misc tuning and clarification: more uniform use of optional "sql" in SQL.Table.delete/select;
/* Title: Pure/Tools/build_process.scala
Author: Makarius
Build process for sessions, with build database, optional heap, and
optional presentation.
package isabelle
import scala.math.Ordering
import scala.annotation.tailrec
object Build_Process {
/* static context */
object Session_Context {
def empty(session: String, timeout: Time): Session_Context =
new Session_Context(session, timeout, Time.zero, Nil)
def apply(
session: String,
timeout: Time,
store: Sessions.Store,
progress: Progress = new Progress
): Session_Context = {
store.try_open_database(session) match {
case None => empty(session, timeout)
case Some(db) =>
def ignore_error(msg: String) = {
progress.echo_warning("Ignoring bad database " + db +
" for session " + quote(session) + (if (msg == "") "" else ":\n" + msg))
empty(session, timeout)
try {
val command_timings = store.read_command_timings(db, session)
val elapsed =
store.read_session_timing(db, session) match {
case Markup.Elapsed(s) => Time.seconds(s)
case _ => Time.zero
new Session_Context(session, timeout, elapsed, command_timings)
catch {
case ERROR(msg) => ignore_error(msg)
case exn: java.lang.Error => ignore_error(Exn.message(exn))
case _: XML.Error => ignore_error("XML.Error")
finally { db.close() }
final class Session_Context(
val session: String,
val timeout: Time,
val old_time: Time,
val old_command_timings: List[Properties.T]
) {
def is_empty: Boolean = old_time.is_zero && old_command_timings.isEmpty
override def toString: String = session
object Context {
def apply(
store: Sessions.Store,
deps: Sessions.Deps,
progress: Progress = new Progress,
hostname: String = Isabelle_System.hostname(),
numa_shuffling: Boolean = false,
build_heap: Boolean = false,
max_jobs: Int = 1,
fresh_build: Boolean = false,
no_build: Boolean = false,
verbose: Boolean = false,
session_setup: (String, Session) => Unit = (_, _) => (),
instance: String = UUID.random().toString
): Context = {
val sessions_structure = deps.sessions_structure
val build_graph = sessions_structure.build_graph
val sessions =
for (name <- build_graph.keys_iterator)
yield {
val timeout = sessions_structure(name).timeout
name -> Build_Process.Session_Context(name, timeout, store, progress = progress)
val sessions_time = {
val maximals = build_graph.maximals.toSet
def descendants_time(name: String): Double = {
if (maximals.contains(name)) sessions(name).old_time.seconds
else {
val descendants = build_graph.all_succs(List(name)).toSet
val g = build_graph.restrict(descendants)
(0.0 :: g.maximals.flatMap { desc =>
val ps = g.all_preds(List(desc))
if (ps.exists(p => !sessions.isDefinedAt(p))) None
else Some(ps.map(p => sessions(p).old_time.seconds).sum)
for (name <- sessions.keysIterator)
yield name -> descendants_time(name)).withDefaultValue(0.0)
val ordering =
new Ordering[String] {
def compare(name1: String, name2: String): Int =
sessions_time(name2) compare sessions_time(name1) match {
case 0 =>
sessions(name2).timeout compare sessions(name1).timeout match {
case 0 => name1 compare name2
case ord => ord
case ord => ord
val numa_nodes = NUMA.nodes(enabled = numa_shuffling)
new Context(instance, store, deps, sessions, ordering, progress, hostname, numa_nodes,
build_heap = build_heap, max_jobs = max_jobs, fresh_build = fresh_build,
no_build = no_build, verbose = verbose, session_setup)
final class Context private(
val instance: String,
val store: Sessions.Store,
val deps: Sessions.Deps,
sessions: Map[String, Session_Context],
val ordering: Ordering[String],
val progress: Progress,
val hostname: String,
val numa_nodes: List[Int],
val build_heap: Boolean,
val max_jobs: Int,
val fresh_build: Boolean,
val no_build: Boolean,
val verbose: Boolean,
val session_setup: (String, Session) => Unit,
) {
def sessions_structure: Sessions.Structure = deps.sessions_structure
def apply(session: String): Session_Context =
sessions.getOrElse(session, Session_Context.empty(session, Time.zero))
def do_store(session: String): Boolean =
build_heap || Sessions.is_pure(session) || !sessions_structure.build_graph.is_maximal(session)
/* dynamic state */
