importing of polymorphic introduction rules with different schematic variable names
(* Title: Pure/item_net.ML
Author: Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
Efficient storage of items indexed by terms; preserves order and
prefers later entries.
signature ITEM_NET =
type 'a T
val content: 'a T -> 'a list
val retrieve: 'a T -> term -> 'a list
val init: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> ('a -> term) -> 'a T
val merge: 'a T * 'a T -> 'a T
val delete: 'a -> 'a T -> 'a T
val insert: 'a -> 'a T -> 'a T
structure Item_Net: ITEM_NET =
(* datatype *)
datatype 'a T =
Items of {
eq: 'a * 'a -> bool,
index: 'a -> term,
content: 'a list,
next: int,
net: (int * 'a)};
fun mk_items eq index content next net =
Items {eq = eq, index = index, content = content, next = next, net = net};
fun content (Items {content, ...}) = content;
fun retrieve (Items {net, ...}) = order_list o Net.unify_term net;
(* build net *)
fun init eq index = mk_items eq index [] ~1 Net.empty;
fun add x (Items {eq, index, content, next, net}) =
mk_items eq index (x :: content) (next - 1)
(Net.insert_term (K false) (index x, (next, x)) net);
fun merge (Items {eq, index, content = content1, ...}, Items {content = content2, ...}) =
let val content = Library.merge eq (content1, content2)
in fold_rev add content (init eq index) end;
fun delete x (items as Items {eq, index, content, next, net}) =
if not (member eq content x) then items
else mk_items eq index (remove eq x content) next
(Net.delete_term (eq o pairself #2) (index x, (0, x)) net);
fun insert x items = add x (delete x items); (*ensure that added entry gets precedence*)