author boehmes
Wed, 12 May 2010 23:53:59 +0200
changeset 36895 a96f9793d9c5
parent 36610 bafd82950e24
child 37216 3165bc303f66
permissions -rw-r--r--
split monolithic Z3 proof reconstruction structure into separate structures, use one set of schematic theorems for all uncertain proof rules (to extend proof reconstruction by missing cases), added several schematic theorems, improved abstraction of goals (abstract all uninterpreted sub-terms, only leave builtin symbols)

(*  Title:      Pure/simplifier.ML
    Author:     Tobias Nipkow and Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen

Generic simplifier, suitable for most logics (see also
meta_simplifier.ML for the actual meta-level rewriting engine).

  val change_simpset: (simpset -> simpset) -> unit
  val global_simpset_of: theory -> simpset
  val Addsimprocs: simproc list -> unit
  val Delsimprocs: simproc list -> unit
  val simpset_of: Proof.context -> simpset
  val generic_simp_tac: bool -> bool * bool * bool -> simpset -> int -> tactic
  val safe_asm_full_simp_tac: simpset -> int -> tactic
  val simp_tac: simpset -> int -> tactic
  val asm_simp_tac: simpset -> int -> tactic
  val full_simp_tac: simpset -> int -> tactic
  val asm_lr_simp_tac: simpset -> int -> tactic
  val asm_full_simp_tac: simpset -> int -> tactic
  val simplify: simpset -> thm -> thm
  val asm_simplify: simpset -> thm -> thm
  val full_simplify: simpset -> thm -> thm
  val asm_lr_simplify: simpset -> thm -> thm
  val asm_full_simplify: simpset -> thm -> thm

signature SIMPLIFIER =
  val pretty_ss: Proof.context -> simpset -> Pretty.T
  val clear_ss: simpset -> simpset
  val debug_bounds: bool Unsynchronized.ref
  val inherit_context: simpset -> simpset -> simpset
  val the_context: simpset -> Proof.context
  val context: Proof.context -> simpset -> simpset
  val global_context: theory  -> simpset -> simpset
  val with_context: Proof.context -> (simpset -> simpset) -> simpset -> simpset
  val simproc_i: theory -> string -> term list
    -> (theory -> simpset -> term -> thm option) -> simproc
  val simproc: theory -> string -> string list
    -> (theory -> simpset -> term -> thm option) -> simproc
  val rewrite: simpset -> conv
  val asm_rewrite: simpset -> conv
  val full_rewrite: simpset -> conv
  val asm_lr_rewrite: simpset -> conv
  val asm_full_rewrite: simpset -> conv
  val get_ss: Context.generic -> simpset
  val map_ss: (simpset -> simpset) -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
  val attrib: (simpset * thm list -> simpset) -> attribute
  val simp_add: attribute
  val simp_del: attribute
  val cong_add: attribute
  val cong_del: attribute
  val map_simpset: (simpset -> simpset) -> theory -> theory
  val get_simproc: Context.generic -> xstring -> simproc
  val def_simproc: {name: string, lhss: string list,
    proc: morphism -> simpset -> cterm -> thm option, identifier: thm list} ->
    local_theory -> local_theory
  val def_simproc_i: {name: string, lhss: term list,
    proc: morphism -> simpset -> cterm -> thm option, identifier: thm list} ->
    local_theory -> local_theory
  val cong_modifiers: Method.modifier parser list
  val simp_modifiers': Method.modifier parser list
  val simp_modifiers: Method.modifier parser list
  val method_setup: Method.modifier parser list -> theory -> theory
  val easy_setup: thm -> thm list -> theory -> theory

structure Simplifier: SIMPLIFIER =

open MetaSimplifier;

