author boehmes
Wed, 12 May 2010 23:53:59 +0200
changeset 36895 a96f9793d9c5
parent 35429 afa8cf9e63d8
permissions -rw-r--r--
split monolithic Z3 proof reconstruction structure into separate structures, use one set of schematic theorems for all uncertain proof rules (to extend proof reconstruction by missing cases), added several schematic theorems, improved abstraction of goals (abstract all uninterpreted sub-terms, only leave builtin symbols)

(*  Title:      Pure/Isar/local_syntax.ML
    Author:     Makarius

Local syntax depending on theory syntax.

signature LOCAL_SYNTAX =
  type T
  val syn_of: T -> Syntax.syntax
  val idents_of: T -> {structs: string list, fixes: string list}
  val init: theory -> T
  val rebuild: theory -> T -> T
  datatype kind = Type | Const | Fixed
  val add_syntax: theory -> (kind * (string * typ * mixfix)) list -> T -> T
  val set_mode: Syntax.mode -> T -> T
  val restore_mode: T -> T -> T
  val update_modesyntax: theory -> bool -> Syntax.mode ->
    (kind * (string * typ * mixfix)) list -> T -> T

structure Local_Syntax: LOCAL_SYNTAX =

(* datatype T *)

type local_mixfix =
  (string * bool) *  (*name, fixed?*)
  ((bool * bool * Syntax.mode) * (string * typ * mixfix));  (*type?, add?, mode, declaration*)

datatype T = Syntax of
 {thy_syntax: Syntax.syntax,
  local_syntax: Syntax.syntax,
  mode: Syntax.mode,
  mixfixes: local_mixfix list,
  idents: string list * string list};

fun make_syntax (thy_syntax, local_syntax, mode, mixfixes, idents) =
  Syntax {thy_syntax = thy_syntax, local_syntax = local_syntax,
    mode = mode, mixfixes = mixfixes, idents = idents};

fun map_syntax f (Syntax {thy_syntax, local_syntax, mode, mixfixes, idents}) =
  make_syntax (f (thy_syntax, local_syntax, mode, mixfixes, idents));

fun is_consistent thy (Syntax {thy_syntax, ...}) =
  Syntax.eq_syntax (Sign.syn_of thy, thy_syntax);

fun syn_of (Syntax {local_syntax, ...}) = local_syntax;
fun idents_of (Syntax {idents = (structs, fixes), ...}) = {structs = structs, fixes = fixes};

(* build syntax *)

fun build_syntax thy mode mixfixes (idents as (structs, _)) =
    val thy_syntax = Sign.syn_of thy;
    fun update_gram ((true, add, m), decls) = Syntax.update_type_gram add m decls
      | update_gram ((false, add, m), decls) =
          Syntax.update_const_gram add (Sign.is_logtype thy) m decls;

    val (atrs, trs, trs', atrs') = Syntax.struct_trfuns structs;
    val local_syntax = thy_syntax
      |> Syntax.update_trfuns
          (map Syntax.mk_trfun atrs, map Syntax.mk_trfun trs,
           map Syntax.mk_trfun trs', map Syntax.mk_trfun atrs')
      |> fold update_gram (AList.coalesce (op =) (rev (map snd mixfixes)));
  in make_syntax (thy_syntax, local_syntax, mode, mixfixes, idents) end;

fun init thy = build_syntax thy Syntax.mode_default [] ([], []);

fun rebuild thy (syntax as Syntax {mode, mixfixes, idents, ...}) =
  if is_consistent thy syntax then syntax
  else build_syntax thy mode mixfixes idents;

(* mixfix declarations *)

datatype kind = Type | Const | Fixed;


fun prep_mixfix _ _ (_, (_, _, Structure)) = NONE
  | prep_mixfix add mode (Type, decl as (x, _, _)) = SOME ((x, false), ((true, add, mode), decl))
  | prep_mixfix add mode (Const, decl as (x, _, _)) = SOME ((x, false), ((false, add, mode), decl))
  | prep_mixfix add mode (Fixed, (x, T, mx)) =
      SOME ((x, true), ((false, add, mode), (Syntax.mark_fixed x, T, mx)));

fun prep_struct (Fixed, (c, _, Structure)) = SOME c
  | prep_struct (_, (c, _, Structure)) = error ("Bad mixfix declaration for " ^ quote c)
  | prep_struct _ = NONE;


fun update_syntax add thy raw_decls
    (syntax as (Syntax {mode, mixfixes, idents = (structs, _), ...})) =
  (case filter_out (fn (_, (_, _, mx)) => mx = NoSyn) raw_decls of
    [] => syntax
  | decls =>
        val new_mixfixes = map_filter (prep_mixfix add mode) decls;
        val new_structs = map_filter prep_struct decls;
        val mixfixes' = rev new_mixfixes @ mixfixes;
        val structs' =
          if add then structs @ new_structs
          else subtract (op =) new_structs structs;
        val fixes' = fold (fn ((x, true), _) => cons x | _ => I) mixfixes' [];
      in build_syntax thy mode mixfixes' (structs', fixes') end);

val add_syntax = update_syntax true;


(* syntax mode *)

fun set_mode mode = map_syntax (fn (thy_syntax, local_syntax, _, mixfixes, idents) =>
  (thy_syntax, local_syntax, mode, mixfixes, idents));

fun restore_mode (Syntax {mode, ...}) = set_mode mode;

fun update_modesyntax thy add mode args syntax =
  syntax |> set_mode mode |> update_syntax add thy args |> restore_mode syntax;
