author quigley
Wed, 22 Jun 2005 20:26:31 +0200
changeset 16548 aa36ae6b955e
parent 16433 e6fedd5baf32
child 16707 c28599f981f2
permissions -rw-r--r--
Temporarily removed Rewrite from the translation code so that parsing with work on lists of numbers. Will now signal if ATP has run out of time and then kill the watcher.

(*  ID:         $Id$
    Author:     Claire Quigley
    Copyright   2004  University of Cambridge

fun add_in_order (x:string) [] = [x]
|   add_in_order (x:string) ((y:string)::ys) = if (x < y) 
                                  (y::(add_in_order x ys))
fun add_once x [] = [x]
|   add_once x (y::ys) = if x mem (y::ys) then (y::ys)
                         else add_in_order x (y::ys)
fun thm_vars thm = map (fn ((name,ix),_) => name) (Drule.vars_of thm);

Goal "False ==> False";
by Auto_tac;
qed "False_imp";

exception Reflex_equal;

(* Proofstep datatype           *)
(* Assume rewrite steps have only two clauses in them just now, but lcl109-5 has Rew[5,3,5,3]  *)

datatype Side = Left |Right

 datatype Proofstep =  ExtraAxiom
                     | OrigAxiom
  		     | VampInput 
                     | Axiom
                     | Binary of (int * int) * (int * int)   (* (clause1,lit1), (clause2, lit2) *)
                     | MRR of (int * int) * (int * int) 
                     | Factor of (int * int * int)           (* (clause,lit1, lit2) *)
                     | Para of (int * int) * (int * int) 
		     | Super_l of (int * int) * (int * int)
		     | Super_r of (int * int) * (int * int)
                     (*| Rewrite of (int * int) * (int * int)  *)
                     | Rewrite of (int * int) list
		     | SortSimp of (int * int) * (int * int)  
		     | UnitConf of (int * int) * (int * int)  
                     | Obvious of (int * int)
  		     | AED of (int*int)
  		     | EqualRes of (int*int)
    		     | Condense of (int*int)
                     (*| Hyper of int list*)
                     | Unusedstep of unit

datatype Clausesimp = Binary_s of int * int
                      | Factor_s of unit
                      | Demod_s of (int * int) list
                      | Hyper_s of int list
                      | Unusedstep_s of unit

datatype Step_label = T_info

fun is_alpha_space_digit_or_neg ch =
    (ch = "~") orelse (ReconOrderClauses.is_alpha ch) orelse 
    (ReconOrderClauses.is_digit ch) orelse ( ch = " ");

fun lit_string_with_nums t = let val termstr = Term.string_of_term t
                                 val exp_term = explode termstr
                                 implode(List.filter is_alpha_space_digit_or_neg exp_term)

fun reconstruction_failed fname = error (fname ^ ": reconstruction failed")

(* Reconstruct an axiom resolution step         *)
(* clauses is a list of (clausenum,clause) pairs*)

fun follow_axiom clauses  allvars (clausenum:int) thml clause_strs =  
    let val this_axiom = valOf (assoc (clauses,clausenum))
	val (res, numlist, symlist, nsymlist) = (ReconOrderClauses.rearrange_clause this_axiom clause_strs allvars)         
	val thmvars = thm_vars res
	(res, (Axiom,clause_strs,thmvars )  )
    handle Option => reconstruction_failed "follow_axiom"

(* Reconstruct a binary resolution step *)

                 (* numbers of clauses and literals*) (*vars*) (*list of current thms*) (* literal strings as parsed from spass *)
fun follow_binary ((clause1, lit1), (clause2 , lit2)) allvars thml clause_strs =
    let val thm1 =  select_literal (lit1 + 1) (valOf (assoc (thml,clause1)))
	val thm2 =  valOf (assoc (thml,clause2))
	val res =   thm1 RSN ((lit2 +1), thm2)
	val (res', numlist, symlist, nsymlist) = (ReconOrderClauses.rearrange_clause res clause_strs allvars)
	val thmvars = thm_vars res
       (res',  ((Binary ((clause1, lit1), (clause2 , lit2))),clause_strs,thmvars) )
    handle Option => reconstruction_failed "follow_binary"