case class Entry(name: String, deps: List[String], info: JSON.Object.T = JSON.Object.empty) {
def is_ready: Boolean = deps.isEmpty
def resolve(dep: String): Entry =
if (deps.contains(dep)) copy(deps = deps.filterNot(_ == dep)) else this
case class Result(
current: Boolean,
output_heap: SHA1.Shasum,
node_info: Build_Job.Node_Info,
process_result: Process_Result
) {
def ok: Boolean = process_result.ok
sealed case class State(
serial: Long = 0,
numa_index: Int = 0,
pending: List[Entry] = Nil,
running: Map[String, Build_Job] = Map.empty,
results: Map[String, Build_Process.Result] = Map.empty
) {
def numa_next(numa_nodes: List[Int]): (Option[Int], State) =
if (numa_nodes.isEmpty) (None, this)
else {
val available = numa_nodes.zipWithIndex
val used =
Set.from(for (job <- running.valuesIterator; i <- job.node_info.numa_node) yield i)
val candidates = available.drop(numa_index) ::: available.take(numa_index)
val (n, i) =
candidates.find({ case (n, i) => i == numa_index && !used(n) }) orElse
candidates.find({ case (n, _) => !used(n) }) getOrElse candidates.head
(Some(n), copy(numa_index = (i + 1) % available.length))
def finished: Boolean = pending.isEmpty
def remove_pending(name: String): State =
copy(pending = pending.flatMap(
entry => if (entry.name == name) None else Some(entry.resolve(name))))
def is_running(name: String): Boolean = running.isDefinedAt(name)
def stop_running(): Unit = running.valuesIterator.foreach(_.terminate())
def finished_running(): List[Build_Job.Build_Session] =
running.valuesIterator.flatMap {
case job: Build_Job.Build_Session if job.is_finished => Some(job)
case _ => None
def add_running(name: String, job: Build_Job): State =
copy(running = running + (name -> job))
def remove_running(name: String): State =
copy(running = running - name)
def make_result(
name: String,
current: Boolean,
output_heap: SHA1.Shasum,
process_result: Process_Result,
node_info: Build_Job.Node_Info = Build_Job.Node_Info.none
): State = {
val result = Build_Process.Result(current, output_heap, node_info, process_result)
copy(results = results + (name -> result))
def get_results(names: List[String]): List[Build_Process.Result] =
/* SQL data model */
object Data {
val database = Path.explode("$ISABELLE_HOME_USER/build.db")
def make_table(name: String, columns: List[SQL.Column], body: String = ""): SQL.Table =
SQL.Table("isabelle_build" + if_proper(name, "_" + name), columns, body = body)
object Generic {
val instance = SQL.Column.string("instance")
val name = SQL.Column.string("name")
def sql_equal(instance: String = "", name: String = ""): SQL.Source =
if_proper(instance, Generic.instance.equal(instance)),
if_proper(name, Generic.name.equal(name)))
def sql_member(instance: String = "", names: Iterable[String] = Nil): SQL.Source =
if_proper(instance, Generic.instance.equal(instance)),
if_proper(names, Generic.name.member(names)))
object Config {
val instance = Generic.instance.make_primary_key
val ml_identifier = SQL.Column.string("ml_identifier")
val options = SQL.Column.string("options")
val table = make_table("", List(instance, ml_identifier, options))
object State {
val instance = Generic.instance.make_primary_key
val serial = SQL.Column.long("serial")
val numa_index = SQL.Column.int("numa_index")
val table = make_table("state", List(instance, serial, numa_index))
object Pending {
val name = Generic.name.make_primary_key
val deps = SQL.Column.string("deps")
val info = SQL.Column.string("info")
val table = make_table("pending", List(name, deps, info))
object Running {
val name = Generic.name.make_primary_key
val hostname = SQL.Column.string("hostname")
val numa_node = SQL.Column.int("numa_node")
val table = make_table("running", List(name, hostname, numa_node))
object Results {
val name = Generic.name.make_primary_key
val hostname = SQL.Column.string("hostname")
val numa_node = SQL.Column.string("numa_node")
val rc = SQL.Column.int("rc")
val out = SQL.Column.string("out")
val err = SQL.Column.string("err")
val timing_elapsed = SQL.Column.long("timing_elapsed")
val timing_cpu = SQL.Column.long("timing_cpu")
val timing_gc = SQL.Column.long("timing_gc")
val table =
