split monolithic Z3 proof reconstruction structure into separate structures, use one set of schematic theorems for all uncertain proof rules (to extend proof reconstruction by missing cases), added several schematic theorems, improved abstraction of goals (abstract all uninterpreted sub-terms, only leave builtin symbols)
(* Title: Pure/Isar/overloading.ML
Author: Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
Overloaded definitions without any discipline.
signature OVERLOADING =
val init: (string * (string * typ) * bool) list -> theory -> Proof.context
val conclude: local_theory -> local_theory
val declare: string * typ -> theory -> term * theory
val confirm: binding -> local_theory -> local_theory
val define: bool -> binding -> string * term -> theory -> thm * theory
val operation: Proof.context -> binding -> (string * bool) option
val pretty: Proof.context -> Pretty.T
type improvable_syntax
val add_improvable_syntax: Proof.context -> Proof.context
val map_improvable_syntax: (improvable_syntax -> improvable_syntax)
-> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val set_primary_constraints: Proof.context -> Proof.context
structure Overloading: OVERLOADING =
(** generic check/uncheck combinators for improvable constants **)
type improvable_syntax = ((((string * typ) list * (string * typ) list) *
((((string * typ -> (typ * typ) option) * (string * typ -> (typ * term) option)) * bool) *
(term * term) list)) * bool);
structure ImprovableSyntax = Proof_Data
type T = {
primary_constraints: (string * typ) list,
secondary_constraints: (string * typ) list,
improve: string * typ -> (typ * typ) option,
subst: string * typ -> (typ * term) option,
consider_abbrevs: bool,
unchecks: (term * term) list,
passed: bool
fun init _ = {
primary_constraints = [],
secondary_constraints = [],
improve = K NONE,
subst = K NONE,
consider_abbrevs = false,
unchecks = [],
passed = true
fun map_improvable_syntax f = ImprovableSyntax.map (fn { primary_constraints,
secondary_constraints, improve, subst, consider_abbrevs, unchecks, passed } => let
val (((primary_constraints', secondary_constraints'),
(((improve', subst'), consider_abbrevs'), unchecks')), passed')
= f (((primary_constraints, secondary_constraints),
(((improve, subst), consider_abbrevs), unchecks)), passed)
in { primary_constraints = primary_constraints', secondary_constraints = secondary_constraints',
improve = improve', subst = subst', consider_abbrevs = consider_abbrevs',
unchecks = unchecks', passed = passed'
} end);
val mark_passed = (map_improvable_syntax o apsnd) (K true);
fun improve_term_check ts ctxt =
val { secondary_constraints, improve, subst, consider_abbrevs, passed, ... } =
ImprovableSyntax.get ctxt;
val tsig = (Sign.tsig_of o ProofContext.theory_of) ctxt;
val is_abbrev = consider_abbrevs andalso ProofContext.abbrev_mode ctxt;
val passed_or_abbrev = passed orelse is_abbrev;
fun accumulate_improvements (Const (c, ty)) = (case improve (c, ty)
of SOME ty_ty' => Type.typ_match tsig ty_ty'
| _ => I)
| accumulate_improvements _ = I;
val improvements = (fold o fold_aterms) accumulate_improvements ts Vartab.empty;
val ts' = (map o map_types) (Envir.subst_type improvements) ts;
fun apply_subst t = Envir.expand_term (fn Const (c, ty) => (case subst (c, ty)
of SOME (ty', t') =>
if Type.typ_instance tsig (ty, ty')
then SOME (ty', apply_subst t') else NONE
| _ => NONE) t;
val ts'' = if is_abbrev then ts' else map apply_subst ts';
in if eq_list (op aconv) (ts, ts'') andalso passed_or_abbrev then NONE else
if passed_or_abbrev then SOME (ts'', ctxt)
else SOME (ts'', ctxt
|> fold (ProofContext.add_const_constraint o apsnd SOME) secondary_constraints
|> mark_passed)
fun rewrite_liberal thy unchecks t =
case try (Pattern.rewrite_term thy unchecks []) t
| SOME t' => if t aconv t' then NONE else SOME t';
fun improve_term_uncheck ts ctxt =
val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
val unchecks = (#unchecks o ImprovableSyntax.get) ctxt;
val ts' = map (rewrite_liberal thy unchecks) ts;
in if exists is_some ts' then SOME (map2 the_default ts ts', ctxt) else NONE end;
fun set_primary_constraints ctxt =
val { primary_constraints, ... } = ImprovableSyntax.get ctxt;
in fold (ProofContext.add_const_constraint o apsnd SOME) primary_constraints ctxt end;
val add_improvable_syntax =
(Syntax.add_term_check 0 "improvement" improve_term_check
#> Syntax.add_term_uncheck 0 "improvement" improve_term_uncheck)
#> set_primary_constraints;
(** overloading target **)
(* bookkeeping *)
structure OverloadingData = Proof_Data
type T = ((string * typ) * (string * bool)) list;
fun init _ = [];
val get_overloading = OverloadingData.get o Local_Theory.target_of;
val map_overloading = Local_Theory.target o OverloadingData.map;
fun operation lthy b = get_overloading lthy
|> get_first (fn ((c, _), (v, checked)) =>
if Binding.name_of b = v then SOME (c, checked) else NONE);
(* target *)
fun synchronize_syntax ctxt =
val overloading = OverloadingData.get ctxt;
fun subst (c, ty) = case AList.lookup (op =) overloading (c, ty)
of SOME (v, _) => SOME (ty, Free (v, ty))
val unchecks =
map (fn (c_ty as (_, ty), (v, _)) => (Free (v, ty), Const c_ty)) overloading;
|> map_improvable_syntax (K ((([], []), (((K NONE, subst), false), unchecks)), false))
fun init raw_overloading thy =
val _ = if null raw_overloading then error "At least one parameter must be given" else ();
val overloading = map (fn (v, c_ty, checked) => (c_ty, (v, checked))) raw_overloading;
|> Theory.checkpoint
|> ProofContext.init_global
|> OverloadingData.put overloading
|> fold (fn ((_, ty), (v, _)) => Variable.declare_names (Free (v, ty))) overloading
|> add_improvable_syntax
|> synchronize_syntax
fun declare c_ty = pair (Const c_ty);
fun define checked b (c, t) =
Thm.add_def (not checked) true (b, Logic.mk_equals (Const (c, Term.fastype_of t), t))
#>> snd;
fun confirm b = map_overloading (filter_out (fn (_, (c', _)) => c' = Binding.name_of b))
#> Local_Theory.target synchronize_syntax
fun conclude lthy =
val overloading = get_overloading lthy;
val _ = if null overloading then () else
error ("Missing definition(s) for parameter(s) " ^ commas (map (quote
o Syntax.string_of_term lthy o Const o fst) overloading));
fun pretty lthy =
val thy = ProofContext.theory_of lthy;
val overloading = get_overloading lthy;
fun pr_operation ((c, ty), (v, _)) =
(Pretty.block o Pretty.breaks) [Pretty.str v, Pretty.str "==",
Pretty.str (Sign.extern_const thy c), Pretty.str "::", Syntax.pretty_typ lthy ty];
(Pretty.block o Pretty.fbreaks)
(Pretty.str "overloading" :: map pr_operation overloading)