author wenzelm
Fri, 28 Sep 2001 19:22:40 +0200
changeset 11630 b95f527482fc
parent 11513 2f6fe5b01521
child 12231 4a25f04bea61
permissions -rw-r--r--
avoid handle _;

(*  Title:      Pure/envir.ML
    ID:         $Id$
    Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
    Copyright   1988  University of Cambridge

Environments.  They don't take account that typ is part of variable
name.  Therefore we check elsewhere that two variables with same names
and different types cannot occur.

signature ENVIR =
  datatype env = Envir of {asol: term Vartab.table, iTs: typ Vartab.table, maxidx: int}
  exception SAME
  val genvars: string -> env * typ list -> env * term list
  val genvar: string -> env * typ -> env * term
  val lookup: env * indexname -> term option
  val update: (indexname * term) * env -> env
  val empty: int -> env
  val is_empty: env -> bool
  val above: int * env -> bool
  val vupdate: (indexname * term) * env -> env
  val alist_of: env -> (indexname * term) list
  val norm_term: env -> term -> term
  val norm_term_same: env -> term -> term
  val norm_type: env -> typ -> typ
  val norm_type_same: env -> typ -> typ
  val norm_types_same: env -> typ list -> typ list
  val beta_norm: term -> term

structure Envir : ENVIR =

(*updating can destroy environment in 2 ways!!
   (1) variables out of range   (2) circular assignments
datatype env = Envir of
    {maxidx: int,               (*maximum index of vars*)
     asol: term Vartab.table,   (*table of assignments to Vars*)
     iTs: typ Vartab.table}     (*table of assignments to TVars*)

(*Generate a list of distinct variables.
  Increments index to make them distinct from ALL present variables. *)
fun genvars name (Envir{maxidx, asol, iTs}, Ts) : env * term list =
  let fun genvs (_, [] : typ list) : term list = []
        | genvs (n, [T]) = [ Var((name, maxidx+1), T) ]
        | genvs (n, T::Ts) =
            Var((name ^ radixstring(26,"a",n), maxidx+1), T)
            :: genvs(n+1,Ts)
  in  (Envir{maxidx=maxidx+1, asol=asol, iTs=iTs}, genvs (0,Ts))  end;

(*Generate a variable.*)
fun genvar name (env,T) : env * term =
  let val (env',[v]) = genvars name (env,[T])
  in  (env',v)  end;

fun lookup (Envir{asol,...}, xname) : term option = Vartab.lookup (asol, xname);

fun update ((xname, t), Envir{maxidx, asol, iTs}) =
  Envir{maxidx=maxidx, asol=Vartab.update_new ((xname,t), asol), iTs=iTs};

(*The empty environment.  New variables will start with the given index+1.*)
fun empty m = Envir{maxidx=m, asol=Vartab.empty, iTs=Vartab.empty};

(*Test for empty environment*)
fun is_empty (Envir {asol, iTs, ...}) = Vartab.is_empty asol andalso Vartab.is_empty iTs;

(*Determine if the least index updated exceeds lim*)
fun above (lim, Envir {asol, iTs, ...}) =
  (case (Vartab.min_key asol, Vartab.min_key iTs) of
     (None, None) => true
   | (Some (_, i), None) => i > lim
   | (None, Some (_, i')) => i' > lim
   | (Some (_, i), Some (_, i')) => i > lim andalso i' > lim);

(*Update, checking Var-Var assignments: try to suppress higher indexes*)
fun vupdate((a,t), env) = case t of
      Var(name',T) =>
        if a=name' then env     (*cycle!*)
        else if xless(a, name')  then
           (case lookup(env,name') of  (*if already assigned, chase*)
                None => update((name', Var(a,T)), env)
              | Some u => vupdate((a,u), env))
        else update((a,t), env)
    | _ => update((a,t), env);

(*Convert environment to alist*)
fun alist_of (Envir{asol,...}) = Vartab.dest asol;

(*** Beta normal form for terms (not eta normal form).
     Chases variables in env;  Does not exploit sharing of variable bindings
     Does not check types, so could loop. ***)

(*raised when norm has no effect on a term, to do sharing instead of copying*)
exception SAME;

fun norm_term1 same (asol,t) : term =
  let fun norm (Var (w,T)) =
            (case Vartab.lookup (asol, w) of
                Some u => (norm u handle SAME => u)
              | None   => raise SAME)
        | norm (Abs(a,T,body)) =  Abs(a, T, norm body)
        | norm (Abs(_,_,body) $ t) = normh(subst_bound (t, body))
        | norm (f $ t) =
            ((case norm f of
               Abs(_,_,body) => normh(subst_bound (t, body))
             | nf => nf $ (norm t handle SAME => t))
            handle SAME => f $ norm t)
        | norm _ =  raise SAME
      and normh t = norm t handle SAME => t
  in (if same then norm else normh) t end

fun normT iTs (Type (a, Ts)) = Type (a, normTs iTs Ts)
  | normT iTs (TFree _) = raise SAME
  | normT iTs (TVar(v, _)) = (case Vartab.lookup (iTs, v) of
          Some U => normTh iTs U
        | None => raise SAME)
and normTh iTs T = ((normT iTs T) handle SAME => T)
and normTs iTs [] = raise SAME
  | normTs iTs (T :: Ts) =
      ((normT iTs T :: (normTs iTs Ts handle SAME => Ts))
       handle SAME => T :: normTs iTs Ts);

fun norm_term2 same (asol, iTs, t) : term =
  let fun norm (Const (a, T)) = Const(a, normT iTs T)
        | norm (Free (a, T)) = Free(a, normT iTs T)
        | norm (Var (w, T)) =
            (case Vartab.lookup (asol, w) of
                Some u => normh u
              | None   => Var(w, normT iTs T))
        | norm (Abs (a, T, body)) =
               (Abs (a, normT iTs T, normh body) handle SAME => Abs (a, T, norm body))
        | norm (Abs(_, _, body) $ t) = normh (subst_bound (t, body))
        | norm (f $ t) =
            ((case norm f of
               Abs(_, _, body) => normh (subst_bound (t, body))
             | nf => nf $ normh t)
            handle SAME => f $ norm t)
        | norm _ =  raise SAME
      and normh t = (norm t) handle SAME => t
  in (if same then norm else normh) t end;

fun gen_norm_term same (env as Envir{asol,iTs,...}) t : term =
  if Vartab.is_empty iTs then norm_term1 same (asol, t)
  else norm_term2 same (asol, iTs, t);

val norm_term = gen_norm_term false;
val norm_term_same = gen_norm_term true;

val beta_norm = norm_term (empty 0);

fun norm_type (Envir {iTs, ...}) = normTh iTs;
fun norm_type_same (Envir {iTs, ...}) =
  if Vartab.is_empty iTs then raise SAME else normT iTs;

fun norm_types_same (Envir {iTs, ...}) =
  if Vartab.is_empty iTs then raise SAME else normTs iTs;
