(* Title: HOL/inductive_codegen.ML
ID: $Id$
Author: Stefan Berghofer, TU Muenchen
Code generator for inductive predicates.
val add : string option -> attribute
val setup : theory -> theory
structure InductiveCodegen : INDUCTIVE_CODEGEN =
open Codegen;
(**** theory data ****)
fun merge_rules tabs =
Symtab.join (fn _ => fn (ths, ths') =>
gen_merge_lists (Drule.eq_thm_prop o pairself fst) ths ths') tabs;
structure CodegenData = TheoryDataFun
val name = "HOL/inductive_codegen";
type T =
{intros : (thm * string) list Symtab.table,
graph : unit Graph.T,
eqns : (thm * string) list Symtab.table};
val empty =
{intros = Symtab.empty, graph = Graph.empty, eqns = Symtab.empty};
val copy = I;
val extend = I;
fun merge _ ({intros=intros1, graph=graph1, eqns=eqns1},
{intros=intros2, graph=graph2, eqns=eqns2}) =
{intros = merge_rules (intros1, intros2),
graph = Graph.merge (K true) (graph1, graph2),
eqns = merge_rules (eqns1, eqns2)};
fun print _ _ = ();
fun warn thm = warning ("InductiveCodegen: Not a proper clause:\n" ^
string_of_thm thm);
fun add_node (g, x) = Graph.new_node (x, ()) g handle Graph.DUP _ => g;
fun add optmod = Thm.declaration_attribute (fn thm => Context.mapping (fn thy =>
val {intros, graph, eqns} = CodegenData.get thy;
fun thyname_of s = (case optmod of
NONE => thyname_of_const s thy | SOME s => s);
in (case concl_of thm of
_ $ (Const ("op :", _) $ _ $ t) => (case head_of t of
Const (s, _) =>
let val cs = foldr add_term_consts [] (prems_of thm)
in CodegenData.put
{intros = intros |>
Symtab.update (s, Symtab.lookup_list intros s @ [(thm, thyname_of s)]),
graph = foldr (uncurry (Graph.add_edge o pair s))
(Library.foldl add_node (graph, s :: cs)) cs,
eqns = eqns} thy
| _ => (warn thm; thy))
| _ $ (Const ("op =", _) $ t $ _) => (case head_of t of
Const (s, _) =>
CodegenData.put {intros = intros, graph = graph,
eqns = eqns |> Symtab.update
(s, Symtab.lookup_list eqns s @ [(thm, thyname_of s)])} thy
| _ => (warn thm; thy))
| _ => (warn thm; thy))
end) I);
fun get_clauses thy s =
let val {intros, graph, ...} = CodegenData.get thy
in case Symtab.lookup intros s of
NONE => (case InductivePackage.get_inductive thy s of
| SOME ({names, ...}, {intrs, ...}) =>
SOME (names, thyname_of_const s thy,
preprocess thy intrs))
| SOME _ =>
val SOME names = find_first
(fn xs => s mem xs) (Graph.strong_conn graph);
val intrs = List.concat (map
(fn s => the (Symtab.lookup intros s)) names);
val (_, (_, thyname)) = split_last intrs
in SOME (names, thyname, preprocess thy (map fst intrs)) end
(**** improper tuples ****)
fun prod_factors p (Const ("Pair", _) $ t $ u) =
p :: prod_factors (1::p) t @ prod_factors (2::p) u
| prod_factors p _ = [];
fun split_prod p ps t = if p mem ps then (case t of
Const ("Pair", _) $ t $ u =>
split_prod (1::p) ps t @ split_prod (2::p) ps u
| _ => error "Inconsistent use of products") else [t];
fun full_split_prod (Const ("Pair", _) $ t $ u) =
full_split_prod t @ full_split_prod u
| full_split_prod t = [t];
datatype factors = FVar of int list list | FFix of int list list;
exception Factors;
fun mg_factor (FVar f) (FVar f') = FVar (f inter f')
| mg_factor (FVar f) (FFix f') =
if f' subset f then FFix f' else raise Factors
| mg_factor (FFix f) (FVar f') =
