/* Title: Pure/Thy/latex.scala
Author: Makarius
Support for LaTeX.
package isabelle
import java.io.{File => JFile}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
object Latex
/** latex errors **/
def latex_errors(dir: Path, root_name: String): List[String] =
val root_log_path = dir + Path.explode(root_name).ext("log")
if (root_log_path.is_file) {
for { (msg, pos) <- filter_errors(dir, File.read(root_log_path)) }
yield "Latex error" + Position.here(pos) + ":\n" + cat_lines(split_lines(msg).map(" " + _))
else Nil
/* generated .tex file */
private val File_Pattern = """^%:%file=(.+)%:%$""".r
private val Line_Pattern = """^*%:%(\d+)=(\d+)%:%$""".r
def read_tex_file(tex_file: Path): Tex_File =
val positions =
takeWhile(_ != "\\endinput").reverse
val source_file =
positions match {
case File_Pattern(file) :: _ => Some(file)
case _ => None
val source_lines =
if (source_file.isEmpty) Nil
positions.flatMap(line =>
line match {
case Line_Pattern(Value.Int(line), Value.Int(source_line)) => Some(line -> source_line)
case _ => None
new Tex_File(tex_file, source_file, source_lines)
final class Tex_File private[Latex](
tex_file: Path, source_file: Option[String], source_lines: List[(Int, Int)])
override def toString: String = tex_file.toString
def source_position(l: Int): Option[Position.T] =
source_file match {
case None => None
case Some(file) =>
val source_line =
(0 /: source_lines.iterator.takeWhile({ case (m, _) => m <= l }))(
{ case (_, (_, n)) => n })
if (source_line == 0) None else Some(Position.Line_File(source_line, file))
def position(line: Int): Position.T =
source_position(line) getOrElse Position.Line_File(line, tex_file.implode)
/* latex log */
def filter_errors(dir: Path, root_log: String): List[(String, Position.T)] =
val seen_files = Synchronized(Map.empty[JFile, Tex_File])
def check_tex_file(path: Path): Option[Tex_File] =
seen_files.change_result(seen =>
seen.get(path.file) match {
case None =>
if (path.is_file) {
val tex_file = read_tex_file(path)
(Some(tex_file), seen + (path.file -> tex_file))
else (None, seen)
case some => (some, seen)
def tex_file_position(path: Path, line: Int): Position.T =
check_tex_file(path) match {
case Some(tex_file) => tex_file.position(line)
case None => Position.Line_File(line, path.implode)
object File_Line_Error
val Pattern = """^(.*?\.\w\w\w):(\d+): (.*)$""".r
def unapply(line: String): Option[(Path, Int, String)] =
line match {
case Pattern(file, Value.Int(line), message) =>
val path = File.standard_path(file)
if (Path.is_wellformed(path)) {
val file = (dir + Path.explode(path)).canonical
val msg = Library.perhaps_unprefix("LaTeX Error: ", message)
if (file.is_file) Some((file, line, msg)) else None
else None
case _ => None
val Line_Error = """^l\.\d+ (.*)$""".r
val More_Error =
"<recently read>",
"<to be read again>",
"<inserted text>",
"<write>").mkString("^(?:", "|", ") (.*)$").r
val Bad_File = """^! LaTeX Error: (File `.*' not found\.)$""".r
val error_ignore =
"See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.",
"Type H <return> for immediate help.")
def error_suffix1(lines: List[String]): Option[String] =
val lines1 = lines.take(20).takeWhile({ case File_Line_Error(_) => false case _ => true })
case (Line_Error(msg), i) =>
cat_lines(lines1.take(i).filterNot(error_ignore) ::: List(msg)) })
def error_suffix2(lines: List[String]): Option[String] =
lines match {
case More_Error(msg) :: _ => Some(msg)
case _ => None
@tailrec def filter(lines: List[String], result: List[(String, Position.T)])
: List[(String, Position.T)] =
lines match {
case File_Line_Error((file, line, msg1)) :: rest1 =>
val pos = tex_file_position(file, line)
val msg2 = error_suffix1(rest1) orElse error_suffix2(rest1) getOrElse ""
filter(rest1, (Exn.cat_message(msg1, msg2), pos) :: result)
case Bad_File(msg) :: rest =>
filter(rest, (msg, Position.none) :: result)
case _ :: rest => filter(rest, result)
case Nil => result.reverse
filter(Line.logical_lines(root_log), Nil)