split monolithic Z3 proof reconstruction structure into separate structures, use one set of schematic theorems for all uncertain proof rules (to extend proof reconstruction by missing cases), added several schematic theorems, improved abstraction of goals (abstract all uninterpreted sub-terms, only leave builtin symbols)
(* Title: Pure/search.ML
Author: Lawrence C Paulson and Norbert Voelker
Search tacticals.
signature SEARCH =
val trace_DEPTH_FIRST: bool Unsynchronized.ref
val DEPTH_FIRST: (thm -> bool) -> tactic -> tactic
val has_fewer_prems: int -> thm -> bool
val IF_UNSOLVED: tactic -> tactic
val SOLVE: tactic -> tactic
val DETERM_UNTIL_SOLVED: tactic -> tactic
val THEN_MAYBE: tactic * tactic -> tactic
val THEN_MAYBE': ('a -> tactic) * ('a -> tactic) -> 'a -> tactic
val DEPTH_SOLVE: tactic -> tactic
val DEPTH_SOLVE_1: tactic -> tactic
val iter_deepen_limit: int Unsynchronized.ref
val THEN_ITER_DEEPEN: tactic -> (thm -> bool) -> (int -> tactic) -> tactic
val ITER_DEEPEN: (thm -> bool) -> (int -> tactic) -> tactic
val trace_DEEPEN: bool Unsynchronized.ref
val DEEPEN: int * int -> (int -> int -> tactic) -> int -> int -> tactic
val trace_BEST_FIRST: bool Unsynchronized.ref
val THEN_BEST_FIRST: tactic -> (thm -> bool) * (thm -> int) -> tactic -> tactic
val BEST_FIRST: (thm -> bool) * (thm -> int) -> tactic -> tactic
val BREADTH_FIRST: (thm -> bool) -> tactic -> tactic
val QUIET_BREADTH_FIRST: (thm -> bool) -> tactic -> tactic
val trace_ASTAR: bool Unsynchronized.ref
val THEN_ASTAR: tactic -> (thm -> bool) * (int -> thm -> int) -> tactic -> tactic
val ASTAR: (thm -> bool) * (int -> thm -> int) -> tactic -> tactic
structure Search: SEARCH =
(**** Depth-first search ****)
val trace_DEPTH_FIRST = Unsynchronized.ref false;
(*Searches until "satp" reports proof tree as satisfied.
Suppresses duplicate solutions to minimize search space.*)
fun DEPTH_FIRST satp tac =
let val tac = tracify trace_DEPTH_FIRST tac
fun depth used [] = NONE
| depth used (q::qs) =
case Seq.pull q of
NONE => depth used qs
| SOME(st,stq) =>
if satp st andalso not (member Thm.eq_thm used st)
then SOME(st, Seq.make
(fn()=> depth (st::used) (stq::qs)))
else depth used (tac st :: stq :: qs)
in traced_tac (fn st => depth [] [Seq.single st]) end;
(*Predicate: Does the rule have fewer than n premises?*)
fun has_fewer_prems n rule = (nprems_of rule < n);
(*Apply a tactic if subgoals remain, else do nothing.*)
val IF_UNSOLVED = COND (has_fewer_prems 1) all_tac;
(*Force a tactic to solve its goal completely, otherwise fail *)
fun SOLVE tac = tac THEN COND (has_fewer_prems 1) all_tac no_tac;
(*Force repeated application of tactic until goal is solved completely *)
val DETERM_UNTIL_SOLVED = DETERM_UNTIL (has_fewer_prems 1);
(*Execute tac1, but only execute tac2 if there are at least as many subgoals
as before. This ensures that tac2 is only applied to an outcome of tac1.*)
fun (tac1 THEN_MAYBE tac2) st =
(tac1 THEN COND (has_fewer_prems (nprems_of st)) all_tac tac2) st;
fun (tac1 THEN_MAYBE' tac2) x = tac1 x THEN_MAYBE tac2 x;
(*Tactical to reduce the number of premises by 1.
