author wenzelm
Wed, 31 Mar 2021 22:10:56 +0200
changeset 73522 b219774a71ae
parent 73340 0ffcad1f6130
child 73625 f8f065e20837
permissions -rw-r--r--
tuned signature -- more explicit types;

/*  Title:      Pure/Admin/other_isabelle.scala
    Author:     Makarius

Manage other Isabelle distributions.

package isabelle

object Other_Isabelle
  def apply(isabelle_home: Path,
      isabelle_identifier: String = "",
      user_home: Path = Path.USER_HOME,
      progress: Progress = new Progress): Other_Isabelle =
    new Other_Isabelle(isabelle_home.canonical, isabelle_identifier, user_home, progress)

class Other_Isabelle(
  val isabelle_home: Path,
  val isabelle_identifier: String,
  user_home: Path,
  progress: Progress)
  other_isabelle =>

  override def toString: String = isabelle_home.toString

  if (proper_string(System.getenv("ISABELLE_SETTINGS_PRESENT")).isDefined)
    error("Cannot initialize with enclosing ISABELLE_SETTINGS_PRESENT")

  /* static system */

  def bash(
      script: String,
      redirect: Boolean = false,
      echo: Boolean = false,
      strict: Boolean = true): Process_Result =
      "export USER_HOME=" + File.bash_path(user_home) + "\n" +
      Isabelle_System.export_isabelle_identifier(isabelle_identifier) + script,
      env = null, cwd = isabelle_home.file, redirect = redirect, echo = echo, strict = strict)

  def apply(
      cmdline: String,
      redirect: Boolean = false,
      echo: Boolean = false,
      strict: Boolean = true): Process_Result =
    bash("bin/isabelle " + cmdline, redirect = redirect, echo = echo, strict = strict)

  def resolve_components(echo: Boolean): Unit =
      "env ISABELLE_TOOLS=" + Bash.string(Isabelle_System.getenv("ISABELLE_TOOLS")) +
      " isabelle components -a", redirect = true, echo = echo).check

  def getenv(name: String): String =
    other_isabelle("getenv -b " + Bash.string(name)).check.out

  val isabelle_home_user: Path = Path.explode(getenv("ISABELLE_HOME_USER"))

  val etc: Path = isabelle_home_user + Path.explode("etc")
  val etc_settings: Path = etc + Path.explode("settings")
  val etc_preferences: Path = etc + Path.explode("preferences")

  def copy_fonts(target_dir: Path): Unit =
    Isabelle_Fonts.make_entries(getenv = getenv, hidden = true).
      foreach(entry => Isabelle_System.copy_file(entry.path, target_dir))

  /* components */

  def init_components(
    component_repository: String = Components.default_component_repository,
    components_base: Path = Components.default_components_base,
    catalogs: List[String] = Nil,
    components: List[String] = Nil): List[String] =
    val dir = Components.admin(isabelle_home)

    ("ISABELLE_COMPONENT_REPOSITORY=" + Bash.string(component_repository)) :: =>
      "init_components " + File.bash_path(components_base) + " " +
        File.bash_path(dir + Path.basic(name))) ::: =>
      "init_component " + File.bash_path(components_base + Path.basic(name)))

  /* settings */

  def clean_settings(): Boolean =
    if (!etc_settings.is_file) true
    else if ("# generated by Isabelle")) {
      etc_settings.file.delete; true
    else false

  def init_settings(settings: List[String]): Unit =
    if (!clean_settings())
      error("Cannot proceed with existing user settings file: " + etc_settings)

      "# generated by Isabelle " + + "\n" +
      "#-*- shell-script -*- :mode=shellscript:\n" +
      settings.mkString("\n", "\n", "\n"))

  /* cleanup */

  def cleanup(): Unit =