/* Title: Pure/General/multi_map.scala
Author: Makarius
Maps with multiple entries per key.
package isabelle
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.{IterableFactory, MapFactory, MapFactoryDefaults}
import scala.collection.immutable.{Iterable, MapOps}
object Multi_Map extends MapFactory[Multi_Map] {
private val empty_val: Multi_Map[Any, Nothing] = new Multi_Map[Any, Nothing](Map.empty)
def empty[A, B]: Multi_Map[A, B] = empty_val.asInstanceOf[Multi_Map[A, B]]
def from[A, B](entries: IterableOnce[(A, B)]): Multi_Map[A, B] =
entries.iterator.foldLeft(empty[A, B]) { case (m, (a, b)) => m.insert(a, b) }
override def newBuilder[A, B]: mutable.Builder[(A, B), Multi_Map[A, B]] = new Builder[A, B]
private class Builder[A, B] extends mutable.Builder[(A, B), Multi_Map[A, B]] {
private var res = empty[A, B]
override def clear(): Unit = { res = empty[A, B] }
override def addOne(p: (A, B)): this.type = { res = res.insert(p._1, p._2); this }
override def result(): Multi_Map[A, B] = res
final class Multi_Map[A, +B] private(protected val rep: Map[A, List[B]])
extends Iterable[(A, B)]
with MapOps[A, B, Multi_Map, Multi_Map[A, B]]
with MapFactoryDefaults[A, B, Multi_Map, Iterable] {
/* Multi_Map operations */
def iterator_list: Iterator[(A, List[B])] = rep.iterator
def get_list(a: A): List[B] = rep.getOrElse(a, Nil)
def insert[B1 >: B](a: A, b: B1): Multi_Map[A, B1] = {
val bs = get_list(a)
if (bs.contains(b)) this
else new Multi_Map(rep + (a -> (b :: bs)))
def remove[B1 >: B](a: A, b: B1): Multi_Map[A, B1] = {
val bs = get_list(a)
if (bs.contains(b)) {
bs.filterNot(_ == b) match {
case Nil => new Multi_Map(rep - a)
case bs1 => new Multi_Map(rep + (a -> bs1))
else this
def ++[B1 >: B] (other: Multi_Map[A, B1]): Multi_Map[A, B1] =
if (this eq other) this
else if (isEmpty) other
other.rep.iterator.foldLeft(this.asInstanceOf[Multi_Map[A, B1]]) {
case (m1, (a, bs)) => bs.foldRight(m1) { case (b, m2) => m2.insert(a, b) }
/* Map operations */
override def empty: Multi_Map[A, Nothing] = Multi_Map.empty
override def isEmpty: Boolean = rep.isEmpty
override def keySet: Set[A] = rep.keySet
override def iterator: Iterator[(A, B)] =
for ((a, bs) <- rep.iterator; b <- bs.iterator) yield (a, b)
def get(a: A): Option[B] = get_list(a).headOption
override def updated[B1 >: B](a: A, b: B1): Multi_Map[A, B1] = insert(a, b)
override def removed(a: A): Multi_Map[A, B] =
if (rep.isDefinedAt(a)) new Multi_Map(rep - a) else this
override def mapFactory: MapFactory[Multi_Map] = Multi_Map
override def toString: String = mkString("Multi_Map(", ", ", ")")