(* Title: ZF/ex/prop.ML
ID: $Id$
Author: Lawrence C Paulson
Copyright 1993 University of Cambridge
Datatype definition of propositional logic formulae and inductive definition
of the propositional tautologies.
(*Example of a datatype with mixfix syntax for some constructors*)
structure Prop = Datatype_Fun
(val thy = Univ.thy;
val rec_specs =
[("prop", "univ(0)",
[(["Fls"], "i"),
(["Var"], "i=>i"),
(["op =>"], "[i,i]=>i")])];
val rec_styp = "i";
val ext = Some (NewSext {
mixfix =
[Mixfix("#_", "i => i", "Var", [100], 100),
Infixr("=>", "[i,i] => i", 90)],
xrules = [],
parse_ast_translation = [],
parse_preproc = None,
parse_postproc = None,
parse_translation = [],
print_translation = [],
print_preproc = None,
print_postproc = None,
print_ast_translation = []});
val sintrs =
["Fls : prop",
"n: nat ==> #n : prop",
"[| p: prop; q: prop |] ==> p=>q : prop"];
val monos = [];
val type_intrs = data_typechecks;
val type_elims = []);
val [FlsI,VarI,ImpI] = Prop.intrs;
(** Type-checking rules **)
val ImpE = Prop.mk_cases Prop.con_defs "p=>q : prop";
writeln"Reached end of file.";