author haftmann
Mon, 14 Jun 2010 16:00:46 +0200
changeset 37430 a77740fc3957
parent 37426 04d58897bf90
child 37432 e732b4f8fddf
permissions -rw-r--r--
added lemma funpow_mult

theory Further
imports Setup

section {* Further issues \label{sec:further} *}

subsection {* Further reading *}

text {*
  To dive deeper into the issue of code generation, you should visit
  the Isabelle/Isar Reference Manual \cite{isabelle-isar-ref}, which
  contains exhaustive syntax diagrams.

subsection {* Locales and interpretation *}

text {*
  A technical issue comes to surface when generating code from
  specifications stemming from locale interpretation.

  Let us assume a locale specifying a power operation
  on arbitrary types:

locale %quote power =
  fixes power :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> 'b"
  assumes power_commute: "power x \<circ> power y = power y \<circ> power x"

text {*
  \noindent Inside that locale we can lift @{text power} to exponent lists
  by means of specification relative to that locale:

primrec %quote powers :: "'a list \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> 'b" where
  "powers [] = id"
| "powers (x # xs) = power x \<circ> powers xs"

lemma %quote powers_append:
  "powers (xs @ ys) = powers xs \<circ> powers ys"
  by (induct xs) simp_all

lemma %quote powers_power:
  "powers xs \<circ> power x = power x \<circ> powers xs"
  by (induct xs)
    (simp_all del: o_apply id_apply add: o_assoc [symmetric],
      simp del: o_apply add: o_assoc power_commute)

lemma %quote powers_rev:
  "powers (rev xs) = powers xs"
    by (induct xs) (simp_all add: powers_append powers_power)

end %quote

text {*
  After an interpretation of this locale (say, @{command
  interpretation} @{text "fun_power:"} @{term [source] "power (\<lambda>n (f ::
  'a \<Rightarrow> 'a). f ^^ n)"}), one would expect to have a constant @{text
  "fun_power.powers :: nat list \<Rightarrow> ('a \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a"} for which code
  can be generated.  But this not the case: internally, the term
  @{text "fun_power.powers"} is an abbreviation for the foundational
  term @{term [source] "power.powers (\<lambda>n (f :: 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a). f ^^ n)"}
  (see \cite{isabelle-locale} for the details behind).

  Furtunately, with minor effort the desired behaviour can be achieved.
  First, a dedicated definition of the constant on which the local @{text "powers"}
  after interpretation is supposed to be mapped on:

definition %quote funpows :: "nat list \<Rightarrow> ('a \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a" where
  [code del]: "funpows = power.powers (\<lambda>n f. f ^^ n)"

text {*
  \noindent In general, the pattern is @{text "c = t"} where @{text c} is
  the name of the future constant and @{text t} the foundational term
  corresponding to the local constant after interpretation.

  The interpretation itself is enriched with an equation @{text "t = c"}:

interpretation %quote fun_power: power "\<lambda>n (f :: 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a). f ^^ n" where
  "power.powers (\<lambda>n f. f ^^ n) = funpows"
  by unfold_locales
    (simp_all add: expand_fun_eq funpow_mult [symmetric] mult_commute funpows_def)

text {*
  \noindent This additional equation is trivially proved by the definition

  After this setup procedure, code generation can continue as usual:

text %quote {*@{code_stmts funpows (consts) Nat.funpow funpows (Haskell)}*}

subsection {* Modules *}

text {*
  When invoking the @{command export_code} command it is possible to leave
  out the @{keyword "module_name"} part;  then code is distributed over
  different modules, where the module name space roughly is induced
  by the @{text Isabelle} theory name space.

  Then sometimes the awkward situation occurs that dependencies between
  definitions introduce cyclic dependencies between modules, which in the
  @{text Haskell} world leaves you to the mercy of the @{text Haskell} implementation
  you are using,  while for @{text SML}/@{text OCaml} code generation is not possible.

  A solution is to declare module names explicitly.
  Let use assume the three cyclically dependent
  modules are named \emph{A}, \emph{B} and \emph{C}.
  Then, by stating

code_modulename %quote SML

text {*\noindent
  we explicitly map all those modules on \emph{ABC},
  resulting in an ad-hoc merge of this three modules
  at serialisation time.

subsection {* Evaluation oracle *}

text {*
  Code generation may also be used to \emph{evaluate} expressions
  (using @{text SML} as target language of course).
  For instance, the @{command value} reduces an expression to a
  normal form with respect to the underlying code equations:

value %quote "42 / (12 :: rat)"

text {*
  \noindent will display @{term "7 / (2 :: rat)"}.

  The @{method eval} method tries to reduce a goal by code generation to @{term True}
  and solves it in that case, but fails otherwise:

lemma %quote "42 / (12 :: rat) = 7 / 2"
  by %quote eval

text {*
  \noindent The soundness of the @{method eval} method depends crucially 
  on the correctness of the code generator;  this is one of the reasons
  why you should not use adaptation (see \secref{sec:adaptation}) frivolously.

subsection {* Code antiquotation *}

text {*
  In scenarios involving techniques like reflection it is quite common
  that code generated from a theory forms the basis for implementing
  a proof procedure in @{text SML}.  To facilitate interfacing of generated code
  with system code, the code generator provides a @{text code} antiquotation:

datatype %quote form = T | F | And form form | Or form form (*<*)

(*>*) ML %quotett {*
  fun eval_form @{code T} = true
    | eval_form @{code F} = false
    | eval_form (@{code And} (p, q)) =
        eval_form p andalso eval_form q
    | eval_form (@{code Or} (p, q)) =
        eval_form p orelse eval_form q;

text {*
  \noindent @{text code} takes as argument the name of a constant;  after the
  whole @{text SML} is read, the necessary code is generated transparently
  and the corresponding constant names are inserted.  This technique also
  allows to use pattern matching on constructors stemming from compiled
  @{text "datatypes"}.

  For a less simplistic example, theory @{theory Ferrack} is
  a good reference.

subsection {* Imperative data structures *}

text {*
  If you consider imperative data structures as inevitable for a specific
  application, you should consider
  \emph{Imperative Functional Programming with Isabelle/HOL}
  the framework described there is available in theory @{theory Imperative_HOL}.
