author lcp
Wed, 15 Mar 1995 10:56:39 +0100
changeset 955 aa0c5f9daf5b
parent 436 0cdc840297bb
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
Declares the function exit_use to behave like use but fail if errors are detected. It can be used in all Makefiles except Pure, which will write the exception handler explicitly ("exit" will have been declared already).

#!/usr/bin/perl -s-	 # -*-Perl-*-

#The following script file is useful to convert old theory files into a
#style consistent with new naming conventions. Now, the names of the
#files must be the same as the names of the theories they define (with
#a ".thy" suffix) and corresponding ML files must also be renamed.
#To make this renaming easier, the following perl script can be used.
#It traverses the given directory recursively.  For each file of the
#form abc.thy, this script does the following steps:
#1. Reads the file and grabs the first identifier, say Abc (skipping comments
#   (*...*) and white space).
#2. Outputs the commands needed to rename the file abc.thy to Abc.thy,
#   including the appropriate CVS commands.
#3. If abc.ML also exists, it outputs appropriate commands to rename it
#   to Abc.ML.
#These commands can be put into a file, which can then be executed.
#If you are not using cvs, use "grep" to extract just the "mv" commands.
#						- Sara Kalvala
#						  (

open(MATCH_FILES, "find . -name \"*thy\" -print |");

foreach $each_match (<MATCH_FILES>) {
 if($each_match =~ /(.*\/)(\w*)\.thy/) {$dirpart = $1;}
 else {print "something wrong with finding path!\n";
       $dirpart = "";}
 open (CONTENTS, $each_match);
 @readit = <CONTENTS>;
 chop(@readit); $oneline = join(" ",@readit);
 $oneline =~ s/\(\*([^\*]|(\*[^\)]))*\*\)//g ;
# comments: have to remove strings of anything but stars or stars
# followed by anything but right parenthesis 
 if($oneline =~ /\s*([^ ]*)\s*=.*/)
 {$th_name = $1;
  $new_name = $dirpart . $th_name . ".thy";
  print "mv -i $each_match $new_name \n";
  print "cvs rm $each_match ; cvs add $new_name \n";
# for ML files
  $each_ML = $each_match;
  $each_ML =~ s/.thy/.ML/;
  if (-e $each_ML) { $new_ML = $dirpart . $th_name . ".ML";
		     print "mv -i $each_ML $new_ML \n";
		     print "cvs rm $each_ML ; cvs add $new_ML \n";}}
 else {print "something wrong with format of theory file!\n";}