List(name, hostname, numa_node, rc, out, err, timing_elapsed, timing_cpu, timing_gc))
def read_pending(db: SQL.Database): List[Entry] =
db.using_statement(Pending.table.select(sql = SQL.order_by(List(Pending.name)))) { stmt =>
stmt.execute_query().iterator { res =>
val name = res.string(Pending.name)
val deps = res.string(Pending.deps)
val info = res.string(Pending.info)
Entry(name, split_lines(deps), info = JSON.Object.parse(info))
def update_pending(db: SQL.Database, pending: List[Entry]): Boolean = {
val old_pending = read_pending(db)
val (delete, insert) = Library.symmetric_difference(old_pending, pending)
if (delete.nonEmpty) {
sql = SQL.where(Generic.sql_member(names = delete.map(_.name)))))(_.execute())
for (entry <- insert) {
db.using_statement(Pending.table.insert()) { stmt =>
stmt.string(1) = entry.name
stmt.string(2) = cat_lines(entry.deps)
stmt.string(3) = JSON.Format(entry.info)
delete.nonEmpty || insert.nonEmpty
def read_running(db: SQL.Database): List[Build_Job.Abstract] =
db.using_statement(Running.table.select(sql = SQL.order_by(List(Running.name)))) { stmt =>
stmt.execute_query().iterator { res =>
val name = res.string(Running.name)
val hostname = res.string(Running.hostname)
val numa_node = res.get_int(Running.numa_node)
Build_Job.Abstract(name, Build_Job.Node_Info(hostname, numa_node))
def update_running(db: SQL.Database, running: Map[String, Build_Job]): Boolean = {
val old_running = read_running(db)
val abs_running = running.valuesIterator.map(_.make_abstract).toList
val (delete, insert) = Library.symmetric_difference(old_running, abs_running)
if (delete.nonEmpty) {
sql = SQL.where(Generic.sql_member(names = delete.map(_.job_name)))))(_.execute())
for (job <- insert) {
db.using_statement(Running.table.insert()) { stmt =>
stmt.string(1) = job.job_name
stmt.string(2) = job.node_info.hostname
stmt.int(3) = job.node_info.numa_node
delete.nonEmpty || insert.nonEmpty
def read_results(db: SQL.Database, names: List[String] = Nil): Map[String, Build_Job.Result] =
Results.table.select(sql = if_proper(names, Results.name.where_member(names)))) { stmt =>
stmt.execute_query().iterator { res =>
val name = res.string(Results.name)
val hostname = res.string(Results.hostname)
val numa_node = res.get_int(Results.numa_node)
val rc = res.int(Results.rc)
val out = res.string(Results.out)
val err = res.string(Results.err)
val timing_elapsed = res.long(Results.timing_elapsed)
val timing_cpu = res.long(Results.timing_cpu)
val timing_gc = res.long(Results.timing_gc)
val node_info = Build_Job.Node_Info(hostname, numa_node)
val process_result =
out_lines = split_lines(out),
err_lines = split_lines(err),
timing = Timing(Time.ms(timing_elapsed), Time.ms(timing_cpu), Time.ms(timing_gc)))
name -> Build_Job.Result(node_info, process_result)
def read_results_name(db: SQL.Database): Set[String] =
db.using_statement(Results.table.select(List(Results.name)))(stmt =>
def update_results(db: SQL.Database, results: Map[String, Build_Process.Result]): Boolean = {
val old_results = read_results_name(db)
val insert = results.iterator.filterNot(p => !old_results.contains(p._1)).toList
for ((name, result) <- insert) {
val node_info = result.node_info
val process_result = result.process_result
db.using_statement(Results.table.insert()) { stmt =>
stmt.string(1) = name
stmt.string(2) = node_info.hostname
stmt.int(3) = node_info.numa_node
stmt.int(4) = process_result.rc
stmt.string(5) = cat_lines(process_result.out_lines)
stmt.string(6) = cat_lines(process_result.err_lines)
stmt.long(7) = process_result.timing.elapsed.ms
stmt.long(8) = process_result.timing.cpu.ms
stmt.long(9) = process_result.timing.gc.ms
def write_config(db: SQL.Database, instance: String, hostname: String, options: Options): Unit =
db.using_statement(Config.table.insert()) { stmt =>
stmt.string(1) = instance
stmt.string(2) = Isabelle_System.getenv("ML_IDENTIFIER")
stmt.string(3) = options.make_prefs(Options.init(prefs = ""))
def read_state(db: SQL.Database, instance: String): (Long, Int) =
State.table.select(sql = SQL.where(Generic.sql_equal(instance = instance)))
) { stmt =>
(stmt.execute_query().iterator { res =>
val serial = res.long(State.serial)
val numa_index = res.int(State.numa_index)