(* Reconstruct a matching replacement resolution step *)

fun follow_mrr ((clause1, lit1), (clause2 , lit2))  allvars thml clause_strs =
    let val thm1 =  select_literal (lit1 + 1) (valOf (assoc (thml,clause1)))
	val thm2 =  valOf (assoc (thml,clause2))
	val res =   thm1 RSN ((lit2 +1), thm2)
	val (res', numlist, symlist, nsymlist) = 
	    (ReconOrderClauses.rearrange_clause res clause_strs allvars)
	val thmvars = thm_vars res
       (res',  ((MRR ((clause1, lit1), (clause2 , lit2))) ,clause_strs,thmvars))
    handle Option => reconstruction_failed "follow_mrr"

(* Reconstruct a factoring resolution step *)

fun mksubstlist [] sublist = sublist
   |mksubstlist ((a, (_, b)) :: rest) sublist = 
       let val vartype = type_of b 
	   val avar = Var(a,vartype)
	   val newlist = ((avar,b)::sublist)
	   mksubstlist rest newlist

(* based on Tactic.distinct_subgoals_tac *)

fun delete_assump_tac state lit =
    let val (frozth,thawfn) = freeze_thaw state
        val froz_prems = cprems_of frozth
        val assumed = implies_elim_list frozth (map assume froz_prems)
        val new_prems = ReconOrderClauses.remove_nth lit froz_prems
        val implied = implies_intr_list new_prems assumed
        Seq.single (thawfn implied)  

(* Reconstruct a factoring step      *)

(*FIXME: share code with that in Tools/reconstruction.ML*)
fun follow_factor clause lit1 lit2 allvars thml clause_strs = 
      val th =  valOf (assoc (thml,clause))
      val prems = prems_of th
      val sign = sign_of_thm th
      val fac1 = ReconOrderClauses.get_nth (lit1+1) prems
      val fac2 = ReconOrderClauses.get_nth (lit2+1) prems
      val unif_env = Unify.unifiers (sign,Envir.empty 0, [(fac1, fac2)])
      val newenv = getnewenv unif_env
      val envlist = Envir.alist_of newenv
      val (t1,t2)::_ = mksubstlist envlist []
      if (is_Var t1)
	     val str1 = lit_string_with_nums t1;
	     val str2 = lit_string_with_nums t2;
	     val facthm = read_instantiate [(str1,str2)] th;
	     val res = hd (Seq.list_of(delete_assump_tac  facthm (lit1 + 1)))
	     val (res', numlist, symlist, nsymlist) = 
	         ReconOrderClauses.rearrange_clause res clause_strs allvars
	     val thmvars = thm_vars res'
		 (res',((Factor (clause,  lit1, lit2)),clause_strs,thmvars))
	     val str2 = lit_string_with_nums t1;
	     val str1 = lit_string_with_nums t2;
	     val facthm = read_instantiate [(str1,str2)] th;
	     val res = hd (Seq.list_of(delete_assump_tac  facthm (lit1 + 1)))
	     val (res', numlist, symlist, nsymlist) = 
	         ReconOrderClauses.rearrange_clause res clause_strs allvars
	     val thmvars = thm_vars res'
		 (res', ((Factor (clause,  lit1, lit2)),clause_strs, thmvars))         
   handle Option => reconstruction_failed "follow_factor"

fun get_unif_comb t eqterm =
    if ((type_of t) = (type_of eqterm))
    then t
        let val _ $ rand = t
        in get_unif_comb rand eqterm end;

fun get_unif_lit t eqterm =
    if (can HOLogic.dest_eq t)
	let val (lhs,rhs) = HOLogic.dest_eq(HOLogic.dest_Trueprop eqterm)
	in lhs end
	get_unif_comb t eqterm;

(* Reconstruct a paramodulation step *)

val rev_subst = rotate_prems 1 subst;
val rev_ssubst = rotate_prems 1 ssubst;

fun follow_standard_para ((clause1, lit1), (clause2 , lit2)) allvars thml clause_strs = 
      val th1 =  valOf (assoc (thml,clause1))
      val th2 =  valOf (assoc (thml,clause2)) 
      val eq_lit_th = select_literal (lit1+1) th1
      val mod_lit_th = select_literal (lit2+1) th2
      val eqsubst = eq_lit_th RSN (2,rev_subst)
      val newth = Seq.hd (biresolution false [(false, mod_lit_th)] 1 eqsubst)
      val newth' =negate_head newth 
      val (res, numlist, symlist, nsymlist)  = 
          (ReconOrderClauses.rearrange_clause newth' clause_strs allvars 
	   handle Not_in_list => 
	       let val mod_lit_th' = mod_lit_th RS not_sym
		   val newth = Seq.hd (biresolution false [(false, mod_lit_th')] 1 eqsubst)
		   val newth' =negate_head newth 
		   ReconOrderClauses.rearrange_clause newth' clause_strs allvars
      val thmvars = thm_vars res
     (res, ((Para((clause1, lit1), (clause2 , lit2))),clause_strs,thmvars))
   handle Option => reconstruction_failed "follow_standard_para"

