/* Title: Pure/Admin/afp.scala
Author: Makarius
Administrative support for the Archive of Formal Proofs.
package isabelle
import java.time.LocalDate
import scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap
object AFP
val repos_source = "https://isabelle.sketis.net/repos/afp-devel"
val groups: Map[String, String] =
Map("large" -> "full 64-bit memory model or word arithmetic required",
"slow" -> "CPU time much higher than 60min (on mid-range hardware)",
"very_slow" -> "elapsed time of many hours (on high-end hardware)")
val groups_bulky: List[String] = List("large", "slow")
val chapter: String = "AFP"
val force_partition1: List[String] = List("Category3", "HOL-ODE")
def init(options: Options, base_dir: Path = Path.explode("$AFP_BASE")): AFP =
new AFP(options, base_dir)
/* entries */
def parse_date(s: String): Date =
val t = Date.Formatter.pattern("uuuu-MM-dd").parse(s)
def trim_mail(s: String): String = s.replaceAll("<[^>]*>", "").trim
sealed case class Entry(name: String, metadata: Properties.T, sessions: List[String])
def get(prop: String): Option[String] = Properties.get(metadata, prop)
def get_string(prop: String): String = get(prop).getOrElse("")
def get_strings(prop: String): List[String] =
space_explode(',', get_string(prop)).map(_.trim).filter(_.nonEmpty)
def title: String = get_string("title")
def authors: List[String] = get_strings("author")
def date: Date =
parse_date(get("date").getOrElse(error("Missing date for entry " + quote(name))))
def topics: List[String] = get_strings("topic")
def `abstract`: String = get_string("abstract").trim
def maintainers: List[String] = get_strings("notify")
def contributors: List[String] = get_strings("contributors")
def license: String = get("license").getOrElse("BSD")
def rdf_meta_data: Properties.T =
proper_string(title).map(Markup.META_TITLE -> _).toList :::
authors.map(Markup.META_CREATOR -> _) :::
contributors.map(Markup.META_CONTRIBUTOR -> _) :::
List(Markup.META_DATE -> RDF.date_format(date)) :::
List(Markup.META_LICENSE -> license) :::
proper_string(`abstract`).map(Markup.META_DESCRIPTION -> _).toList)
class AFP private(options: Options, val base_dir: Path)
override def toString: String = base_dir.expand.toString
val main_dir: Path = base_dir + Path.explode("thys")
/* metadata */
private val entry_metadata: Map[String, Properties.T] =
val metadata_file = base_dir + Path.explode("metadata/metadata")
var result = Map.empty[String, Properties.T]
var section = ""
var props = List.empty[Properties.Entry]
val Section = """^\[(\S+)\]\s*$""".r
val Property = """^(\S+)\s*=(.*)$""".r
val Extra_Line = """^\s+(.*)$""".r
val Blank_Line = """^\s*$""".r
def flush(): Unit =
if (section != "") result += (section -> props.reverse.filter(p => p._2.nonEmpty))
section = ""
props = Nil
for ((line, i) <- split_lines(File.read(metadata_file)).zipWithIndex)
def err(msg: String): Nothing =
error(msg + Position.here(Position.Line_File(i + 1, metadata_file.expand.implode)))
line match {
case Section(name) => flush(); section = name
case Property(a, b) =>
if (section == "") err("Property without a section")
props = (a -> b.trim) :: props
case Extra_Line(line) =>
props match {
case Nil => err("Extra line without a property")
case (a, b) :: rest => props = (a, b + "\n" + line.trim) :: rest
case Blank_Line() =>
case _ => err("Bad input")
/* entries */
val entries_map: SortedMap[String, AFP.Entry] =
val entries =
for (name <- Sessions.parse_roots(main_dir + Sessions.ROOTS)) yield {
val metadata =
entry_metadata.getOrElse(name, error("Entry without metadata: " + quote(name)))
val sessions =
Sessions.parse_root_entries(main_dir + Path.explode(name) + Sessions.ROOT).map(_.name)
AFP.Entry(name, metadata, sessions)
val entries_map =
entries.foldLeft(SortedMap.empty[String, AFP.Entry]) { case (m, e) => m + (e.name -> e) }
val extra_metadata =
(for ((name, _) <- entry_metadata.iterator if !entries_map.isDefinedAt(name)) yield name).
if (extra_metadata.nonEmpty)
error("Meta data without entry: " + commas_quote(extra_metadata))
val entries: List[AFP.Entry] = entries_map.toList.map(_._2)
/* sessions */
val sessions_map: SortedMap[String, AFP.Entry] =
entries.foldLeft(SortedMap.empty[String, AFP.Entry]) {
case (m1, e) => e.sessions.foldLeft(m1) { case (m2, s) => m2 + (s -> e) }
val sessions: List[String] = entries.flatMap(_.sessions)
val sessions_structure: Sessions.Structure =
Sessions.load_structure(options, dirs = List(main_dir)).
selection(Sessions.Selection(sessions = sessions.toList))
/* dependency graph */
private def sessions_deps(entry: AFP.Entry): List[String] =
lazy val entries_graph: Graph[String, Unit] =
val session_entries =
entries.foldLeft(Map.empty[String, String]) {
case (m1, e) => e.sessions.foldLeft(m1) { case (m2, s) => m2 + (s -> e.name) }
entries.foldLeft(Graph.empty[String, Unit]) {
case (g, entry) =>
val e1 = entry.name
sessions_deps(entry).foldLeft(g.default_node(e1, ())) {
case (g1, s) =>
session_entries.get(s).filterNot(_ == e1).foldLeft(g1) {
case (g2, e2) =>
try { g2.default_node(e2, ()).add_edge_acyclic(e2, e1) }
catch {
case exn: Graph.Cycles[_] =>
error(cat_lines(exn.cycles.map(cycle =>
"Cyclic dependency of " + cycle.map(c => quote(c.toString)).mkString(" via ") +
" due to session " + quote(s))))
def entries_graph_display: Graph_Display.Graph =
def entries_json_text: String =
(for (entry <- entries.iterator) yield {
val distrib_deps = sessions_deps(entry).filterNot(sessions.contains(_))
val afp_deps = entries_graph.imm_preds(entry.name).toList
{""" + JSON.Format(entry.name) + """:
{"distrib_deps": """ + JSON.Format(distrib_deps) + """,
"afp_deps": """ + JSON.Format(afp_deps) + """
}).mkString("[", ", ", "\n]\n")
/* partition sessions */
def partition(n: Int): List[String] =
n match {
case 0 => Nil
case 1 | 2 =>
val graph = sessions_structure.build_graph.restrict(sessions.toSet)
val force_part1 =
val (part1, part2) = graph.keys.partition(a => force_part1(a) || graph.is_isolated(a))
if (n == 1) part1 else part2
case _ => error("Bad AFP partition: " + n + " (should be 0, 1, 2)")