(serial, numa_index)
}).nextOption.getOrElse(error("No build state instance " + instance + " in database " + db))
def write_state(db: SQL.Database, instance: String, serial: Long, numa_index: Int): Unit =
db.using_statement(State.table.insert()) { stmt =>
stmt.string(1) = instance
stmt.long(2) = serial
stmt.int(3) = numa_index
def reset_state(db: SQL.Database, instance: String): Unit =
State.table.delete(sql = SQL.where(Generic.sql_equal(instance = instance))))(_.execute())
def init_database(db: SQL.Database, build_context: Build_Process.Context): Unit = {
val tables =
List(Config.table, State.table, Pending.table, Running.table, Results.table)
for (table <- tables) db.create_table(table)
val old_pending = Data.read_pending(db)
if (old_pending.nonEmpty) {
error("Cannot init build process, because of unfinished " +
for (table <- tables) db.using_statement(table.delete())(_.execute())
write_config(db, build_context.instance, build_context.hostname, build_context.store.options)
write_state(db, build_context.instance, 0, 0)
def update_database(db: SQL.Database, instance: String, state: State): State = {
val ch1 = update_pending(db, state.pending)
val ch2 = update_running(db, state.running)
val ch3 = update_results(db, state.results)
val (serial0, _) = read_state(db, instance)
val serial = if (ch1 || ch2 || ch3) serial0 + 1 else serial0
if (serial != serial0) {
reset_state(db, instance)
write_state(db, instance, serial, state.numa_index)
state.copy(serial = serial)
/* main process */
def session_finished(session_name: String, process_result: Process_Result): String =
"Finished " + session_name + " (" + process_result.timing.message_resources + ")"
def session_timing(session_name: String, build_log: Build_Log.Session_Info): String = {
val props = build_log.session_timing
val threads = Markup.Session_Timing.Threads.unapply(props) getOrElse 1
val timing = Markup.Timing_Properties.get(props)
"Timing " + session_name + " (" + threads + " threads, " + timing.message_factor + ")"
class Build_Process(protected val build_context: Build_Process.Context) extends AutoCloseable {
protected val store: Sessions.Store = build_context.store
protected val build_options: Options = store.options
protected val build_deps: Sessions.Deps = build_context.deps
protected val progress: Progress = build_context.progress
protected val verbose: Boolean = build_context.verbose
protected val log: Logger =
build_options.string("system_log") match {
case "" => No_Logger
case "-" => Logger.make(progress)
case log_file => Logger.make(Some(Path.explode(log_file)))
protected val database: Option[SQL.Database] =
if (!build_options.bool("build_database") || true /*FIXME*/) None
else if (store.database_server) Some(store.open_database_server())
else Some(SQLite.open_database(Build_Process.Data.database))
def close(): Unit = database.foreach(_.close())
// global state
protected var _state: Build_Process.State = init_state()
protected def init_state(): Build_Process.State =
Build_Process.State(pending =
(for ((name, (_, (preds, _))) <- build_context.sessions_structure.build_graph.iterator)
yield Build_Process.Entry(name, preds.toList)).toList)
protected def finished(): Boolean = synchronized { _state.finished }
protected def next_pending(): Option[String] = synchronized {
if (_state.running.size < (build_context.max_jobs max 1)) {
_state.pending.filter(entry => entry.is_ready && !_state.is_running(entry.name))
else None
protected def stop_running(): Unit = synchronized { _state.stop_running() }
protected def finished_running(): List[Build_Job.Build_Session] = synchronized {
protected def finish_job(job: Build_Job.Build_Session): Unit = {
val session_name = job.session_name
val process_result = job.join
val output_heap = job.finish
val log_lines = process_result.out_lines.filterNot(Protocol_Message.Marker.test)
val process_result_tail = {
val tail = job.info.options.int("process_output_tail")
out_lines =
"(more details via \"isabelle log -H Error " + session_name + "\")" ::
(if (tail == 0) log_lines else log_lines.drop(log_lines.length - tail max 0)))
val build_log =
Build_Log.Log_File(session_name, process_result.out_lines).