if f subset f' then FFix f else raise Factors
| mg_factor (FFix f) (FFix f') =
if f subset f' andalso f' subset f then FFix f else raise Factors;
fun dest_factors (FVar f) = f
| dest_factors (FFix f) = f;
fun infer_factors sg extra_fs (fs, (optf, t)) =
let fun err s = error (s ^ "\n" ^ Sign.string_of_term sg t)
in (case (optf, strip_comb t) of
(SOME f, (Const (name, _), args)) =>
(case AList.lookup (op =) extra_fs name of
NONE => AList.update (op =) (name, getOpt
(Option.map (mg_factor f) (AList.lookup (op =) fs name), f)) fs
| SOME (fs', f') => (mg_factor f (FFix f');
Library.foldl (infer_factors sg extra_fs)
(fs, map (Option.map FFix) fs' ~~ args)))
| (SOME f, (Var ((name, _), _), [])) =>
AList.update (op =) (name, getOpt
(Option.map (mg_factor f) (AList.lookup (op =) fs name), f)) fs
| (NONE, _) => fs
| _ => err "Illegal term")
handle Factors => err "Product factor mismatch in"
fun string_of_factors p ps = if p mem ps then
"(" ^ string_of_factors (1::p) ps ^ ", " ^ string_of_factors (2::p) ps ^ ")"
else "_";
(**** check if a term contains only constructor functions ****)
fun is_constrt thy =
val cnstrs = List.concat (List.concat (map
(map (fn (_, (_, _, cs)) => map (apsnd length) cs) o #descr o snd)
(Symtab.dest (DatatypePackage.get_datatypes thy))));
fun check t = (case strip_comb t of
(Var _, []) => true
| (Const (s, _), ts) => (case AList.lookup (op =) cnstrs s of
NONE => false
| SOME i => length ts = i andalso forall check ts)
| _ => false)
in check end;
(**** check if a type is an equality type (i.e. doesn't contain fun) ****)
fun is_eqT (Type (s, Ts)) = s <> "fun" andalso forall is_eqT Ts
| is_eqT _ = true;
(**** mode inference ****)
fun string_of_mode (iss, is) = space_implode " -> " (map
(fn NONE => "X"
| SOME js => enclose "[" "]" (commas (map string_of_int js)))
(iss @ [SOME is]));
fun print_modes modes = message ("Inferred modes:\n" ^
space_implode "\n" (map (fn (s, ms) => s ^ ": " ^ commas (map
string_of_mode ms)) modes));
val term_vs = map (fst o fst o dest_Var) o term_vars;
val terms_vs = distinct (op =) o List.concat o (map term_vs);
(** collect all Vars in a term (with duplicates!) **)
fun term_vTs tm =
fold_aterms (fn Var ((x, _), T) => cons (x, T) | _ => I) tm [];
fun get_args _ _ [] = ([], [])
| get_args is i (x::xs) = (if i mem is then apfst else apsnd) (cons x)
(get_args is (i+1) xs);
fun merge xs [] = xs
| merge [] ys = ys
| merge (x::xs) (y::ys) = if length x >= length y then x::merge xs (y::ys)
else y::merge (x::xs) ys;
fun subsets i j = if i <= j then
let val is = subsets (i+1) j
in merge (map (fn ks => i::ks) is) is end
else [[]];
fun cprod ([], ys) = []
| cprod (x :: xs, ys) = map (pair x) ys @ cprod (xs, ys);
fun cprods xss = foldr (map op :: o cprod) [[]] xss;
datatype mode = Mode of (int list option list * int list) * mode option list;
fun modes_of modes t =
fun mk_modes name args = List.concat
(map (fn (m as (iss, is)) => map (Mode o pair m) (cprods (map
(fn (NONE, _) => [NONE]
| (SOME js, arg) => map SOME
(List.filter (fn Mode ((_, js'), _) => js=js') (modes_of modes arg)))
(iss ~~ args)))) ((the o AList.lookup (op =) modes) name))
in (case strip_comb t of
(Const ("op =", Type (_, [T, _])), _) =>
[Mode (([], [1]), []), Mode (([], [2]), [])] @
