author paulson
Tue, 20 May 1997 11:44:25 +0200
changeset 3243 a42653373043
parent 243 c22b85994e17
permissions -rw-r--r--
Removal of ex/LexProd

(*  Title: 	HOLCF/sprod2.ML
    ID:         $Id$
    Author: 	Franz Regensburger
    Copyright   1993 Technische Universitaet Muenchen

Lemmas for sprod2.thy

open Sprod2;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* access to less_sprod in class po                                         *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)

val less_sprod3a = prove_goal Sprod2.thy 
	"p1=Ispair(UU,UU) ==> p1 << p2"
(fn prems =>
	(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
	(rtac (inst_sprod_po RS ssubst) 1),
	(etac less_sprod1a 1)

val less_sprod3b = prove_goal Sprod2.thy
 "~p1=Ispair(UU,UU) ==>\
\	(p1<<p2) = (Isfst(p1)<<Isfst(p2) & Issnd(p1)<<Issnd(p2))" 
(fn prems =>
	(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
	(rtac (inst_sprod_po RS ssubst) 1),
	(etac less_sprod1b 1)

val less_sprod4b = prove_goal Sprod2.thy 
	"p << Ispair(UU,UU) ==> p = Ispair(UU,UU)"
(fn prems =>
	(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
	(rtac less_sprod2b 1),
	(etac (inst_sprod_po RS subst) 1)

val less_sprod4a = (less_sprod4b RS defined_Ispair_rev);
(* Ispair(?a,?b) << Ispair(UU,UU) ==> ?a = UU | ?b = UU *)

val less_sprod4c = prove_goal Sprod2.thy
 "[|Ispair(xa,ya)<<Ispair(x,y);~xa=UU;~ya=UU;~x=UU;~y=UU|] ==>\
\		xa<<x & ya << y"
(fn prems =>
	(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
	(rtac less_sprod2c 1),
	(etac (inst_sprod_po RS subst) 1),
	(REPEAT (atac 1))

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* type sprod is pointed                                                    *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)

val minimal_sprod = prove_goal Sprod2.thy  "Ispair(UU,UU)<<p"
(fn prems =>
	(rtac less_sprod3a 1),
	(rtac refl 1)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* Ispair is monotone in both arguments                                     *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)

val monofun_Ispair1 = prove_goalw Sprod2.thy [monofun] "monofun(Ispair)"
(fn prems =>
	(strip_tac 1),
	(rtac (less_fun RS iffD2) 1),
	(strip_tac 1),
	(res_inst_tac [("Q",
	" Ispair(y,xa) =Ispair(UU,UU)")] (excluded_middle RS disjE) 1),
	(res_inst_tac [("Q",
	" Ispair(x,xa) =Ispair(UU,UU)")] (excluded_middle RS disjE) 1),
	(rtac (less_sprod3b RS iffD2) 1),
	(atac 1),
	(rtac conjI 1),
	(rtac (Isfst RS ssubst) 1),
	(etac (strict_Ispair_rev RS conjunct1) 1),
	(etac (strict_Ispair_rev RS conjunct2) 1),
	(rtac (Isfst RS ssubst) 1),
	(etac (strict_Ispair_rev RS conjunct1) 1),
	(etac (strict_Ispair_rev RS conjunct2) 1),
	(atac 1),
	(rtac (Issnd RS ssubst) 1),
	(etac (strict_Ispair_rev RS conjunct1) 1),
	(etac (strict_Ispair_rev RS conjunct2) 1),
	(rtac (Issnd RS ssubst) 1),
	(etac (strict_Ispair_rev RS conjunct1) 1),
	(etac (strict_Ispair_rev RS conjunct2) 1),
	(rtac refl_less 1),
	(etac less_sprod3a 1),
	(res_inst_tac [("Q",
	" Ispair(x,xa) =Ispair(UU,UU)")] (excluded_middle RS disjE) 1),
	(etac less_sprod3a 2),
	(res_inst_tac [("P","Ispair(y,xa) = Ispair(UU,UU)")] notE 1),
	(atac 2),
	(rtac defined_Ispair 1),
	(etac notUU_I 1),
	(etac (strict_Ispair_rev RS  conjunct1) 1),
	(etac (strict_Ispair_rev RS  conjunct2) 1)

val monofun_Ispair2 = prove_goalw Sprod2.thy [monofun] "monofun(Ispair(x))"
(fn prems =>
	(strip_tac 1),
	(res_inst_tac [("Q",
	" Ispair(x,y) =Ispair(UU,UU)")] (excluded_middle RS disjE) 1),
	(res_inst_tac [("Q",
	" Ispair(x,xa) =Ispair(UU,UU)")] (excluded_middle RS disjE) 1),
	(rtac (less_sprod3b RS iffD2) 1),
	(atac 1),
	(rtac conjI 1),
	(rtac (Isfst RS ssubst) 1),
	(etac (strict_Ispair_rev RS conjunct1) 1),
	(etac (strict_Ispair_rev RS conjunct2) 1),
	(rtac (Isfst RS ssubst) 1),
	(etac (strict_Ispair_rev RS conjunct1) 1),
	(etac (strict_Ispair_rev RS conjunct2) 1),
	(rtac refl_less 1),
	(rtac (Issnd RS ssubst) 1),
	(etac (strict_Ispair_rev RS conjunct1) 1),
	(etac (strict_Ispair_rev RS conjunct2) 1),
	(rtac (Issnd RS ssubst) 1),
	(etac (strict_Ispair_rev RS conjunct1) 1),
	(etac (strict_Ispair_rev RS conjunct2) 1),
	(atac 1),
	(etac less_sprod3a 1),
	(res_inst_tac [("Q",
	" Ispair(x,xa) =Ispair(UU,UU)")] (excluded_middle RS disjE) 1),
	(etac less_sprod3a 2),
	(res_inst_tac [("P","Ispair(x,y) = Ispair(UU,UU)")] notE 1),
	(atac 2),
	(rtac defined_Ispair 1),
	(etac (strict_Ispair_rev RS  conjunct1) 1),
	(etac notUU_I 1),
	(etac (strict_Ispair_rev RS  conjunct2) 1)