command_timings = true,
theory_timings = true,
ml_statistics = true,
task_statistics = true)
// write log file
if (process_result.ok) {
File.write_gzip(store.output_log_gz(session_name), terminate_lines(log_lines))
else File.write(store.output_log(session_name), terminate_lines(log_lines))
// write database
using(store.open_database(session_name, output = true))(db =>
store.write_session_info(db, session_name, job.session_sources,
build_log =
if (process_result.timeout) build_log.error("Timeout") else build_log,
build =
Sessions.Build_Info(build_deps.sources_shasum(session_name), job.input_heaps,
output_heap, process_result.rc, UUID.random().toString)))
// messages
if (process_result.ok) {
if (verbose) progress.echo(Build_Process.session_timing(session_name, build_log))
progress.echo(Build_Process.session_finished(session_name, process_result))
else {
progress.echo(session_name + " FAILED")
if (!process_result.interrupted) progress.echo(process_result_tail.out)
synchronized {
_state = _state.
make_result(session_name, false, output_heap, process_result_tail, node_info = job.node_info)
protected def start_job(session_name: String): Unit = {
val ancestor_results = synchronized {
filterNot(_ == session_name))
val input_heaps =
if (ancestor_results.isEmpty) {
else SHA1.flat_shasum(ancestor_results.map(_.output_heap))
val do_store = build_context.do_store(session_name)
val (current, output_heap) = {
store.try_open_database(session_name) match {
case Some(db) =>
using(db)(store.read_build(_, session_name)) match {
case Some(build) =>
val output_heap = store.find_heap_shasum(session_name)
val current =
!build_context.fresh_build &&
build.ok &&
build.sources == build_deps.sources_shasum(session_name) &&
build.input_heaps == input_heaps &&
build.output_heap == output_heap &&
!(do_store && output_heap.is_empty)
(current, output_heap)
case None => (false, SHA1.no_shasum)
case None => (false, SHA1.no_shasum)
val all_current = current && ancestor_results.forall(_.current)
if (all_current) {
synchronized {
_state = _state.
make_result(session_name, true, output_heap, Process_Result.ok)
else if (build_context.no_build) {
progress.echo_if(verbose, "Skipping " + session_name + " ...")
synchronized {
_state = _state.
make_result(session_name, false, output_heap, Process_Result.error)
else if (ancestor_results.forall(_.ok) && !progress.stopped) {
progress.echo((if (do_store) "Building " else "Running ") + session_name + " ...")
using(store.open_database(session_name, output = true))(
store.init_session_info(_, session_name))
val session_background = build_deps.background(session_name)
val resources =
new Resources(session_background, log = log,
command_timings = build_context(session_name).old_command_timings)
val job =
synchronized {
val (numa_node, state1) = _state.numa_next(build_context.numa_nodes)
val node_info = Build_Job.Node_Info(build_context.hostname, numa_node)
val job =
new Build_Job.Build_Session(progress, session_background, store, do_store,
resources, build_context.session_setup, input_heaps, node_info)
_state = state1.add_running(session_name, job)
else {
progress.echo(session_name + " CANCELLED")
synchronized {
_state = _state.
make_result(session_name, false, output_heap, Process_Result.undefined)
protected def setup_database(): Unit =
for (db <- database) {
synchronized {
db.transaction {
Build_Process.Data.init_database(db, build_context)
protected def sync_database(): Unit =
for (db <- database) {
synchronized {
db.transaction {
_state = Build_Process.Data.update_database(db, build_context.instance, _state)
protected def sleep(): Unit =
Isabelle_Thread.interrupt_handler(_ => progress.stop()) {
def run(): Map[String, Process_Result] = {
if (finished()) {
progress.echo_warning("Nothing to build")
Map.empty[String, Process_Result]
else {
while (!finished()) {
if (progress.stopped) stop_running()
for (job <- finished_running()) finish_job(job)
next_pending() match {
case Some(name) =>
case None =>
synchronized {
for ((name, result) <- _state.results) yield name -> result.process_result