fun follow_standard_para ((clause1, lit1), (clause2 , lit2)) allvars thml clause_strs= 
                            val th1 =  valOf (assoc (thml,clause1))
                            val th2 =  valOf (assoc (thml,clause2)) 
                            val eq_lit_th = select_literal (lit1+1) th1
                            val mod_lit_th = select_literal (lit2+1) th2
                            val eqsubst = eq_lit_th RSN (2,rev_subst)
                            val newth = Seq.hd (biresolution false [(false, mod_lit_th)] 1 eqsubst)
			    val newth' =negate_nead newth 
                            val (res, numlist, symlist, nsymlist)  = (rearrange_clause newth' clause_strs allvars)
                            val thmvars = thm_vars res
                           (res, ((Para((clause1, lit1), (clause2 , lit2))),clause_strs,thmvars))
			 handle Option => reconstruction_failed "follow_standard_para"


(* Reconstruct a rewriting step *)

val rev_subst = rotate_prems 1 subst;

fun paramod_rule ((cl1, lit1), (cl2 , lit2)) =
     let  val eq_lit_th = select_literal (lit1+1) cl1
          val mod_lit_th = select_literal (lit2+1) cl2
          val eqsubst = eq_lit_th RSN (2,rev_subst)
          val newth = Seq.hd (biresolution false [(false, mod_lit_th)] 1 
     in Meson.negated_asm_of_head newth end;

val newth = Seq.hd (biresolution false [(false, mod_lit_th)] 1 

val mod_lit_th' = mod_lit_th RS not_sym


fun delete_assumps 0 th = th 
|   delete_assumps n th = let val th_prems = length (prems_of th)
                              val th' = hd (Seq.list_of(delete_assump_tac  th (th_prems -1)))
                              delete_assumps (n-1) th'

(* extra conditions from the equality turn up as 2nd to last literals of result.  Need to delete them *)
(* changed negate_nead to negate_head here too*)
                    (* clause1, lit1 is thing to rewrite with *)
(*fun follow_rewrite ((clause1, lit1), (clause2, lit2)) allvars thml clause_strs = 
      let val th1 =  valOf (assoc (thml,clause1))
	  val th2 = valOf (assoc (thml,clause2))
	  val eq_lit_th = select_literal (lit1+1) th1
	  val mod_lit_th = select_literal (lit2+1) th2
	  val eqsubst = eq_lit_th RSN (2,rev_subst)
	  val eq_lit_prem_num = length (prems_of eq_lit_th)
	  val sign = Theory.merge (sign_of_thm th1, sign_of_thm th2)
	  val newth = Seq.hd (biresolution false [(false, mod_lit_th)] 1 eqsubst)
     	  val newthm = negate_head newth
	  val newthm' = delete_assumps eq_lit_prem_num newthm
	  val (res, numlist, symlist, nsymlist) =
	      ReconOrderClauses.rearrange_clause newthm clause_strs allvars
	  val thmvars = thm_vars res
	   (res, ((Rewrite ((clause1, lit1),  (clause2, lit2))),clause_strs,thmvars))
       handle Option => reconstruction_failed "follow_rewrite"


(* Reconstruct an obvious reduction step *)

fun follow_obvious  (clause1, lit1)  allvars thml clause_strs = 
    let val th1 =  valOf (assoc (thml,clause1))
	val prems1 = prems_of th1
	val newthm = refl RSN ((lit1+ 1), th1)
		     handle THM _ =>  hd (Seq.list_of(delete_assump_tac  th1 (lit1 + 1)))
	val (res, numlist, symlist, nsymlist) =
	    ReconOrderClauses.rearrange_clause newthm clause_strs allvars
	val thmvars = thm_vars res
	(res, ((Obvious (clause1, lit1)),clause_strs,thmvars))
    handle Option => reconstruction_failed "follow_obvious"