val  monofun_Ispair = prove_goal Sprod2.thy 
 "[|x1<<x2; y1<<y2|] ==> Ispair(x1,y1)<<Ispair(x2,y2)"
(fn prems =>
	(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
	(rtac trans_less 1),
	(rtac (monofun_Ispair1 RS monofunE RS spec RS spec RS mp RS 
	(less_fun RS iffD1 RS spec)) 1),
	(rtac (monofun_Ispair2 RS monofunE RS spec RS spec RS mp) 2),
	(atac 1),
	(atac 1)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* Isfst and Issnd are monotone                                             *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)

val  monofun_Isfst = prove_goalw Sprod2.thy [monofun] "monofun(Isfst)"
(fn prems =>
	(strip_tac 1),
	(res_inst_tac [("p","x")] IsprodE 1),
	(hyp_subst_tac 1),
	(rtac trans_less 1),
	(rtac minimal 2),
	(rtac (strict_Isfst1 RS ssubst) 1),
	(rtac refl_less 1),
	(hyp_subst_tac 1),
	(res_inst_tac [("p","y")] IsprodE 1),
	(hyp_subst_tac 1),
	(res_inst_tac [("t","Isfst(Ispair(xa,ya))")] subst 1),
	(rtac refl_less 2),
	(etac (less_sprod4b RS sym RS arg_cong) 1),
	(hyp_subst_tac 1),
	(rtac (Isfst RS ssubst) 1),
	(atac 1),
	(atac 1),
	(rtac (Isfst RS ssubst) 1),
	(atac 1),
	(atac 1),
	(etac (less_sprod4c RS  conjunct1) 1),
	(REPEAT (atac 1))

val monofun_Issnd = prove_goalw Sprod2.thy [monofun] "monofun(Issnd)"
(fn prems =>
	(strip_tac 1),
	(res_inst_tac [("p","x")] IsprodE 1),
	(hyp_subst_tac 1),
	(rtac trans_less 1),
	(rtac minimal 2),
	(rtac (strict_Issnd1 RS ssubst) 1),
	(rtac refl_less 1),
	(hyp_subst_tac 1),
	(res_inst_tac [("p","y")] IsprodE 1),
	(hyp_subst_tac 1),
	(res_inst_tac [("t","Issnd(Ispair(xa,ya))")] subst 1),
	(rtac refl_less 2),
	(etac (less_sprod4b RS sym RS arg_cong) 1),
	(hyp_subst_tac 1),
	(rtac (Issnd RS ssubst) 1),
	(atac 1),
	(atac 1),
	(rtac (Issnd RS ssubst) 1),
	(atac 1),
	(atac 1),
	(etac (less_sprod4c RS  conjunct2) 1),
	(REPEAT (atac 1))

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* the type 'a ** 'b is a cpo                                               *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)

val lub_sprod = prove_goal Sprod2.thy 
"[|is_chain(S)|] ==> range(S) <<| \
\ Ispair(lub(range(%i.Isfst(S(i)))),lub(range(%i.Issnd(S(i)))))"
(fn prems =>
	(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
	(rtac is_lubI 1),
	(rtac conjI 1),
	(rtac ub_rangeI 1),
	(rtac allI 1),
	(res_inst_tac [("t","S(i)")] (surjective_pairing_Sprod RS ssubst) 1),
	(rtac monofun_Ispair 1),
	(rtac is_ub_thelub 1),
	(etac (monofun_Isfst RS ch2ch_monofun) 1),
	(rtac is_ub_thelub 1),
	(etac (monofun_Issnd RS ch2ch_monofun) 1),
	(strip_tac 1),
	(res_inst_tac [("t","u")] (surjective_pairing_Sprod RS ssubst) 1),
	(rtac monofun_Ispair 1),
	(rtac is_lub_thelub 1),
	(etac (monofun_Isfst RS ch2ch_monofun) 1),
	(etac (monofun_Isfst RS ub2ub_monofun) 1),
	(rtac is_lub_thelub 1),
	(etac (monofun_Issnd RS ch2ch_monofun) 1),
	(etac (monofun_Issnd RS ub2ub_monofun) 1)

val thelub_sprod = (lub_sprod RS thelubI);
(* is_chain(?S1) ==> lub(range(?S1)) =                                     *)
(* Ispair(lub(range(%i. Isfst(?S1(i)))),lub(range(%i. Issnd(?S1(i)))))     *)

val cpo_sprod = prove_goal Sprod2.thy 
	"is_chain(S::nat=>'a**'b)==>? x.range(S)<<| x"
(fn prems =>
	(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
	(rtac exI 1),
	(etac lub_sprod 1)