(* Title: Tools/Code/code_runtime.ML
Author: Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
Runtime services building on code generation into implementation language SML.
signature CODE_RUNTIME =
val target: string
val value: Proof.context ->
(Proof.context -> unit -> 'a) * ((unit -> 'a) -> Proof.context -> Proof.context) * string ->
string * string -> 'a
type 'a cookie = (Proof.context -> unit -> 'a) * ((unit -> 'a) -> Proof.context -> Proof.context) * string
val dynamic_value: 'a cookie -> Proof.context -> string option
-> ((term -> term) -> 'a -> 'a) -> term -> string list -> 'a option
val dynamic_value_strict: 'a cookie -> Proof.context -> string option
-> ((term -> term) -> 'a -> 'a) -> term -> string list -> 'a
val dynamic_value_exn: 'a cookie -> Proof.context -> string option
-> ((term -> term) -> 'a -> 'a) -> term -> string list -> 'a Exn.result
val static_value: 'a cookie -> { ctxt: Proof.context, target: string option,
lift_postproc: (term -> term) -> 'a -> 'a, consts: string list }
-> Proof.context -> term -> 'a option
val static_value_strict: 'a cookie -> { ctxt: Proof.context, target: string option,
lift_postproc: (term -> term) -> 'a -> 'a, consts: string list }
-> Proof.context -> term -> 'a
val static_value_exn: 'a cookie -> { ctxt: Proof.context, target: string option,
lift_postproc: (term -> term) -> 'a -> 'a, consts: string list }
-> Proof.context -> term -> 'a Exn.result
val dynamic_holds_conv: Proof.context -> conv
val static_holds_conv: { ctxt: Proof.context, consts: string list } -> Proof.context -> conv
val static_value': (Proof.context -> term -> 'a) cookie
-> { ctxt: Proof.context, lift_postproc: (term -> term) -> 'a -> 'a,
consts: (string * typ) list, T: typ }
-> Proof.context -> term -> 'a option (*EXPERIMENTAL!*)
val static_value_strict': (Proof.context -> term -> 'a) cookie
-> { ctxt: Proof.context, lift_postproc: (term -> term) -> 'a -> 'a,
consts: (string * typ) list, T: typ }
-> Proof.context -> term -> 'a (*EXPERIMENTAL!*)
val static_value_exn': (Proof.context -> term -> 'a) cookie
-> { ctxt: Proof.context, lift_postproc: (term -> term) -> 'a -> 'a,
consts: (string * typ) list, T: typ }
-> Proof.context -> term -> 'a Exn.result (*EXPERIMENTAL!*)
val code_reflect: (string * string list option) list -> string list -> string
-> string option -> theory -> theory
datatype truth = Holds
val put_truth: (unit -> truth) -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val trace: bool Config.T
val polyml_as_definition: (binding * typ) list -> Path.T list -> theory -> theory
structure Code_Runtime : CODE_RUNTIME =
open Basic_Code_Symbol;
open Basic_Code_Thingol;
(** evaluation **)
(* technical prerequisites *)
val this = "Code_Runtime";
val s_truth = Long_Name.append this "truth";
val s_Holds = Long_Name.append this "Holds";
val target = "Eval";
val structure_generated = "Generated_Code";
datatype truth = Holds;
val _ = Theory.setup
(Code_Target.add_derived_target (target, [(Code_ML.target_SML, I)])
#> Code_Target.set_printings (Type_Constructor (@{type_name prop},
[(target, SOME (0, (K o K o K) (Code_Printer.str s_truth)))]))
#> Code_Target.set_printings (Constant (@{const_name Code_Generator.holds},
[(target, SOME (Code_Printer.plain_const_syntax s_Holds))]))
#> Code_Target.add_reserved target this
#> fold (Code_Target.add_reserved target) ["oo", "ooo", "oooo", "upto", "downto", "orf", "andf"]);