(** pretty printing **)

fun pretty_ss ctxt ss =
    val pretty_cterm = Syntax.pretty_term ctxt o Thm.term_of;
    val pretty_thm = Display.pretty_thm ctxt;
    fun pretty_proc (name, lhss) = Pretty.big_list (name ^ ":") (map pretty_cterm lhss);
    fun pretty_cong (name, thm) =
      Pretty.block [Pretty.str (name ^ ":"), Pretty.brk 1, pretty_thm thm];

    val {simps, procs, congs, loopers, unsafe_solvers, safe_solvers, ...} = dest_ss ss;
    [Pretty.big_list "simplification rules:" (map (pretty_thm o #2) simps),
      Pretty.big_list "simplification procedures:" (map pretty_proc (sort_wrt #1 procs)),
      Pretty.big_list "congruences:" (map pretty_cong congs),
      Pretty.strs ("loopers:" :: map quote loopers),
      Pretty.strs ("unsafe solvers:" :: map quote unsafe_solvers),
      Pretty.strs ("safe solvers:" :: map quote safe_solvers)]
    |> Pretty.chunks

(** simpset data **)

structure SimpsetData = Generic_Data
  type T = simpset;
  val empty = empty_ss;
  fun extend ss = MetaSimplifier.inherit_context empty_ss ss;
  val merge = merge_ss;

val get_ss = SimpsetData.get;
fun map_ss f context = (with_context (Context.proof_of context) f) context;

(* attributes *)

fun attrib f = Thm.declaration_attribute (fn th => map_ss (fn ss => f (ss, [th])));

val simp_add = attrib (op addsimps);
val simp_del = attrib (op delsimps);
val cong_add = attrib (op addcongs);
val cong_del = attrib (op delcongs);

(* global simpset *)

fun map_simpset f = Context.theory_map (map_ss f);
fun change_simpset f = Context.>> (Context.map_theory (map_simpset f));
fun global_simpset_of thy =
  MetaSimplifier.context (ProofContext.init_global thy) (get_ss (Context.Theory thy));

fun Addsimprocs args = change_simpset (fn ss => ss addsimprocs args);
fun Delsimprocs args = change_simpset (fn ss => ss delsimprocs args);

(* local simpset *)

fun simpset_of ctxt = MetaSimplifier.context ctxt (get_ss (Context.Proof ctxt));

val _ = ML_Antiquote.value "simpset"
  (Scan.succeed "Simplifier.simpset_of (ML_Context.the_local_context ())");

(** named simprocs **)

(* data *)

structure Simprocs = Generic_Data
  type T = simproc Name_Space.table;
  val empty : T = Name_Space.empty_table "simproc";
  val extend = I;
  fun merge simprocs = Name_Space.merge_tables simprocs;

(* get simprocs *)

fun get_simproc context xname =
    val (space, tab) = Simprocs.get context;
    val name = Name_Space.intern space xname;
    (case Symtab.lookup tab name of
      SOME proc => proc
    | NONE => error ("Undefined simplification procedure: " ^ quote name))

val _ = ML_Antiquote.value "simproc" (Scan.lift >> (fn name =>
  "Simplifier.get_simproc (ML_Context.the_generic_context ()) " ^ ML_Syntax.print_string name));

(* define simprocs *)


fun gen_simproc prep {name, lhss, proc, identifier} lthy =
    val b = name;
    val naming = Local_Theory.naming_of lthy;
    val simproc = make_simproc
      {name = Name_Space.full_name naming b,
       lhss =
          val lhss' = prep lthy lhss;
          val ctxt' = lthy
            |> fold Variable.declare_term lhss'
            |> fold Variable.auto_fixes lhss';
        in Variable.export_terms ctxt' lthy lhss' end
        |> map (Thm.cterm_of (ProofContext.theory_of lthy)),
       proc = proc,
       identifier = identifier};
    lthy |> Local_Theory.declaration false (fn phi =>
        val b' = Morphism.binding phi b;
        val simproc' = morph_simproc phi simproc;
      in (#2 o Name_Space.define true naming (b', simproc'))
        #> map_ss (fn ss => ss addsimprocs [simproc'])


val def_simproc = gen_simproc Syntax.read_terms;
val def_simproc_i = gen_simproc Syntax.check_terms;