If no subgoals then it must fail! *)
fun DEPTH_SOLVE_1 tac st = st |>
(case nprems_of st of
0 => no_tac
| n => DEPTH_FIRST (has_fewer_prems n) tac);
(*Uses depth-first search to solve ALL subgoals*)
val DEPTH_SOLVE = DEPTH_FIRST (has_fewer_prems 1);
(**** Iterative deepening with pruning ****)
fun has_vars (Var _) = true
| has_vars (Abs (_,_,t)) = has_vars t
| has_vars (f$t) = has_vars f orelse has_vars t
| has_vars _ = false;
(*Counting of primitive inferences is APPROXIMATE, as the step tactic
may perform >1 inference*)
(*Pruning of rigid ancestor to prevent backtracking*)
fun prune (new as (k', np':int, rgd', stq), qs) =
let fun prune_aux (qs, []) = new::qs
| prune_aux (qs, (k,np,rgd,q)::rqs) =
if np'+1 = np andalso rgd then
(if !trace_DEPTH_FIRST then
tracing ("Pruning " ^
string_of_int (1+length rqs) ^ " levels")
else ();
(*Use OLD k: zero-cost solution; see Stickel, p 365*)
(k, np', rgd', stq) :: qs)
else prune_aux ((k,np,rgd,q)::qs, rqs)
fun take ([], rqs) = ([], rqs)
| take (arg as ((k,np,rgd,stq)::qs, rqs)) =
if np' < np then take (qs, (k,np,rgd,stq)::rqs)
else arg
in prune_aux (take (qs, [])) end;
(*No known example (on 1-5-2007) needs even thirty*)
val iter_deepen_limit = Unsynchronized.ref 50;
(*Depth-first iterative deepening search for a state that satisfies satp
tactic tac0 sets up the initial goal queue, while tac1 searches it.
The solution sequence is redundant: the cutoff heuristic makes it impossible
to suppress solutions arising from earlier searches, as the accumulated cost
(k) can be wrong.*)
fun THEN_ITER_DEEPEN tac0 satp tac1 = traced_tac (fn st =>
let val countr = Unsynchronized.ref 0
and tf = tracify trace_DEPTH_FIRST (tac1 1)
and qs0 = tac0 st
(*bnd = depth bound; inc = estimate of increment required next*)
fun depth (bnd,inc) [] =
if bnd > !iter_deepen_limit then
(tracing (string_of_int (!countr) ^
" inferences so far. Giving up at " ^ string_of_int bnd);
(tracing (string_of_int (!countr) ^
" inferences so far. Searching to depth " ^
string_of_int bnd);
(*larger increments make it run slower for the hard problems*)
depth (bnd+inc, 10)) [(0, 1, false, qs0)]
| depth (bnd,inc) ((k,np,rgd,q)::qs) =
if k>=bnd then depth (bnd,inc) qs
case (Unsynchronized.inc countr;
if !trace_DEPTH_FIRST then
tracing (string_of_int np ^ implode (map (fn _ => "*") qs))
else ();
Seq.pull q) of
NONE => depth (bnd,inc) qs
| SOME(st,stq) =>
if satp st (*solution!*)
then SOME(st, Seq.make
(fn()=> depth (bnd,inc) ((k,np,rgd,stq)::qs)))
let val np' = nprems_of st
(*rgd' calculation assumes tactic operates on subgoal 1*)
val rgd' = not (has_vars (hd (prems_of st)))
val k' = k+np'-np+1 (*difference in # of subgoals, +1*)
in if k'+np' >= bnd
then depth (bnd, Int.min(inc, k'+np'+1-bnd)) qs
else if np' < np (*solved a subgoal; prune rigid ancestors*)
then depth (bnd,inc)
(prune ((k', np', rgd', tf st), (k,np,rgd,stq) :: qs))
else depth (bnd,inc) ((k', np', rgd', tf st) ::
(k,np,rgd,stq) :: qs)
in depth (0,5) [] end);
(*Simple iterative deepening tactical. It merely "deepens" any search tactic
using increment "inc" up to limit "lim". *)
val trace_DEEPEN = Unsynchronized.ref false;
fun DEEPEN (inc,lim) tacf m i =
fun dpn m st =
st |>
(if has_fewer_prems i st then no_tac
else if m>lim then
(if !trace_DEEPEN then tracing "Search depth limit exceeded: giving up" else ();
(if !trace_DEEPEN then tracing ("Search depth = " ^ string_of_int m) else ();
tacf m i ORELSE dpn (m+inc)))
in dpn m end;
(*** Best-first search ***)
(*total ordering on theorems, allowing duplicates to be found*)
structure Thm_Heap = Heap
type elem = int * thm;
val ord = prod_ord int_ord (Term_Ord.term_ord o pairself Thm.prop_of);
val trace_BEST_FIRST = Unsynchronized.ref false;
(*For creating output sequence*)
fun some_of_list [] = NONE
| some_of_list (x::l) = SOME (x, Seq.make (fn () => some_of_list l));
(*Check for and delete duplicate proof states*)
fun delete_all_min prf heap =
if Thm_Heap.is_empty heap then heap
else if Thm.eq_thm (prf, #2 (Thm_Heap.min heap))
then delete_all_min prf (Thm_Heap.delete_min heap)
else heap;
(*Best-first search for a state that satisfies satp (incl initial state)
Function sizef estimates size of problem remaining (smaller means better).
