(* Title: Pure/Syntax/mixfix.ML
ID: $Id$
Author: Tobias Nipkow and Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
Mixfix declarations, infixes, binders. Part of the Pure syntax.
signature MIXFIX0 =
datatype mixfix =
NoSyn |
Mixfix of string * int list * int |
Delimfix of string |
Infixl of int |
Infixr of int |
Binder of string * int * int
val max_pri: int
signature MIXFIX1 =
include MIXFIX0
val type_name: string -> mixfix -> string
val const_name: string -> mixfix -> string
val pure_types: (string * int * mixfix) list
val pure_syntax: (string * string * mixfix) list
signature MIXFIX =
include MIXFIX1
structure SynExt: SYN_EXT
local open SynExt in
val syn_ext_types: string list -> (string * int * mixfix) list -> syn_ext
val syn_ext_consts: string list -> (string * typ * mixfix) list -> syn_ext
functor MixfixFun(structure Lexicon: LEXICON and SynExt: SYN_EXT
and SynTrans: SYN_TRANS): MIXFIX =
structure SynExt = SynExt;
open Lexicon SynExt SynExt.Ast SynTrans;
(** mixfix declarations **)
datatype mixfix =
NoSyn |
Mixfix of string * int list * int |
Delimfix of string |
Infixl of int |
Infixr of int |
Binder of string * int * int;
(* type / const names *)
fun strip ("'" :: c :: cs) = c :: strip cs
| strip ["'"] = []
| strip (c :: cs) = c :: strip cs
| strip [] = [];
val strip_esc = implode o strip o explode;
fun type_name t (Infixl _) = strip_esc t
| type_name t (Infixr _) = strip_esc t
| type_name t _ = t;
fun infix_name c = "op " ^ strip_esc c;
fun const_name c (Infixl _) = infix_name c
| const_name c (Infixr _) = infix_name c
| const_name c _ = c;
(* syn_ext_types *)
fun syn_ext_types logtypes type_decls =
fun name_of (t, _, mx) = type_name t mx;
fun mk_infix t p1 p2 p3 =
Mfix ("(_ " ^ t ^ "/ _)", [typeT, typeT] ---> typeT,
strip_esc t, [p1, p2], p3);
fun mfix_of (_, _, NoSyn) = None
| mfix_of (t, 2, Infixl p) = Some (mk_infix t p (p + 1) p)
| mfix_of (t, 2, Infixr p) = Some (mk_infix t (p + 1) p p)
| mfix_of decl = error ("Bad mixfix declaration for type " ^
quote (name_of decl));
val mfix = mapfilter mfix_of type_decls;
val xconsts = map name_of type_decls;
syn_ext logtypes mfix xconsts ([], [], [], []) ([], [])
(* syn_ext_consts *)
fun syn_ext_consts logtypes const_decls =
fun name_of (c, _, mx) = const_name c mx;
fun mk_infix sy ty c p1 p2 p3 =
[Mfix ("(_ " ^ sy ^ "/ _)", ty, c, [p1, p2], p3),
Mfix ("op " ^ sy, ty, c, [], max_pri)];
fun binder_typ _ (Type ("fun", [Type ("fun", [_, ty2]), ty3])) =
[Type ("idts", []), ty2] ---> ty3
| binder_typ c _ = error ("Bad type of binder " ^ quote c);
fun mfix_of (_, _, NoSyn) = []
| mfix_of (c, ty, Mixfix (sy, ps, p)) = [Mfix (sy, ty, c, ps, p)]
| mfix_of (c, ty, Delimfix sy) = [Mfix (sy, ty, c, [], max_pri)]
| mfix_of (sy, ty, Infixl p) = mk_infix sy ty (infix_name sy) p (p + 1) p
| mfix_of (sy, ty, Infixr p) = mk_infix sy ty (infix_name sy) (p + 1) p p
| mfix_of (c, ty, Binder (sy, p, q)) =
[Mfix ("(3" ^ sy ^ "_./ _)", binder_typ c ty, sy, [0, p], q)];
fun binder (c, _, Binder (sy, _, _)) = Some (sy, c)
| binder _ = None;
val mfix = flat (map mfix_of const_decls);
val xconsts = map name_of const_decls;
val binders = mapfilter binder const_decls;
val binder_trs = map mk_binder_tr binders;
val binder_trs' = map (mk_binder_tr' o swap) binders;
syn_ext logtypes mfix xconsts ([], binder_trs, binder_trs', []) ([], [])
(** Pure syntax **)
val pure_types =
map (fn t => (t, 0, NoSyn))
(terminals @ [logic, "type", "types", "sort", "classes", args, cargs,
"pttrn", "idt", "idts", "aprop", "asms", any, sprop]);
val pure_syntax =
[("_lambda", "[idts, 'a] => logic", Mixfix ("(3%_./ _)", [], 0)),
("_abs", "'a", NoSyn),
("", "'a => " ^ args, Delimfix "_"),
("_args", "['a, " ^ args ^ "] => " ^ args, Delimfix "_,/ _"),
("", "id => idt", Delimfix "_"),
("_idtyp", "[id, type] => idt", Mixfix ("_::_", [], 0)),
("", "idt => idt", Delimfix "'(_')"),
("", "idt => pttrn", Delimfix "_"),
("", "pttrn => idts", Delimfix "_"),
("_idts", "[pttrn, idts] => idts", Mixfix ("_/ _", [1, 0], 0)),
("", "id => aprop", Delimfix "_"),
("", "var => aprop", Delimfix "_"),
("_aprop", "aprop => prop", Delimfix "PROP _"),
("", "prop => asms", Delimfix "_"),
("_asms", "[prop, asms] => asms", Delimfix "_;/ _"),
("_bigimpl", "[asms, prop] => prop", Mixfix ("((3[| _ |]) ==>/ _)", [0, 1], 1)),
("_ofclass", "[type, logic] => prop", Delimfix "(1OFCLASS/(1'(_,/ _')))"),
("_K", "'a", NoSyn),
("", "id => logic", Delimfix "_"),
("", "var => logic", Delimfix "_")]