(*avoid further pervasive infix names*)
val trace = Attrib.setup_config_bool @{binding "code_runtime_trace"} (K false);
fun exec ctxt verbose code =
(if Config.get ctxt trace then tracing code else ();
ML_Context.exec (fn () =>
ML_Compiler0.use_text ML_Env.local_context
{line = 0, file = "generated code", verbose = verbose, debug = false} code));
fun value ctxt (get, put, put_ml) (prelude, value) =
val code = (prelude
^ "\nval _ = Context.set_thread_data (SOME (Context.map_proof (" ^ put_ml
^ " (fn () => " ^ value ^ ")) (ML_Context.the_generic_context ())))");
val ctxt' = ctxt
|> put (fn () => error ("Bad evaluation for " ^ quote put_ml))
|> Context.proof_map (exec ctxt false code);
in get ctxt' () end;
(* evaluation into target language values *)
type 'a cookie = (Proof.context -> unit -> 'a) * ((unit -> 'a) -> Proof.context -> Proof.context) * string;
fun reject_vars ctxt t =
((Sign.no_frees ctxt o Sign.no_vars ctxt o map_types (K dummyT)) t; t);
fun obtain_evaluator ctxt some_target program consts =
val evaluator' = Code_Target.evaluator ctxt (the_default target some_target) program consts false;
#> apfst (fn ml_modules => space_implode "\n\n" (map snd ml_modules))
fun evaluation cookie ctxt evaluator vs_t args =
val (program_code, value_name) = evaluator vs_t;
val value_code = space_implode " "
(value_name :: "()" :: map (enclose "(" ")") args);
in Exn.interruptible_capture (value ctxt cookie) (program_code, value_code) end;
fun partiality_as_none e = SOME (Exn.release e)
handle General.Match => NONE
| General.Bind => NONE
| General.Fail _ => NONE;
fun dynamic_value_exn cookie ctxt some_target postproc t args =
val _ = reject_vars ctxt t;
val _ = if Config.get ctxt trace
then tracing ("Evaluation of term " ^ quote (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t))
else ()
fun evaluator program _ vs_ty_t deps =
evaluation cookie ctxt (obtain_evaluator ctxt some_target program deps) vs_ty_t args;
in Code_Thingol.dynamic_value ctxt (Exn.map_res o postproc) evaluator t end;
fun dynamic_value_strict cookie ctxt some_target postproc t args =
Exn.release (dynamic_value_exn cookie ctxt some_target postproc t args);
fun dynamic_value cookie ctxt some_target postproc t args =
partiality_as_none (dynamic_value_exn cookie ctxt some_target postproc t args);
fun static_evaluator cookie ctxt some_target { program, deps } =
val evaluator = obtain_evaluator ctxt some_target program (map Constant deps);
val evaluation' = evaluation cookie ctxt evaluator;
in fn _ => fn _ => fn vs_ty_t => fn _ => evaluation' vs_ty_t [] end;
fun static_value_exn cookie { ctxt, target, lift_postproc, consts } =
val evaluator = Code_Thingol.static_value { ctxt = ctxt,
lift_postproc = Exn.map_res o lift_postproc, consts = consts }
(static_evaluator cookie ctxt target);
in fn ctxt' => evaluator ctxt' o reject_vars ctxt' end;
fun static_value_strict cookie = Exn.release ooo static_value_exn cookie;
fun static_value cookie = partiality_as_none ooo static_value_exn cookie;
(* evaluation for truth or nothing *)
structure Truth_Result = Proof_Data
type T = unit -> truth;
val empty: T = fn () => raise Fail "Truth_Result";
fun init _ = empty;
val put_truth = Truth_Result.put;
val truth_cookie = (Truth_Result.get, put_truth, Long_Name.append this "put_truth");
val reject_vars = fn ctxt => tap (reject_vars ctxt o Thm.term_of);
fun check_holds ctxt evaluator vs_t ct =
val t = Thm.term_of ct;