tactic tac0 sets up the initial priority queue, while tac1 searches it. *)
fun THEN_BEST_FIRST tac0 (satp, sizef) tac1 =
let val tac = tracify trace_BEST_FIRST tac1
fun pairsize th = (sizef th, th);
fun bfs (news,nprf_heap) =
(case List.partition satp news of
([],nonsats) => next(fold_rev Thm_Heap.insert (map pairsize nonsats) nprf_heap)
| (sats,_) => some_of_list sats)
and next nprf_heap =
if Thm_Heap.is_empty nprf_heap then NONE
let val (n,prf) = Thm_Heap.min nprf_heap
in if !trace_BEST_FIRST
then tracing("state size = " ^ string_of_int n)
else ();
bfs (Seq.list_of (tac prf),
delete_all_min prf (Thm_Heap.delete_min nprf_heap))
fun btac st = bfs (Seq.list_of (tac0 st), Thm_Heap.empty)
in traced_tac btac end;
(*Ordinary best-first search, with no initial tactic*)
(*Breadth-first search to satisfy satpred (including initial state)
fun gen_BREADTH_FIRST message satpred (tac:tactic) =
let val tacf = Seq.list_of o tac;
fun bfs prfs =
(case List.partition satpred prfs of
([],[]) => []
| ([],nonsats) =>
(message("breadth=" ^ string_of_int(length nonsats));
bfs (maps tacf nonsats))
| (sats,_) => sats)
in (fn st => Seq.of_list (bfs [st])) end;
(* Author: Norbert Voelker, FernUniversitaet Hagen
Remarks: Implementation of A*-like proof procedure by modification
of the existing code for BEST_FIRST and best_tac so that the
current level of search is taken into account.
(*Insertion into priority queue of states, marked with level *)
fun insert_with_level (lnth: int*int*thm, []) = [lnth]
| insert_with_level ((l,m,th), (l',n,th')::nths) =
if n<m then (l',n,th') :: insert_with_level ((l,m,th), nths)
else if n=m andalso Thm.eq_thm(th,th')
then (l',n,th')::nths
else (l,m,th)::(l',n,th')::nths;
(*For creating output sequence*)
fun some_of_list [] = NONE
| some_of_list (x::l) = SOME (x, Seq.make (fn () => some_of_list l));
val trace_ASTAR = Unsynchronized.ref false;
fun THEN_ASTAR tac0 (satp, costf) tac1 =
let val tf = tracify trace_ASTAR tac1;
fun bfs (news,nprfs,level) =
let fun cost thm = (level, costf level thm, thm)
in (case List.partition satp news of
=> next (List.foldr insert_with_level nprfs (map cost nonsats))
| (sats,_) => some_of_list sats)
end and
next [] = NONE
| next ((level,n,prf)::nprfs) =
(if !trace_ASTAR
then tracing("level = " ^ string_of_int level ^
" cost = " ^ string_of_int n ^
" queue length =" ^ string_of_int (length nprfs))
else ();
bfs (Seq.list_of (tf prf), nprfs,level+1))
fun tf st = bfs (Seq.list_of (tac0 st), [], 0)
in traced_tac tf end;
(*Ordinary ASTAR, with no initial tactic*)
val ASTAR = THEN_ASTAR all_tac;
open Search;