importing of polymorphic introduction rules with different schematic variable names
(* Title: Pure/Isar/outer_syntax.ML
Author: Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
The global Isabelle/Isar outer syntax.
Note: the syntax for files is statically determined at the very
beginning; for interactive processing it may change dynamically.
signature OUTER_SYNTAX =
val command: string -> string -> OuterKeyword.T ->
(Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition) parser -> unit
val markup_command: ThyOutput.markup -> string -> string -> OuterKeyword.T ->
(Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition) parser -> unit
val improper_command: string -> string -> OuterKeyword.T ->
(Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition) parser -> unit
val internal_command: string -> (Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition) parser -> unit
val local_theory': string -> string -> OuterKeyword.T ->
(bool -> local_theory -> local_theory) parser -> unit
val local_theory: string -> string -> OuterKeyword.T ->
(local_theory -> local_theory) parser -> unit
val local_theory_to_proof': string -> string -> OuterKeyword.T ->
(bool -> local_theory -> Proof.state) parser -> unit
val local_theory_to_proof: string -> string -> OuterKeyword.T ->
(local_theory -> Proof.state) parser -> unit
val print_outer_syntax: unit -> unit
val scan: Position.T -> string -> OuterLex.token list
val parse: Position.T -> string -> Toplevel.transition list
val process_file: Path.T -> theory -> theory
type isar
val isar: bool -> isar
val prepare_command: Position.T -> string -> Toplevel.transition
val load_thy: string -> Position.T -> string list -> bool -> unit -> unit
structure OuterSyntax: OUTER_SYNTAX =
structure T = OuterLex;
structure P = OuterParse;
type 'a parser = 'a P.parser;
(** outer syntax **)
(* command parsers *)
datatype command = Command of
{comment: string,
markup: ThyOutput.markup option,
int_only: bool,
parse: (Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition) parser};
fun make_command comment markup int_only parse =
Command {comment = comment, markup = markup, int_only = int_only, parse = parse};
(* parse command *)
fun terminate false = Scan.succeed ()
| terminate true = "end of input" (Scan.option P.sync -- P.semicolon >> K ());
fun body cmd (name, _) =
(case cmd name of
SOME (Command {int_only, parse, ...}) =>
P.!!! (Scan.prompt (name ^ "# ") (P.tags |-- parse >> pair int_only))
| NONE => sys_error ("no parser for outer syntax command " ^ quote name));
fun parse_command do_terminate cmd =
P.semicolon >> K NONE ||
P.sync >> K NONE ||
(P.position P.command :-- body cmd) --| terminate do_terminate
>> (fn ((name, pos), (int_only, f)) =>
SOME (Toplevel.empty |> name |> Toplevel.position pos |>
Toplevel.interactive int_only |> f));
(** global outer syntax **)
val global_commands = Unsynchronized.ref (Symtab.empty: command Symtab.table);
val global_markups = Unsynchronized.ref ([]: (string * ThyOutput.markup) list);
fun change_commands f = CRITICAL (fn () =>
(Unsynchronized.change global_commands f;
global_markups :=
Symtab.fold (fn (name, Command {markup = SOME m, ...}) => cons (name, m) | _ => I)
(! global_commands) []));
(* access current syntax *)
fun get_commands () = CRITICAL (fn () => ! global_commands);
fun get_markups () = CRITICAL (fn () => ! global_markups);
fun get_command () = Symtab.lookup (get_commands ());
fun get_syntax () = CRITICAL (fn () => (OuterKeyword.get_lexicons (), get_command ()));
fun is_markup kind name = AList.lookup (op =) (get_markups ()) name = SOME kind;
(* augment syntax *)
fun add_command name kind cmd = CRITICAL (fn () =>
(OuterKeyword.command name kind;
if not (Symtab.defined (get_commands ()) name) then ()
else warning ("Redefining outer syntax command " ^ quote name);
change_commands (Symtab.update (name, cmd))));
fun command name comment kind parse =
add_command name kind (make_command comment NONE false parse);
fun markup_command markup name comment kind parse =
add_command name kind (make_command comment (SOME markup) false parse);
fun improper_command name comment kind parse =
add_command name kind (make_command comment NONE true parse);
fun internal_command name parse =
command name "(internal)" OuterKeyword.control (parse >> (fn tr => Toplevel.no_timing o tr));
(* local_theory commands *)
fun local_theory_command do_print trans name comment kind parse =
command name comment kind (P.opt_target -- parse
>> (fn (loc, f) => (if do_print then Toplevel.print else I) o trans loc f));
val local_theory' = local_theory_command false Toplevel.local_theory';
val local_theory = local_theory_command false Toplevel.local_theory;