(if is_eqT T then [Mode (([], [1, 2]), [])] else [])
| (Const (name, _), args) => mk_modes name args
| (Var ((name, _), _), args) => mk_modes name args
| (Free (name, _), args) => mk_modes name args)
datatype indprem = Prem of term list * term | Sidecond of term;
fun select_mode_prem thy modes vs ps =
find_first (is_some o snd) (ps ~~ map
(fn Prem (us, t) => find_first (fn Mode ((_, is), _) =>
val (in_ts, out_ts) = get_args is 1 us;
val (out_ts', in_ts') = List.partition (is_constrt thy) out_ts;
val vTs = List.concat (map term_vTs out_ts');
val dupTs = map snd (duplicates (op =) vTs) @
List.mapPartial (AList.lookup (op =) vTs) vs;
terms_vs (in_ts @ in_ts') subset vs andalso
forall (is_eqT o fastype_of) in_ts' andalso
term_vs t subset vs andalso
forall is_eqT dupTs
(modes_of modes t handle Option => [Mode (([], []), [])])
| Sidecond t => if term_vs t subset vs then SOME (Mode (([], []), []))
else NONE) ps);
fun check_mode_clause thy arg_vs modes (iss, is) (ts, ps) =
val modes' = modes @ List.mapPartial
(fn (_, NONE) => NONE | (v, SOME js) => SOME (v, [([], js)]))
(arg_vs ~~ iss);
fun check_mode_prems vs [] = SOME vs
| check_mode_prems vs ps = (case select_mode_prem thy modes' vs ps of
| SOME (x, _) => check_mode_prems
(case x of Prem (us, _) => vs union terms_vs us | _ => vs)
(filter_out (equal x) ps));
val (in_ts, in_ts') = List.partition (is_constrt thy) (fst (get_args is 1 ts));
val in_vs = terms_vs in_ts;
val concl_vs = terms_vs ts
forall is_eqT (map snd (duplicates (op =) (List.concat (map term_vTs in_ts)))) andalso
forall (is_eqT o fastype_of) in_ts' andalso
(case check_mode_prems (arg_vs union in_vs) ps of
NONE => false
| SOME vs => concl_vs subset vs)
fun check_modes_pred thy arg_vs preds modes (p, ms) =
let val SOME rs = AList.lookup (op =) preds p
in (p, List.filter (fn m => case find_index
(not o check_mode_clause thy arg_vs modes m) rs of
~1 => true
| i => (message ("Clause " ^ string_of_int (i+1) ^ " of " ^
p ^ " violates mode " ^ string_of_mode m); false)) ms)
fun fixp f x =
let val y = f x
in if x = y then x else fixp f y end;
fun infer_modes thy extra_modes factors arg_vs preds = fixp (fn modes =>
map (check_modes_pred thy arg_vs preds (modes @ extra_modes)) modes)
(map (fn (s, (fs, f)) => (s, cprod (cprods (map
(fn NONE => [NONE]
| SOME f' => map SOME (subsets 1 (length f' + 1))) fs),
subsets 1 (length f + 1)))) factors);
(**** code generation ****)
fun mk_eq (x::xs) =
let fun mk_eqs _ [] = []
| mk_eqs a (b::cs) = Pretty.str (a ^ " = " ^ b) :: mk_eqs b cs
in mk_eqs x xs end;
fun mk_tuple xs = Pretty.block (Pretty.str "(" ::
List.concat (separate [Pretty.str ",", Pretty.brk 1] (map single xs)) @
[Pretty.str ")"]);
(* convert nested pairs to n-tuple *)
fun conv_ntuple [_] t ps = ps
| conv_ntuple [_, _] t ps = ps
| conv_ntuple us t ps =
val xs = map (fn i => Pretty.str ("x" ^ string_of_int i))
(1 upto length us);
fun ntuple (ys as (x, T) :: xs) U =
if T = U then (x, xs)
val Type ("*", [U1, U2]) = U;
val (p1, ys1) = ntuple ys U1;
val (p2, ys2) = ntuple ys1 U2
in (mk_tuple [p1, p2], ys2) end
[Pretty.str "Seq.map (fn", Pretty.brk 1,
fst (ntuple (xs ~~ map fastype_of us) (HOLogic.dest_setT (fastype_of t))),
Pretty.str " =>", Pretty.brk 1, mk_tuple xs, Pretty.str ")",
