split monolithic Z3 proof reconstruction structure into separate structures, use one set of schematic theorems for all uncertain proof rules (to extend proof reconstruction by missing cases), added several schematic theorems, improved abstraction of goals (abstract all uninterpreted sub-terms, only leave builtin symbols)
(* Title: Pure/facts.ML
Author: Makarius
Environment of named facts, optionally indexed by proposition.
signature FACTS =
val the_single: string -> thm list -> thm
datatype interval = FromTo of int * int | From of int | Single of int
datatype ref =
Named of (string * Position.T) * interval list option |
Fact of string
val named: string -> ref
val string_of_ref: ref -> string
val name_of_ref: ref -> string
val pos_of_ref: ref -> Position.T
val map_name_of_ref: (string -> string) -> ref -> ref
val select: ref -> thm list -> thm list
val selections: string * thm list -> (ref * thm) list
type T
val empty: T
val space_of: T -> Name_Space.T
val is_concealed: T -> string -> bool
val intern: T -> xstring -> string
val extern: T -> string -> xstring
val lookup: Context.generic -> T -> string -> (bool * thm list) option
val defined: T -> string -> bool
val fold_static: (string * thm list -> 'a -> 'a) -> T -> 'a -> 'a
val dest_static: T list -> T -> (string * thm list) list
val extern_static: T list -> T -> (xstring * thm list) list
val props: T -> thm list
val could_unify: T -> term -> thm list
val merge: T * T -> T
val add_global: Name_Space.naming -> binding * thm list -> T -> string * T
val add_local: bool -> Name_Space.naming -> binding * thm list -> T -> string * T
val add_dynamic: Name_Space.naming -> binding * (Context.generic -> thm list) -> T -> string * T
val del: string -> T -> T
val hide: bool -> string -> T -> T
structure Facts: FACTS =
(** fact references **)
fun the_single _ [th] : thm = th
| the_single name _ = error ("Expected singleton fact " ^ quote name);
(* datatype interval *)
datatype interval =
FromTo of int * int |
From of int |
Single of int;
fun string_of_interval (FromTo (i, j)) = string_of_int i ^ "-" ^ string_of_int j
| string_of_interval (From i) = string_of_int i ^ "-"
| string_of_interval (Single i) = string_of_int i;
fun interval n iv =
let fun err () = raise Fail ("Bad interval specification " ^ string_of_interval iv) in
(case iv of
FromTo (i, j) => if i <= j then i upto j else err ()
| From i => if i <= n then i upto n else err ()
| Single i => [i])
(* datatype ref *)
datatype ref =
Named of (string * Position.T) * interval list option |
Fact of string;
fun named name = Named ((name, Position.none), NONE);
fun name_pos_of_ref (Named (name_pos, _)) = name_pos
| name_pos_of_ref (Fact _) = error "Illegal literal fact";
val name_of_ref = #1 o name_pos_of_ref;
val pos_of_ref = #2 o name_pos_of_ref;
fun map_name_of_ref f (Named ((name, pos), is)) = Named ((f name, pos), is)
| map_name_of_ref _ r = r;
fun string_of_ref (Named ((name, _), NONE)) = name
| string_of_ref (Named ((name, _), SOME is)) =
name ^ enclose "(" ")" (commas (map string_of_interval is))
| string_of_ref (Fact _) = error "Illegal literal fact";
(* select *)
fun select (Fact _) ths = ths
| select (Named (_, NONE)) ths = ths
| select (Named ((name, pos), SOME ivs)) ths =
val n = length ths;
fun err msg =
error (msg ^ " for " ^ quote name ^ " (length " ^ string_of_int n ^ ")" ^
Position.str_of pos);
fun sel i =
if i < 1 orelse i > n then err ("Bad subscript " ^ string_of_int i)
else nth ths (i - 1);
val is = maps (interval n) ivs handle Fail msg => err msg;
in map sel is end;
(* selections *)
fun selections (name, [th]) = [(Named ((name, Position.none), NONE), th)]
| selections (name, ths) = map2 (fn i => fn th =>
(Named ((name, Position.none), SOME [Single i]), th)) (1 upto length ths) ths;
(** fact environment **)
(* datatypes *)
datatype fact = Static of thm list | Dynamic of Context.generic -> thm list;
datatype T = Facts of
{facts: fact Name_Space.table,
props: thm Net.net};
fun make_facts facts props = Facts {facts = facts, props = props};
val empty = make_facts (Name_Space.empty_table "fact") Net.empty;
(* named facts *)
fun facts_of (Facts {facts, ...}) = facts;
val space_of = #1 o facts_of;
val table_of = #2 o facts_of;
val is_concealed = Name_Space.is_concealed o space_of;
val intern = Name_Space.intern o space_of;
val extern = Name_Space.extern o space_of;
val defined = Symtab.defined o table_of;
fun lookup context facts name =
(case Symtab.lookup (table_of facts) name of
| SOME (Static ths) => SOME (true, ths)
| SOME (Dynamic f) => SOME (false, f context));
fun fold_static f =
Symtab.fold (fn (name, Static ths) => f (name, ths) | _ => I) o table_of;
(* content difference *)
fun diff_table prev_facts facts =
fold_static (fn (name, ths) =>
if exists (fn prev => defined prev name) prev_facts then I
else cons (name, ths)) facts [];
fun dest_static prev_facts facts =
sort_wrt #1 (diff_table prev_facts facts);
fun extern_static prev_facts facts =
sort_wrt #1 (diff_table prev_facts facts |> map (apfst (extern facts)));
(* indexed props *)
val prop_ord = Term_Ord.term_ord o pairself Thm.full_prop_of;
fun props (Facts {props, ...}) = sort_distinct prop_ord (Net.content props);
fun could_unify (Facts {props, ...}) = Net.unify_term props;
(* merge facts *)
fun merge (Facts {facts = facts1, props = props1}, Facts {facts = facts2, props = props2}) =
val facts' = Name_Space.merge_tables (facts1, facts2);
val props' = Net.merge (is_equal o prop_ord) (props1, props2);
in make_facts facts' props' end;
(* add static entries *)
fun add strict do_props naming (b, ths) (Facts {facts, props}) =
val (name, facts') =
if Binding.is_empty b then ("", facts)
else Name_Space.define strict naming (b, Static ths) facts;
val props' =
if do_props
then fold (fn th => Net.insert_term (K false) (Thm.full_prop_of th, th)) ths props
else props;
in (name, make_facts facts' props') end;
val add_global = add true false;
val add_local = add false;
(* add dynamic entries *)
fun add_dynamic naming (b, f) (Facts {facts, props}) =
let val (name, facts') = Name_Space.define true naming (b, Dynamic f) facts;
in (name, make_facts facts' props) end;
(* remove entries *)
fun del name (Facts {facts = (space, tab), props}) =
val space' = Name_Space.hide true name space handle ERROR _ => space;
val tab' = Symtab.delete_safe name tab;
in make_facts (space', tab') props end;
fun hide fully name (Facts {facts = (space, tab), props}) =
make_facts (Name_Space.hide fully name space, tab) props;