val local_theory_to_proof' = local_theory_command true Toplevel.local_theory_to_proof';
val local_theory_to_proof = local_theory_command true Toplevel.local_theory_to_proof;
(* inspect syntax *)
fun dest_commands () =
get_commands () |> Symtab.dest |> sort_wrt #1
|> map (fn (name, Command {comment, int_only, ...}) => (name, comment, int_only));
fun print_outer_syntax () =
fun pretty_cmd (name, comment, _) =
Pretty.block [Pretty.str (name ^ ":"), Pretty.brk 2, Pretty.str comment];
val (int_cmds, cmds) = List.partition #3 (dest_commands ());
[Pretty.strs ("syntax keywords:" :: map quote (OuterKeyword.dest_keywords ())),
Pretty.big_list "commands:" (map pretty_cmd cmds),
Pretty.big_list "interactive-only commands:" (map pretty_cmd int_cmds)]
|> Pretty.chunks |> Pretty.writeln
(** toplevel parsing **)
(* basic sources *)
fun toplevel_source term do_recover cmd src =
val no_terminator =
Scan.unless P.semicolon ( (T.not_sync andf T.not_eof));
fun recover int =
(int, fn _ => Scan.prompt "recover# " (Scan.repeat no_terminator) >> K [NONE]);
|> T.source_proper
|> Source.source T.stopper
(Scan.bulk (P.$$$ "--" -- P.!!! P.doc_source >> K NONE || P.not_eof >> SOME))
( recover do_recover)
|> Source.map_filter I
|> Source.source T.stopper
(Scan.bulk (fn xs => P.!!! (parse_command term (cmd ())) xs))
( recover do_recover)
|> Source.map_filter I
(* off-line scanning/parsing *)
fun scan pos str =
Source.of_string str
|> Symbol.source {do_recover = false}
|> T.source {do_recover = SOME false} OuterKeyword.get_lexicons pos
|> Source.exhaust;
fun parse pos str =
Source.of_string str
|> Symbol.source {do_recover = false}
|> T.source {do_recover = SOME false} OuterKeyword.get_lexicons pos
|> toplevel_source false NONE get_command
|> Source.exhaust;
(* process file *)
fun process_file path thy =
val trs = parse (Path.position path) ( path);
val init = Toplevel.init_theory "" (K thy) (K ()) Toplevel.empty;
val result = fold Toplevel.command (init :: trs) Toplevel.toplevel;
(case (Toplevel.is_theory result, Toplevel.generic_theory_of result) of
(true, Context.Theory thy') => thy'
| _ => error "Bad result state: global theory expected")
(* interactive source of toplevel transformers *)
type isar =
(Toplevel.transition, (Toplevel.transition option,
(OuterLex.token, (OuterLex.token option, (OuterLex.token, (OuterLex.token,
(Symbol_Pos.T, Position.T * (Symbol.symbol, (string, unit) Source.source)
Source.source) Source.source) Source.source) Source.source)
Source.source) Source.source) Source.source) Source.source;
fun isar term : isar =
|> Symbol.source {do_recover = true}
|> T.source {do_recover = SOME true} OuterKeyword.get_lexicons Position.none
|> toplevel_source term (SOME true) get_command;
(* prepare toplevel commands -- fail-safe *)
val not_singleton = "Exactly one command expected";
fun prepare_span commands span =
val range_pos = Position.encode_range (ThySyntax.span_range span);
val toks = ThySyntax.span_content span;
val _ = ThySyntax.report_token toks;
(case Source.exhaust (toplevel_source false NONE (K commands) (Source.of_list toks)) of
[tr] => (tr, true)
| [] => (Toplevel.ignored range_pos, false)
| _ => (Toplevel.malformed range_pos not_singleton, true))
handle ERROR msg => (Toplevel.malformed range_pos msg, true)
fun prepare_unit commands (cmd, proof, proper_proof) =
val (tr, proper_cmd) = prepare_span commands cmd;
val proof_trs = map (prepare_span commands) proof |> filter #2 |> map #1;
if proper_cmd andalso proper_proof then [(tr, proof_trs)]
else map (rpair []) (if proper_cmd then tr :: proof_trs else proof_trs)
fun prepare_command pos str =
let val (lexs, commands) = get_syntax () in
(case ThySyntax.parse_spans lexs pos str of
[span] => #1 (prepare_span commands span)
| _ => Toplevel.malformed pos not_singleton)
(* load_thy *)
fun load_thy name pos text time =
val (lexs, commands) = get_syntax ();
val _ = Present.init_theory name;
val toks = Source.exhausted (ThySyntax.token_source lexs pos (Source.of_list text));
val spans = Source.exhaust (ThySyntax.span_source toks);
val _ = ThySyntax.report_span spans;
val units = Source.exhaust (ThySyntax.unit_source (Source.of_list spans))
|> maps (prepare_unit commands);
val _ = Present.theory_source name
(fn () => HTML.html_mode (implode o map ThySyntax.present_span) spans);
val _ = if time then writeln ("\n**** Starting theory " ^ quote name ^ " ****") else ();
val results = cond_timeit time "" (fn () => Toplevel.excursion units);
val _ = if time then writeln ("**** Finished theory " ^ quote name ^ " ****\n") else ();
fun after_load () =
ThyOutput.present_thy (#1 lexs) OuterKeyword.command_tags is_markup (Lazy.force results) toks
|> Buffer.content
|> Present.theory_output name;
in after_load end;