revision (default: state of working directory)
-p PORT explicit SSH port (default: """ + SSH.default_port + """)
-v verbose
Synchronize Isabelle + AFP repositories, based on "isabelle hg_sync".
"A:" -> (arg => afp_root = Some(if (arg == ":") AFP.BASE else Path.explode(arg))),
"H" -> (_ => purge_heaps = true),
"I:" -> (arg => session_images = session_images ::: List(arg)),
"J" -> (_ => preserve_jars = true),
"S" -> (_ => protect_args = true),
"T" -> (_ => thorough = true),
"a:" -> (arg => afp_rev = arg),
"n" -> (_ => dry_run = true),
"r:" -> (arg => rev = arg),
"p:" -> (arg => port = Value.Int.parse(arg)),
"v" -> (_ => verbose = true))
val more_args = getopts(args)
val target =
more_args match {
case List(target) => target
case _ => getopts.usage()
val options = Options.init()
val progress = new Console_Progress
val context = Rsync.Context(progress, port = port, protect_args = protect_args)
sync(options, context, target, verbose = verbose, thorough = thorough,
purge_heaps = purge_heaps, session_images = session_images, preserve_jars = preserve_jars,
dry_run = dry_run, rev = rev, afp_root = afp_root, afp_rev = afp_rev)