val _ = if fastype_of t <> propT
then error ("Not a proposition: " ^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t)
else ();
val iff = Thm.cterm_of ctxt (Term.Const (@{const_name Pure.eq}, propT --> propT --> propT));
val result = case partiality_as_none (evaluation truth_cookie ctxt evaluator vs_t [])
of SOME Holds => true
| _ => false;
Thm.mk_binop iff ct (if result then @{cprop "PROP Code_Generator.holds"} else ct)
val (_, raw_check_holds_oracle) = Context.>>> (Context.map_theory_result
(Thm.add_oracle (@{binding holds_by_evaluation},
fn (ctxt, evaluator, vs_t, ct) => check_holds ctxt evaluator vs_t ct)));
fun check_holds_oracle ctxt evaluator vs_ty_t ct =
raw_check_holds_oracle (ctxt, evaluator, vs_ty_t, ct);
fun dynamic_holds_conv ctxt = Code_Thingol.dynamic_conv ctxt
(fn program => fn vs_t => fn deps =>
check_holds_oracle ctxt (obtain_evaluator ctxt NONE program deps) vs_t)
o reject_vars ctxt;
fun static_holds_conv (ctxt_consts as { ctxt, ... }) =
Code_Thingol.static_conv ctxt_consts (fn { program, deps } => fn ctxt' => fn vs_t =>
K (check_holds_oracle ctxt' (obtain_evaluator ctxt NONE program (map Constant deps)) vs_t o reject_vars ctxt'));
end; (*local*)
(** full static evaluation -- still with limited coverage! **)
fun evaluation_code ctxt module_name program tycos consts =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt;
val (ml_modules, target_names) =
Code_Target.produce_code_for ctxt
target NONE module_name [] program false (map Constant consts @ map Type_Constructor tycos);
val ml_code = space_implode "\n\n" (map snd ml_modules);
val (consts', tycos') = chop (length consts) target_names;
val consts_map = map2 (fn const =>
fn NONE =>
error ("Constant " ^ (quote o Code.string_of_const thy) const ^
"\nhas a user-defined serialization")
| SOME const' => (const, const')) consts consts'
val tycos_map = map2 (fn tyco =>
fn NONE =>
error ("Type " ^ quote (Proof_Context.markup_type ctxt tyco) ^
"\nhas a user-defined serialization")
| SOME tyco' => (tyco, tyco')) tycos tycos';
in (ml_code, (tycos_map, consts_map)) end;
fun typ_signatures_for T =
val (Ts, T') = strip_type T;
in map_range (fn n => (drop n Ts ---> T', take n Ts)) (length Ts + 1) end;
fun typ_signatures cTs =
fun add (c, T) =
fold (fn (T, Ts) => Typtab.map_default (T, []) (cons (c, Ts)))
(typ_signatures_for T);
|> fold add cTs
|> Typtab.lookup_list
fun print_of_term_funs { typ_sign_for, ml_name_for_const, ml_name_for_typ } Ts =
val var_names = map_range (fn n => "t" ^ string_of_int (n + 1));
fun print_lhs c xs = "Const (" ^ quote c ^ ", _)"
|> fold (fn x => fn s => s ^ " $ " ^ x) xs
|> enclose "(" ")"
|> prefix "ctxt ";
fun print_rhs c Ts xs = ml_name_for_const c
|> fold2 (fn T => fn x => fn s =>
s ^ (" (" ^ ml_name_for_typ T ^ " ctxt " ^ x ^ ")")) Ts xs
fun print_eq (c, Ts) =
val xs = var_names (length Ts);
in print_lhs c xs ^ " = " ^ print_rhs c Ts xs end;
val err_eq =
"ctxt t = error (" ^ quote "Bad term: " ^ " ^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t)";
fun print_eqs T =
val typ_signs = typ_sign_for T;
val name = ml_name_for_typ T;
(map print_eq typ_signs @ [err_eq])
|> map (prefix (name ^ " "))
|> space_implode "\n | "
map print_eqs Ts
|> space_implode "\nand "
|> prefix "fun "
|> pair (map ml_name_for_typ Ts)
fun print_of_term ctxt ml_name_for_const T cTs =
val typ_sign_for = typ_signatures cTs;
fun add_typ T Ts =
if member (op =) Ts T