(* reconstruct a single line of the res. proof - depending on what sort of proof step it was*)

 fun follow_proof clauses allvars  clausenum thml  (Axiom ) clause_strs
        = follow_axiom clauses allvars  clausenum thml clause_strs

      | follow_proof clauses  allvars clausenum  thml (Binary (a, b)) clause_strs
        = follow_binary  (a, b)  allvars thml clause_strs

      | follow_proof clauses  allvars clausenum  thml (MRR (a, b)) clause_strs
        = follow_mrr (a, b)  allvars thml clause_strs

      | follow_proof clauses  allvars clausenum  thml (Factor (a, b, c)) clause_strs
         = follow_factor a b c  allvars thml clause_strs

      | follow_proof clauses  allvars clausenum  thml (Para (a, b)) clause_strs
        = follow_standard_para (a, b) allvars  thml clause_strs

    (*  | follow_proof clauses  allvars clausenum thml (Rewrite (a,b)) clause_strs
        = follow_rewrite (a,b)  allvars thml clause_strs*)

      | follow_proof clauses  allvars clausenum thml (Obvious (a,b)) clause_strs
        = follow_obvious (a,b)  allvars thml clause_strs

      (*| follow_proof clauses  clausenum thml (Hyper l)
        = follow_hyper l thml*)
      | follow_proof clauses  allvars clausenum  thml _ _ =
          raise ASSERTION  "proof step not implemented"

(* reconstruct a single line of the res. proof - at the moment do only inference steps*)

    fun follow_line clauses  allvars thml (clause_num, proof_step, clause_strs) recons
        = let
            val (thm, recon_fun) = follow_proof clauses  allvars clause_num thml proof_step clause_strs 
            val recon_step = (recon_fun)
            (((clause_num, thm)::thml), ((clause_num,recon_step)::recons))

(* follow through the res. proof, creating an Isabelle theorem *)

(*fun is_proof_char ch = (case ch of 
                        "(" => true
                       |  ")" => true
                         | ":" => true
                        |  "'" => true
                        |  "&" => true
                        | "|" => true
                        | "~" => true
                        |  "." => true
                        |(is_alpha ) => true
                       |(is_digit) => true
                         | _ => false)*)

fun is_proof_char ch = ((33 <= (ord ch)) andalso ((ord ch ) <= 126)) orelse (ch = " ")

fun proofstring x = let val exp = explode x 
                        List.filter (is_proof_char ) exp

fun not_newline ch = not (ch = "\n");


fun follow clauses [] allvars thml recons = 
                             let (* val _ = reset show_sorts*)
                              val thmstring = Meson.concat_with_and (map string_of_thm (map snd thml))
                              val thmproofstring = proofstring ( thmstring)
                            val no_returns =List.filter  not_newline ( thmproofstring)
                            val thmstr = implode no_returns
                               val outfile = TextIO.openOut(File.platform_path(File.tmp_path (Path.basic "thml_file")))
                               val _ = TextIO.output(outfile, "thmstr is "^thmstr)
                               val _ = TextIO.flushOut outfile;
                               val _ =  TextIO.closeOut outfile
                                 (*val _ = set show_sorts*)
                                  ((snd( hd thml)), recons)
      | follow clauses (h::t) allvars thml recons 
        = let
            val (thml', recons') = follow_line clauses allvars  thml h recons
            val  (thm, recons_list) = follow clauses t  allvars thml' recons'



fun replace_clause_strs [] recons newrecons = (newrecons)
|   replace_clause_strs ((thmnum, thm)::thml)    
                  ((clausenum,(step,clause_strs,thmvars))::recons) newrecons = 
    let val new_clause_strs = ReconOrderClauses.get_meta_lits_bracket thm
	replace_clause_strs thml recons  

fun follow clauses [] allvars thml recons = 
	  val new_recons = replace_clause_strs thml recons []
	   (#2(hd thml), new_recons)
 | follow clauses (h::t) allvars thml recons =
	val (thml', recons') = follow_line clauses allvars  thml h recons
	val  (thm, recons_list) = follow clauses t  allvars thml' recons'     

(* Assume we have the cnf clauses as a list of (clauseno, clause) *)
 (* and the proof as a list of the proper datatype *)
(* take the cnf clauses of the goal and the proof from the res. prover *)
(* as a list of type Proofstep and return the thm goal ==> False *)

fun first_pair (a,b,c) = (a,b);

fun second_pair (a,b,c) = (b,c);

(* takes original axioms, proof_steps parsed from spass, variables *)

fun translate_proof clauses proof allvars
        = let val (thm, recons) = follow clauses proof allvars [] []
             (thm, (recons))

fun remove_tinfo [] = []
  | remove_tinfo ( (clausenum, step, T_info, newstrs)::xs) =
      (clausenum, step , newstrs)::(remove_tinfo xs)