author wenzelm
Fri, 28 Oct 2005 22:27:59 +0200
changeset 18031 b17e25a7d820
parent 9695 ec7d7f877712
permissions -rw-r--r--
datatype thmref: added Fact; renamed Goal constant to prop;

%% $Id$

\newlinechar=-1  %mathsing.sty sets \newlinechar=`\|, which would cause mayhem

\chapter{Syntax of Isabelle Theories}\label{app:TheorySyntax}

Below we present the full syntax of theory definition files as provided by
Pure Isabelle --- object-logics may add their own sections.
\S\ref{sec:ref-defining-theories} explains the meanings of these constructs.
The syntax obeys the following conventions:
\item {\tt Typewriter font} denotes terminal symbols.
\item $id$, $tid$, $nat$, $string$ and $longident$ are the lexical
  classes of identifiers, type identifiers, natural numbers, quoted
  strings (without the need for \verb$\$\dots\verb$\$ between lines)
  and long qualified \ML{} identifiers.
  The categories $id$, $tid$, $nat$ are fully defined in \iflabelundefined{Defining-Logics}%
  {{\it The Isabelle Reference Manual}, chapter `Defining Logics'}%
\item $text$ is all text from the current position to the end of file,
  $verbatim$ is any text enclosed in \verb.{|.\dots\verb.|}.
\item Comments in theories take the form {\tt (*}\dots{\tt*)} and may
  be nested, just as in \ML.


theoryDef : id '=' (name + '+') ('+' extension | ())

name : id | string

extension : (section +) 'end' ( () | ml )

section : classes
        | default
        | types
        | arities
        | nonterminals
        | consts
        | syntax
        | trans
        | defs
        | constdefs
        | rules
        | axclass
        | instance
        | oracle
        | locale
        | local
        | global
        | setup

classes : 'classes' ( classDecl + )

classDecl : (id (() | '<' (id + ',')))

default : 'default' sort 

sort :  id
     | lbrace (id * ',') rbrace

types : 'types' ( ( typeDecl ( () | '(' infix ')' ) ) + )

infix : ( 'infixr' | 'infixl' ) (() | string) nat

typeDecl : typevarlist name
           ( () | '=' ( string | type ) );

typevarlist : () | tid | '(' ( tid + ',' ) ')';

type : simpleType | '(' type ')' | type '=>' type |
       '[' ( type + "," ) ']' '=>' type;

simpleType: id | ( tid ( () | '::' id ) ) |
            '(' ( type + "," ) ')' id | simpleType id

arities : 'arities' ((name + ',') '::' arity +)

arity : ( () | '(' (sort + ',') ')' ) sort

nonterminals : 'nonterminals' (name+)

consts : 'consts' ( mixfixConstDecl + )

syntax : 'syntax' (() | mode) ( mixfixConstDecl + );

mode : '(' name (() | 'output') ')'

mixfixConstDecl : constDecl (() | ( '(' mixfix ')' ))

constDecl : ( name + ',') '::' (string | type);

mixfix :  string ( () | ( () | ('[' (nat + ',') ']')) nat )
       |  infix
       | 'binder' string nat ;

trans : 'translations' ( pat ( '==' | '=>' | '<=' ) pat + )

pat : ( () | ( '(' id ')' ) ) string;

rules : 'rules' (( id string ) + )

defs : 'defs' (( id string ) + )

constdefs : 'constdefs' (name '::' (string | type) (() | mixfix) string +)

axclass : 'axclass' classDecl (() | ( id string ) +)

instance : 'instance' ( name '<' name | name '::' arity) witness

witness : (() | '(' ((string | id | longident) + ',') ')') (() | verbatim)

locale : 'locale' name '=' ( () | name '+' ) localeBody

localeBody : localeConsts ( () | localeAsms ) ( () | localeDefs )

localeConsts: ( 'fixes' ( ( (name '::' ( string | type )) ( () | '(' mixfix ')' ) ) + ) )

localeAsms:    ( 'assumes' ( ( id string ) + ) )

localeDefs:   ( 'defines' ( ( id string ) +) )

oracle : 'oracle' name '=' name

local : 'local'

global : 'global'

setup : 'setup' (id | longident)

ml : 'ML' text


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