(* basic examples *)
Test = HOHH +
types nat
arities nat :: term
types 'a list
arities list :: (term) term
consts Nil :: 'a list ("[]")
Cons :: 'a => 'a list => 'a list (infixr "#" 65)
(* list Enumeration *)
"@list" :: args => 'a list ("[(_)]")
"[x, xs]" == "x#[xs]"
"[x]" == "x#[]"
types person
arities person :: term
append :: ['a list, 'a list, 'a list] => bool
reverse :: ['a list, 'a list] => bool
mappred :: [('a => 'b => bool), 'a list, 'b list] => bool
mapfun :: [('a => 'b), 'a list, 'b list] => bool
bob :: person
sue :: person
ned :: person
"23" :: nat ("23")
"24" :: nat ("24")
"25" :: nat ("25")
age :: [person, nat] => bool
eq :: ['a, 'a] => bool
empty :: ['b] => bool
add :: ['a, 'b, 'b] => bool
remove :: ['a, 'b, 'b] => bool
bag_appl:: ['a, 'a, 'a, 'a] => bool
rules append "append [] xs xs ..
append (x#xs) ys (x#zs) :- append xs ys zs"
reverse "reverse L1 L2 :- (!rev_aux.
(!L. rev_aux [] L L )..
(!X L1 L2 L3. rev_aux (X#L1) L2 L3 :- rev_aux L1 L2 (X#L3))
=> rev_aux L1 L2 [])"
mappred "mappred P [] [] ..
mappred P (x#xs) (y#ys) :- P x y & mappred P xs ys"
mapfun "mapfun f [] [] ..
mapfun f (x#xs) (f x#ys) :- mapfun f xs ys"
age "age bob 24 ..
age sue 23 ..
age ned 23"
eq "eq x x"
(* actual definitions of empty and add is hidden -> yields abstract data type *)
bag_appl"bag_appl A B X Y:- (? S1 S2 S3 S4 S5.
empty S1 &
add A S1 S2 &
add B S2 S3 &
remove X S3 S4 &
remove Y S4 S5 &
empty S5)"