(* Title: HOLCF/ex/Loop.ML
ID: $Id$
Author: Franz Regensburger
Copyright 1993 Technische Universitaet Muenchen
Lemmas for theory loop.thy
open Loop;
(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* access to definitions *)
(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
val step_def2 = prove_goalw Loop.thy [step_def]
"step`b`g`x = If b`x then g`x else x fi"
(fn prems =>
(Simp_tac 1)
val while_def2 = prove_goalw Loop.thy [while_def]
"while`b`g = fix`(LAM f x. If b`x then f`(g`x) else x fi)"
(fn prems =>
(Simp_tac 1)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* rekursive properties of while *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
val while_unfold = prove_goal Loop.thy
"while`b`g`x = If b`x then while`b`g`(g`x) else x fi"
(fn prems =>
(fix_tac5 while_def2 1),
(Simp_tac 1)
val while_unfold2 = prove_goal Loop.thy
"!x. while`b`g`x = while`b`g`(iterate k (step`b`g) x)"
(fn prems =>
(nat_ind_tac "k" 1),
(simp_tac HOLCF_ss 1),
(rtac allI 1),
(rtac trans 1),
(stac while_unfold 1),
(rtac refl 2),
(stac iterate_Suc2 1),
(rtac trans 1),
(etac spec 2),
(stac step_def2 1),
(res_inst_tac [("p","b`x")] trE 1),
(asm_simp_tac HOLCF_ss 1),
(stac while_unfold 1),
(res_inst_tac [("s","UU"),("t","b`UU")]ssubst 1),
(etac (flat_codom RS disjE) 1),
(atac 1),
(etac spec 1),
(simp_tac HOLCF_ss 1),
(asm_simp_tac HOLCF_ss 1),
(asm_simp_tac HOLCF_ss 1),
(stac while_unfold 1),
(asm_simp_tac HOLCF_ss 1)
val while_unfold3 = prove_goal Loop.thy
"while`b`g`x = while`b`g`(step`b`g`x)"
(fn prems =>
(res_inst_tac [("s",
"while`b`g`(iterate (Suc 0) (step`b`g) x)")] trans 1),
(rtac (while_unfold2 RS spec) 1),
(Simp_tac 1)
(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* properties of while and iterations *)
(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
val loop_lemma1 = prove_goal Loop.thy
"[|? y. b`y=FF; iterate k (step`b`g) x = UU|]==>iterate(Suc k) (step`b`g) x=UU"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(Simp_tac 1),
(rtac trans 1),
(rtac step_def2 1),
(asm_simp_tac HOLCF_ss 1),
(etac exE 1),
(etac (flat_codom RS disjE) 1),
(asm_simp_tac HOLCF_ss 1),
(asm_simp_tac HOLCF_ss 1)
val loop_lemma2 = prove_goal Loop.thy
"[|? y. b`y=FF;iterate (Suc k) (step`b`g) x ~=UU |]==>\
\iterate k (step`b`g) x ~=UU"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(rtac contrapos 1),
(etac loop_lemma1 2),
(atac 1),
(atac 1)
val loop_lemma3 = prove_goal Loop.thy
"[|!x. INV x & b`x=TT & g`x~=UU --> INV (g`x);\
\? y. b`y=FF; INV x|] ==>\
\iterate k (step`b`g) x ~=UU --> INV (iterate k (step`b`g) x)"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(nat_ind_tac "k" 1),
(Asm_simp_tac 1),
(strip_tac 1),
(simp_tac (!simpset addsimps [step_def2]) 1),
(res_inst_tac [("p","b`(iterate k (step`b`g) x)")] trE 1),
(etac notE 1),
(asm_simp_tac (HOLCF_ss addsimps [step_def2] ) 1),
(asm_simp_tac HOLCF_ss 1),
(rtac mp 1),
(etac spec 1),
(asm_simp_tac (HOLCF_ss delsimps [iterate_Suc]
addsimps [loop_lemma2] ) 1),
(res_inst_tac [("s","iterate (Suc k) (step`b`g) x"),
("t","g`(iterate k (step`b`g) x)")] ssubst 1),
(atac 2),
(asm_simp_tac (HOLCF_ss addsimps [step_def2] ) 1),
(asm_simp_tac (HOLCF_ss delsimps [iterate_Suc]
addsimps [loop_lemma2] ) 1)
val loop_lemma4 = prove_goal Loop.thy