(** simplification tactics and rules **)

fun solve_all_tac solvers ss =
    val (_, {subgoal_tac, ...}) = MetaSimplifier.internal_ss ss;
    val solve_tac = subgoal_tac (MetaSimplifier.set_solvers solvers ss) THEN_ALL_NEW (K no_tac);
  in DEPTH_SOLVE (solve_tac 1) end;

(*NOTE: may instantiate unknowns that appear also in other subgoals*)
fun generic_simp_tac safe mode ss =
    val (_, {loop_tacs, solvers = (unsafe_solvers, solvers), ...}) = MetaSimplifier.internal_ss ss;
    val loop_tac = FIRST' (map (fn (_, tac) => tac ss) (rev loop_tacs));
    val solve_tac = FIRST' (map (MetaSimplifier.solver ss)
      (rev (if safe then solvers else unsafe_solvers)));

    fun simp_loop_tac i =
      asm_rewrite_goal_tac mode (solve_all_tac unsafe_solvers) ss i THEN
      (solve_tac i ORELSE TRY ((loop_tac THEN_ALL_NEW simp_loop_tac) i));
  in simp_loop_tac end;


fun simp rew mode ss thm =
    val (_, {solvers = (unsafe_solvers, _), ...}) = MetaSimplifier.internal_ss ss;
    val tacf = solve_all_tac (rev unsafe_solvers);
    fun prover s th = #1 (Seq.pull (tacf s th));
  in rew mode prover ss thm end;


val simp_thm = simp MetaSimplifier.rewrite_thm;
val simp_cterm = simp MetaSimplifier.rewrite_cterm;


(* tactics *)

val simp_tac = generic_simp_tac false (false, false, false);
val asm_simp_tac = generic_simp_tac false (false, true, false);
val full_simp_tac = generic_simp_tac false (true, false, false);
val asm_lr_simp_tac = generic_simp_tac false (true, true, false);
val asm_full_simp_tac = generic_simp_tac false (true, true, true);
val safe_asm_full_simp_tac = generic_simp_tac true (true, true, true);

(* conversions *)

val          simplify = simp_thm (false, false, false);
val      asm_simplify = simp_thm (false, true, false);
val     full_simplify = simp_thm (true, false, false);
val   asm_lr_simplify = simp_thm (true, true, false);
val asm_full_simplify = simp_thm (true, true, true);

val          rewrite = simp_cterm (false, false, false);
val      asm_rewrite = simp_cterm (false, true, false);
val     full_rewrite = simp_cterm (true, false, false);
val   asm_lr_rewrite = simp_cterm (true, true, false);
val asm_full_rewrite = simp_cterm (true, true, true);

(** concrete syntax of attributes **)

(* add / del *)

val simpN = "simp";
val congN = "cong";
val onlyN = "only";
val no_asmN = "no_asm";
val no_asm_useN = "no_asm_use";
val no_asm_simpN = "no_asm_simp";
val asm_lrN = "asm_lr";

(* simprocs *)


val add_del =
  (Args.del -- Args.colon >> K (op delsimprocs) ||
    Scan.option (Args.add -- Args.colon) >> K (op addsimprocs))
  >> (fn f => fn simproc => fn phi => Thm.declaration_attribute
      (K (map_ss (fn ss => f (ss, [morph_simproc phi simproc])))));


val simproc_att =
  Scan.peek (fn context =>
    add_del :|-- (fn decl =>
      Scan.repeat1 (Args.named_attribute (decl o get_simproc context))
      >> (Library.apply o map Morphism.form)));


(* conversions *)


fun conv_mode x =
  ((Args.parens (Args.$$$ no_asmN) >> K simplify ||
    Args.parens (Args.$$$ no_asm_simpN) >> K asm_simplify ||
    Args.parens (Args.$$$ no_asm_useN) >> K full_simplify ||
    Scan.succeed asm_full_simplify) |> Scan.lift) x;


val simplified = conv_mode -- Attrib.thms >>
  (fn (f, ths) => Thm.rule_attribute (fn context =>
    f ((if null ths then I else MetaSimplifier.clear_ss)
        (simpset_of (Context.proof_of context)) addsimps ths)));