then Ts
else Ts
|> cons T
|> fold (fold add_typ o snd) (typ_sign_for T);
val Ts = add_typ T [];
fun tycos_of (Type (tyco, Ts)) = maps tycos_of Ts @ [tyco]
| tycos_of _ = [];
val ml_name_of = Name.desymbolize NONE o Long_Name.base_name;
val ml_names = map (suffix "_of_term" o space_implode "_" o map ml_name_of o tycos_of) Ts
|> Name.variant_list [];
val ml_name_for_typ = the o AList.lookup (op =) (Ts ~~ ml_names);
print_of_term_funs { typ_sign_for = typ_sign_for,
ml_name_for_const = ml_name_for_const,
ml_name_for_typ = ml_name_for_typ } Ts
fun compile_evaluator cookie ctxt cs_code cTs T { program, deps } =
val (context_code, (_, const_map)) =
evaluation_code ctxt structure_generated program [] cs_code;
val ml_name_for_const = the o AList.lookup (op =) const_map;
val (ml_names, of_term_code) = print_of_term ctxt ml_name_for_const T cTs
val of_term = value ctxt cookie (context_code ^ "\n" ^ of_term_code, List.last ml_names);
in fn ctxt' => fn t => fn _ => fn _ => Exn.interruptible_capture (of_term ctxt') t end;
fun static_value_exn' cookie { ctxt, lift_postproc, consts, T } =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt;
val cs_code = map (Axclass.unoverload_const thy) consts;
val cTs = map2 (fn (_, T) => fn c => (c, T)) consts cs_code;
val evaluator = Code_Thingol.static_value { ctxt = ctxt,
lift_postproc = Exn.map_res o lift_postproc, consts = cs_code }
(compile_evaluator cookie ctxt cs_code cTs T);
in fn ctxt' =>
evaluator ctxt' o reject_vars ctxt' o Syntax.check_term ctxt' o Type.constraint T
fun static_value_strict' cookie = Exn.release ooo static_value_exn' cookie;
fun static_value' cookie = partiality_as_none ooo static_value_exn' cookie;
fun static_value_strict' cookie = Exn.release ooo static_value_exn' cookie;
fun static_value' cookie = partiality_as_none ooo static_value_exn' cookie;
(** code antiquotation **)
structure Code_Antiq_Data = Proof_Data
type T = (string list * string list) * (bool
* (string * (string * string) list) lazy);
val empty: T = (([], []), (true, (Lazy.value ("", []))));
fun init _ = empty;
val is_first_occ = fst o snd o Code_Antiq_Data.get;
fun register_code new_tycos new_consts ctxt =
val ((tycos, consts), _) = Code_Antiq_Data.get ctxt;
val tycos' = fold (insert (op =)) new_tycos tycos;
val consts' = fold (insert (op =)) new_consts consts;
val program = Code_Thingol.consts_program (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) consts';
val acc_code = Lazy.lazy (fn () =>
evaluation_code ctxt structure_generated program tycos' consts'
|> apsnd snd);
in Code_Antiq_Data.put ((tycos', consts'), (false, acc_code)) ctxt end;
fun register_const const = register_code [] [const];
fun print_code is_first const ctxt =
val (_, (_, acc_code)) = Code_Antiq_Data.get ctxt;
val (ml_code, consts_map) = Lazy.force acc_code;
val ml_code = if is_first then ml_code else "";
val body = ML_Context.struct_name ctxt ^ "." ^ the (AList.lookup (op =) consts_map const);
in (ml_code, body) end;
fun ml_code_antiq raw_const ctxt =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt;
val const = Code.check_const thy raw_const;
val is_first = is_first_occ ctxt;
in (print_code is_first const, register_const const ctxt) end;
end; (*local*)
(** reflection support **)
fun check_datatype thy tyco some_consts =
val constrs = (map fst o snd o fst o Code.get_type thy) tyco;
val _ = case some_consts
of SOME consts =>
