more uniform treatment of Markup.notation and Markup.expression: manage kinds via context;
(* Title: Pure/markup_kind.ML
Author: Makarius
Formally defined kind for Markup.notation and Markup.expression.
signature MARKUP_KIND =
val get_notation_kinds: Proof.context -> string list
val check_notation_kind: Proof.context -> xstring * Position.T -> string
val setup_notation_kind: binding -> theory -> string * theory
val check_notation: Proof.context -> xstring * Position.T -> Markup.T
val setup_notation: binding -> Markup.T
val get_expression_kinds: Proof.context -> string list
val check_expression_kind: Proof.context -> xstring * Position.T -> string
val setup_expression_kind: binding -> theory -> string * theory
val check_expression: Proof.context -> xstring * Position.T -> Markup.T
val setup_expression: binding -> Markup.T
val markup_mixfix: Markup.T
val markup_prefix: Markup.T
val markup_postfix: Markup.T
val markup_infix: Markup.T
val markup_binder: Markup.T
val markup_type: Markup.T
val markup_type_application: Markup.T
val markup_term: Markup.T
val markup_term_application: Markup.T
val markup_term_abstraction: Markup.T
val markup_prop: Markup.T
val markup_prop_application: Markup.T
val markup_prop_abstraction: Markup.T
structure Markup_Kind: MARKUP_KIND =
(* theory data *)
structure Data = Theory_Data
type T = unit Name_Space.table * unit Name_Space.table;
val empty : T =
(Name_Space.empty_table "markup_notation_kind",
Name_Space.empty_table "markup_expression_kind");
fun merge ((tab1, tab2), (tab1', tab2')) : T =
(Name_Space.merge_tables (tab1, tab1'),
Name_Space.merge_tables (tab2, tab2'));
(* kind *)
fun get_kinds which ctxt =
which (Data.get (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt))
|> Name_Space.dest_table
|> map #1
|> sort_strings;
fun check_kind which ctxt =
Name_Space.check (Context.Proof ctxt) (which (Data.get (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt))) #> #1;
fun setup_kind which ap binding thy =
val context = Name_Space.map_naming (K Name_Space.global_naming) (Context.Theory thy);
val (name, tab') = Name_Space.define context true (binding, ()) (which (Data.get thy));
in (name, ( o ap) (K tab') thy) end;
val get_notation_kinds = get_kinds #1;
val get_expression_kinds = get_kinds #2;
val check_notation_kind = check_kind #1;
val check_expression_kind = check_kind #2;
val setup_notation_kind = setup_kind #1 apfst;
val setup_expression_kind = setup_kind #2 apsnd;
(* markup *)
fun check_notation ctxt = check_notation_kind ctxt #> Markup.notation;
fun check_expression ctxt = check_expression_kind ctxt #> Markup.expression;
fun setup_notation binding =
Context.>>> (Context.map_theory_result (setup_notation_kind binding #>> Markup.notation));
fun setup_expression binding =
Context.>>> (Context.map_theory_result (setup_expression_kind binding #>> Markup.expression));
(* concrete markup *)
val markup_mixfix = setup_notation (Binding.make ("mixfix", \<^here>));
val markup_prefix = setup_notation (Binding.make ("prefix", \<^here>));
val markup_postfix = setup_notation (Binding.make ("postfix", \<^here>));
val markup_infix = setup_notation (Binding.make ("infix", \<^here>));
val markup_binder = setup_notation (Binding.make ("binder", \<^here>));
val markup_type = setup_expression (Binding.make ("type", \<^here>));
val markup_type_application = setup_expression (Binding.make ("type_application", \<^here>));
val markup_term = setup_expression (Binding.make ("term", \<^here>));
val markup_term_application = setup_expression (Binding.make ("term_application", \<^here>));
val markup_term_abstraction = setup_expression (Binding.make ("term_abstraction", \<^here>));
val markup_prop = setup_expression (Binding.make ("prop", \<^here>));
val markup_prop_application = setup_expression (Binding.make ("prop_application", \<^here>));
val markup_prop_abstraction = setup_expression (Binding.make ("prop_abstraction", \<^here>));