(* setup attributes *)

val _ = Context.>> (Context.map_theory
 (Attrib.setup ( simpN) (Attrib.add_del simp_add simp_del)
    "declaration of Simplifier rewrite rule" #>
  Attrib.setup ( congN) (Attrib.add_del cong_add cong_del)
    "declaration of Simplifier congruence rule" #>
  Attrib.setup ( "simproc") simproc_att
    "declaration of simplification procedures" #>
  Attrib.setup ( "simplified") simplified "simplified rule"));

(** method syntax **)

val cong_modifiers =
 [Args.$$$ congN -- Args.colon >> K ((I, cong_add): Method.modifier),
  Args.$$$ congN -- Args.add -- Args.colon >> K (I, cong_add),
  Args.$$$ congN -- Args.del -- Args.colon >> K (I, cong_del)];

val simp_modifiers =
 [Args.$$$ simpN -- Args.colon >> K (I, simp_add),
  Args.$$$ simpN -- Args.add -- Args.colon >> K (I, simp_add),
  Args.$$$ simpN -- Args.del -- Args.colon >> K (I, simp_del),
  Args.$$$ simpN -- Args.$$$ onlyN -- Args.colon
    >> K (Context.proof_map (map_ss MetaSimplifier.clear_ss), simp_add)]
   @ cong_modifiers;

val simp_modifiers' =
 [Args.add -- Args.colon >> K (I, simp_add),
  Args.del -- Args.colon >> K (I, simp_del),
  Args.$$$ onlyN -- Args.colon
    >> K (Context.proof_map (map_ss MetaSimplifier.clear_ss), simp_add)]
   @ cong_modifiers;

val simp_options =
 (Args.parens (Args.$$$ no_asmN) >> K simp_tac ||
  Args.parens (Args.$$$ no_asm_simpN) >> K asm_simp_tac ||
  Args.parens (Args.$$$ no_asm_useN) >> K full_simp_tac ||
  Args.parens (Args.$$$ asm_lrN) >> K asm_lr_simp_tac ||
  Scan.succeed asm_full_simp_tac);

fun simp_method more_mods meth =
  Scan.lift simp_options --|
    Method.sections (more_mods @ simp_modifiers') >>
    (fn tac => fn ctxt => METHOD (fn facts => meth ctxt tac facts));

(** setup **)

fun method_setup more_mods =
  Method.setup ( simpN)
    (simp_method more_mods (fn ctxt => fn tac => fn facts =>
      HEADGOAL (Method.insert_tac facts THEN'
        (CHANGED_PROP oo tac) (simpset_of ctxt))))
    "simplification" #>
  Method.setup ( "simp_all")
    (simp_method more_mods (fn ctxt => fn tac => fn facts =>
      ALLGOALS (Method.insert_tac facts) THEN
        (CHANGED_PROP o ALLGOALS o tac) (simpset_of ctxt)))
    "simplification (all goals)";

fun easy_setup reflect trivs = method_setup [] #> Context.theory_map (map_ss (fn _ =>
    val trivialities = Drule.reflexive_thm :: trivs;

    fun unsafe_solver_tac prems = FIRST' [resolve_tac (trivialities @ prems), assume_tac];
    val unsafe_solver = mk_solver "easy unsafe" unsafe_solver_tac;

    (*no premature instantiation of variables during simplification*)
    fun safe_solver_tac prems = FIRST' [match_tac (trivialities @ prems), eq_assume_tac];
    val safe_solver = mk_solver "easy safe" safe_solver_tac;

    fun mk_eq thm =
      if can Logic.dest_equals (Thm.concl_of thm) then [thm]
      else [thm RS reflect] handle THM _ => [];

    fun mksimps thm = mk_eq (Thm.forall_elim_vars (#maxidx (Thm.rep_thm thm) + 1) thm);
    empty_ss setsubgoaler asm_simp_tac
    setSSolver safe_solver
    setSolver unsafe_solver
    setmksimps (K mksimps)


structure Basic_Simplifier: BASIC_SIMPLIFIER = Simplifier;
open Basic_Simplifier;