val missing_constrs = subtract (op =) consts constrs;
val _ = if null missing_constrs then []
else error ("Missing constructor(s) " ^ commas_quote missing_constrs
^ " for datatype " ^ quote tyco);
val false_constrs = subtract (op =) constrs consts;
val _ = if null false_constrs then []
else error ("Non-constructor(s) " ^ commas_quote false_constrs
^ " for datatype " ^ quote tyco)
in () end
| NONE => ();
in (tyco, constrs) end;
fun add_eval_tyco (tyco, tyco') thy =
val k = Sign.arity_number thy tyco;
fun pr pr' _ [] = tyco'
| pr pr' _ [ty] =
Code_Printer.concat [pr' Code_Printer.BR ty, tyco']
| pr pr' _ tys =
Code_Printer.concat [Code_Printer.enum "," "(" ")" (map (pr' Code_Printer.BR) tys), tyco']
|> Code_Target.set_printings (Type_Constructor (tyco, [(target, SOME (k, pr))]))
fun add_eval_constr (const, const') thy =
val k = Code.args_number thy const;
fun pr pr' fxy ts = Code_Printer.brackify fxy
(const' :: the_list (Code_Printer.tuplify pr' Code_Printer.BR (map fst ts)));
|> Code_Target.set_printings (Constant (const,
[(target, SOME (Code_Printer.simple_const_syntax (k, pr)))]))
fun add_eval_const (const, const') = Code_Target.set_printings (Constant
(const, [(target, SOME (Code_Printer.simple_const_syntax (0, (K o K o K) const')))]));
fun process_reflection (code, (tyco_map, (constr_map, const_map))) module_name NONE thy =
|> Code_Target.add_reserved target module_name
|> Context.theory_map (exec (Proof_Context.init_global thy (*FIXME*)) true code)
|> fold (add_eval_tyco o apsnd Code_Printer.str) tyco_map
|> fold (add_eval_constr o apsnd Code_Printer.str) constr_map
|> fold (add_eval_const o apsnd Code_Printer.str) const_map
| process_reflection (code, _) _ (SOME file_name) thy =
val preamble =
"(* Generated from " ^
Path.implode (Resources.thy_path (Path.basic (Context.theory_name thy))) ^
"; DO NOT EDIT! *)";
val _ = File.write (Path.explode file_name) (preamble ^ "\n\n" ^ code);
fun gen_code_reflect prep_type prep_const raw_datatypes raw_functions module_name some_file thy =
val ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy;
val datatypes = map (fn (raw_tyco, raw_cos) =>
(prep_type ctxt raw_tyco, (Option.map o map) (prep_const thy) raw_cos)) raw_datatypes;
val (tycos, constrs) = map_split (uncurry (check_datatype thy)) datatypes
|> apsnd flat;
val functions = map (prep_const thy) raw_functions;
val consts = constrs @ functions;
val program = Code_Thingol.consts_program (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) consts;
val result = evaluation_code ctxt module_name program tycos consts
|> (apsnd o apsnd) (chop (length constrs));
|> process_reflection result module_name some_file
val code_reflect = gen_code_reflect Code_Target.cert_tyco (K I);
val code_reflect_cmd = gen_code_reflect Code_Target.read_tyco Code.read_const;
(** Isar setup **)
val _ =
Theory.setup (ML_Antiquotation.declaration @{binding code} Args.term (fn _ => ml_code_antiq));
val parse_datatype =
Parse.name --| @{keyword "="} --
(((Parse.sym_ident || Parse.string) >> (fn "_" => NONE | _ => Scan.fail ()))
|| ((Parse.term ::: (Scan.repeat (@{keyword "|"} |-- Parse.term))) >> SOME));
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword code_reflect}
"enrich runtime environment with generated code"
(Parse.name -- Scan.optional (@{keyword "datatypes"} |-- Parse.!!! (parse_datatype
::: Scan.repeat (@{keyword "and"} |-- parse_datatype))) []
