renaming of theory LOmega to lomega2 in order to prevent a possible
case confusion
(* Title: TFL/thms.ML
ID: $Id$
Author: Konrad Slind, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
Copyright 1997 University of Cambridge
structure Thms =
val WFREC_COROLLARY = thm "tfl_wfrec";
val WF_INDUCTION_THM = thm "tfl_wf_induct";
val CUT_DEF = thm "cut_def";
val SELECT_AX = thm "tfl_some";
val eqT = thm "tfl_eq_True";
val rev_eq_mp = thm "tfl_rev_eq_mp";
val simp_thm = thm "tfl_simp_thm";
val P_imp_P_iff_True = thm "tfl_P_imp_P_iff_True";
val imp_trans = thm "tfl_imp_trans";
val disj_assoc = thm "tfl_disj_assoc";
val tfl_disjE = thm "tfl_disjE";
val choose_thm = thm "tfl_exE";