"!x. b`(iterate k (step`b`g) x)=FF --> while`b`g`x= iterate k (step`b`g) x"
(fn prems =>
(nat_ind_tac "k" 1),
(Simp_tac 1),
(strip_tac 1),
(stac while_unfold 1),
(asm_simp_tac HOLCF_ss 1),
(rtac allI 1),
(stac iterate_Suc2 1),
(strip_tac 1),
(rtac trans 1),
(rtac while_unfold3 1),
(asm_simp_tac HOLCF_ss 1)
val loop_lemma5 = prove_goal Loop.thy
"!k. b`(iterate k (step`b`g) x) ~= FF ==>\
\ !m. while`b`g`(iterate m (step`b`g) x)=UU"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(stac while_def2 1),
(rtac fix_ind 1),
(rtac (allI RS adm_all) 1),
(rtac adm_eq 1),
(cont_tacR 1),
(Simp_tac 1),
(rtac allI 1),
(Simp_tac 1),
(res_inst_tac [("p","b`(iterate m (step`b`g) x)")] trE 1),
(asm_simp_tac HOLCF_ss 1),
(asm_simp_tac HOLCF_ss 1),
(res_inst_tac [("s","xa`(iterate (Suc m) (step`b`g) x)")] trans 1),
(etac spec 2),
(rtac cfun_arg_cong 1),
(rtac trans 1),
(rtac (iterate_Suc RS sym) 2),
(asm_simp_tac (HOLCF_ss addsimps [step_def2]) 1),
(dtac spec 1),
(contr_tac 1)
val loop_lemma6 = prove_goal Loop.thy
"!k. b`(iterate k (step`b`g) x) ~= FF ==> while`b`g`x=UU"
(fn prems =>
(res_inst_tac [("t","x")] (iterate_0 RS subst) 1),
(rtac (loop_lemma5 RS spec) 1),
(resolve_tac prems 1)
val loop_lemma7 = prove_goal Loop.thy
"while`b`g`x ~= UU ==> ? k. b`(iterate k (step`b`g) x) = FF"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(etac swap 1),
(rtac loop_lemma6 1),
(fast_tac HOL_cs 1)
val loop_lemma8 = prove_goal Loop.thy
"while`b`g`x ~= UU ==> ? y. b`y=FF"
(fn prems =>
(cut_facts_tac prems 1),
(dtac loop_lemma7 1),
(fast_tac HOL_cs 1)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* an invariant rule for loops *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
val loop_inv2 = prove_goal Loop.thy
"[| (!y. INV y & b`y=TT & g`y ~= UU --> INV (g`y));\
\ (!y. INV y & b`y=FF --> Q y);\
\ INV x; while`b`g`x~=UU |] ==> Q (while`b`g`x)"
(fn prems =>
(res_inst_tac [("P","%k. b`(iterate k (step`b`g) x)=FF")] exE 1),
(rtac loop_lemma7 1),
(resolve_tac prems 1),
(stac (loop_lemma4 RS spec RS mp) 1),
(atac 1),
(rtac (nth_elem (1,prems) RS spec RS mp) 1),
(rtac conjI 1),
(atac 2),
(rtac (loop_lemma3 RS mp) 1),
(resolve_tac prems 1),
(rtac loop_lemma8 1),
(resolve_tac prems 1),
(resolve_tac prems 1),
(rtac classical2 1),
(resolve_tac prems 1),
(etac box_equals 1),
(rtac (loop_lemma4 RS spec RS mp RS sym) 1),
(atac 1),
(rtac refl 1)
val loop_inv3 = prove_goal Loop.thy
"[| !!y.[| INV y; b`y=TT; g`y~=UU|] ==> INV (g`y);\
\ !!y.[| INV y; b`y=FF|]==> Q y;\
\ INV x; while`b`g`x~=UU |] ==> Q (while`b`g`x)"
(fn prems =>
(rtac loop_inv2 1),
(rtac allI 1),
(rtac impI 1),
(resolve_tac prems 1),
(fast_tac HOL_cs 1),
(fast_tac HOL_cs 1),
(fast_tac HOL_cs 1),
(rtac allI 1),
(rtac impI 1),
(resolve_tac prems 1),
(fast_tac HOL_cs 1),
(fast_tac HOL_cs 1),
(resolve_tac prems 1),
(resolve_tac prems 1)
val loop_inv = prove_goal Loop.thy
"[| P(x);\
\ !!y. P y ==> INV y;\
\ !!y.[| INV y; b`y=TT; g`y~=UU|] ==> INV (g`y);\
\ !!y.[| INV y; b`y=FF|]==> Q y;\
\ while`b`g`x ~= UU |] ==> Q (while`b`g`x)"
(fn prems =>
(rtac loop_inv3 1),
(eresolve_tac prems 1),
(atac 1),
(atac 1),
(resolve_tac prems 1),
(atac 1),
(atac 1),
(resolve_tac prems 1),
(resolve_tac prems 1),
(resolve_tac prems 1)