-- Scan.optional (@{keyword "functions"} |-- Parse.!!! (Scan.repeat1 Parse.name)) []
-- Scan.option (@{keyword "file"} |-- Parse.!!! Parse.name)
>> (fn (((module_name, raw_datatypes), raw_functions), some_file) => Toplevel.theory
(code_reflect_cmd raw_datatypes raw_functions module_name some_file)));
end; (*local*)
(** using external SML files as substitute for proper definitions -- only for polyml! **)
structure Loaded_Values = Theory_Data
type T = string list
val empty = []
val extend = I
fun merge data : T = Library.merge (op =) data
fun notify_val (string, value) =
val _ = #enterVal ML_Env.local_name_space (string, value);
val _ = Theory.setup (Loaded_Values.map (insert (op =) string));
in () end;
fun abort _ = error "Only value bindings allowed.";
val notifying_context : ML_Compiler0.context =
{name_space =
{lookupVal = #lookupVal ML_Env.local_name_space,
lookupType = #lookupType ML_Env.local_name_space,
lookupFix = #lookupFix ML_Env.local_name_space,
lookupStruct = #lookupStruct ML_Env.local_name_space,
lookupSig = #lookupSig ML_Env.local_name_space,
lookupFunct = #lookupFunct ML_Env.local_name_space,
enterVal = notify_val,
enterType = abort,
enterFix = abort,
enterStruct = abort,
enterSig = abort,
enterFunct = abort,
allVal = #allVal ML_Env.local_name_space,
allType = #allType ML_Env.local_name_space,
allFix = #allFix ML_Env.local_name_space,
allStruct = #allStruct ML_Env.local_name_space,
allSig = #allSig ML_Env.local_name_space,
allFunct = #allFunct ML_Env.local_name_space},
here = #here ML_Env.local_context,
print = #print ML_Env.local_context,
error = #error ML_Env.local_context};
fun use_file filepath thy =
val thy' = Loaded_Values.put [] thy;
val _ = Context.set_thread_data ((SOME o Context.Theory) thy');
val _ =
ML_Compiler0.use_text notifying_context
{line = 0, file = Path.implode filepath, verbose = false, debug = false}
(File.read filepath);
val thy'' = Context.the_theory (Context.the_thread_data ());
val names = Loaded_Values.get thy'';
in (names, thy'') end;
fun add_definiendum (ml_name, (b, T)) thy =
|> Code_Target.add_reserved target ml_name
|> Specification.axiomatization [(b, SOME T, NoSyn)] []
|-> (fn ([Const (const, _)], _) =>
Code_Target.set_printings (Constant (const,
[(target, SOME (Code_Printer.simple_const_syntax (0, (K o K o K o Code_Printer.str) ml_name)))]))
#> tap (fn thy => Code_Target.produce_code (Proof_Context.init_global thy) false [const] target NONE structure_generated []));
fun process_file filepath (definienda, thy) =
val (ml_names, thy') = use_file filepath thy;
val superfluous = subtract (fn ((name1, _), name2) => name1 = name2) definienda ml_names;
val _ = if null superfluous then ()
else error ("Value binding(s) " ^ commas_quote superfluous
^ " found in external file " ^ Path.print filepath
^ " not present among the given contants binding(s).");
val these_definienda = AList.make (the o AList.lookup (op =) definienda) ml_names;
val thy'' = fold add_definiendum these_definienda thy';
val definienda' = fold (AList.delete (op =)) ml_names definienda;
in (definienda', thy'') end;
fun polyml_as_definition bTs filepaths thy =
val definienda = map (fn bT => ((Binding.name_of o fst) bT, bT)) bTs;
val (remaining, thy') = fold process_file filepaths (definienda, thy);
val _ = if null remaining then ()
else error ("Constant binding(s) " ^ commas_quote (map fst remaining)
^ " not present in external file(s).");
in thy' end;
end; (*struct*)