author paulson
Tue, 15 Jan 2002 13:14:39 +0100
changeset 12764 b43333dc6e7d
parent 10025 a281d157ccdf
permissions -rw-r--r--
stylistic changes

# $Id$
# - expand shorthand goal commands
# in "be ... i;" -> "by (etac ... i);" the "..." phrase is not allowed to
#   contain punctuation.  Otherwise, comments can be affected!
# a special case is made to detect    be alpha.alpha digits   

sub expandshort {
    my ($file) = @_;

    open (FILE, $file) || die $!;
    undef $/; $text = <FILE>; $/ = "\n";         # slurp whole file
    close FILE || die $!;

    $_ = $text;

    s/\bsafe_tac *\(claset *\( *\) *\)/Safe_tac/sg;
    s/ *\(Safe_tac\) *([0-9]+)/ Safe_tac $1/sg;
    s/ *\(Safe_tac\)/ Safe_tac/sg;
    s/\bby\(/by (/sg;
    s/\bba\b *(\d+);/by (assume_tac $1);/sg;
    s/\bbr\b *([^;*!]*) (\d+);/by (rtac $1 $2);/sg;
    s/\bbrs\b *([^;*!]*) (\d+);/by (resolve_tac $1 $2);/sg;
    s/\bbd\b *([^;*!]*) (\d+);/by (dtac $1 $2);/sg;
    s/\bbds\b *([^;*!]*) (\d+);/by (dresolve_tac $1 $2);/sg;
    s/\bbe\b *([^;.*!]*) (\d+);/by (etac $1 $2);/sg;
    s/\bbe\b *(\w+\.\w+) (\d+);/by (etac $1 $2);/sg;
    s/\bbes\b *([^;*!]*) (\d+);/by (eresolve_tac $1 $2);/sg;
    s/\bbw\b *([^;*!]*);/by (rewtac $1);/sg;
    s/\bbws\b *([^;*!]*);/by (rewrite_goals_tac $1);/sg;
    s/\bauto *\(\)/by Auto_tac/sg;
    s/dresolve_tac *\[(\w+)\] */dtac $1 /sg;
    s/eresolve_tac *\[(\w+)\] */etac $1 /sg;
    s/forward_tac *\[(\w+)\] */ftac $1 /sg;
    s/resolve_tac *\[(\w+)\] */rtac $1 /sg;
    s/rewrite_goals_tac *\[(\w+)\]( *)/rewtac $1$2/sg;
    s/rtac *\((\w+)\s+RS\s+ssubst\)\s+/stac $1 /sg;

    $result = $_;

    if ($text ne $result) {
	print STDERR "expanding $file\n";
        if (! -f "$file~~") {
	    rename $file, "$file~~" || die $!;
	open (FILE, "> $file") || die $!;
	print FILE $result;
	close FILE || die $!;

## main

foreach $file (@ARGV) {
  eval { &expandshort($file); };
  if ($@) { print STDERR "*** expandshort $file: ", $@, "\n"; }