Pretty.brk 1, parens (Pretty.block ps)]
(* convert n-tuple to nested pairs *)
fun conv_ntuple' fs T ps =
fun mk_x i = Pretty.str ("x" ^ string_of_int i);
fun conv i js (Type ("*", [T, U])) =
if js mem fs then
val (p, i') = conv i (1::js) T;
val (q, i'') = conv i' (2::js) U
in (mk_tuple [p, q], i'') end
else (mk_x i, i+1)
| conv i js _ = (mk_x i, i+1)
val (p, i) = conv 1 [] T
if i > 3 then
[Pretty.str "Seq.map (fn", Pretty.brk 1,
mk_tuple (map mk_x (1 upto i-1)), Pretty.str " =>", Pretty.brk 1,
p, Pretty.str ")", Pretty.brk 1, parens (Pretty.block ps)]
else ps
fun mk_v ((names, vs), s) = (case AList.lookup (op =) vs s of
NONE => ((names, (s, [s])::vs), s)
| SOME xs => let val s' = Name.variant names s in
((s'::names, AList.update (op =) (s, s'::xs) vs), s') end);
fun distinct_v (nvs, Var ((s, 0), T)) =
apsnd (Var o rpair T o rpair 0) (mk_v (nvs, s))
| distinct_v (nvs, t $ u) =
val (nvs', t') = distinct_v (nvs, t);
val (nvs'', u') = distinct_v (nvs', u);
in (nvs'', t' $ u') end
| distinct_v x = x;
fun is_exhaustive (Var _) = true
| is_exhaustive (Const ("Pair", _) $ t $ u) =
is_exhaustive t andalso is_exhaustive u
| is_exhaustive _ = false;
fun compile_match nvs eq_ps out_ps success_p can_fail =
let val eqs = List.concat (separate [Pretty.str " andalso", Pretty.brk 1]
(map single (List.concat (map (mk_eq o snd) nvs) @ eq_ps)));
([Pretty.str "(fn ", mk_tuple out_ps, Pretty.str " =>", Pretty.brk 1] @
(Pretty.block ((if eqs=[] then [] else Pretty.str "if " ::
[Pretty.block eqs, Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.str "then "]) @
(success_p ::
(if eqs=[] then [] else [Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.str "else Seq.empty"]))) ::
(if can_fail then
[Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.str "| _ => Seq.empty)"]
else [Pretty.str ")"])))
fun modename module s (iss, is) gr =
let val (gr', id) = if s = "op =" then (gr, ("", "equal"))
else mk_const_id module s gr
in (gr', space_implode "__"
(mk_qual_id module id ::
map (space_implode "_" o map string_of_int) (List.mapPartial I iss @ [is])))
fun compile_expr thy defs dep module brack (gr, (NONE, t)) =
apsnd single (invoke_codegen thy defs dep module brack (gr, t))
| compile_expr _ _ _ _ _ (gr, (SOME _, Var ((name, _), _))) =
(gr, [Pretty.str name])
| compile_expr thy defs dep module brack (gr, (SOME (Mode (mode, ms)), t)) =
val (Const (name, _), args) = strip_comb t;
val (gr', (ps, mode_id)) = foldl_map
(compile_expr thy defs dep module true) (gr, ms ~~ args) |>>>
modename module name mode;
in (gr', (if brack andalso not (null ps) then
single o parens o Pretty.block else I)
(List.concat (separate [Pretty.brk 1]
([Pretty.str mode_id] :: ps))))
fun compile_clause thy defs gr dep module all_vs arg_vs modes (iss, is) (ts, ps) =
val modes' = modes @ List.mapPartial
(fn (_, NONE) => NONE | (v, SOME js) => SOME (v, [([], js)]))
(arg_vs ~~ iss);
fun check_constrt ((names, eqs), t) =
if is_constrt thy t then ((names, eqs), t) else
let val s = Name.variant names "x";
in ((s::names, (s, t)::eqs), Var ((s, 0), fastype_of t)) end;
fun compile_eq (gr, (s, t)) =
apsnd (Pretty.block o cons (Pretty.str (s ^ " = ")) o single)
(invoke_codegen thy defs dep module false (gr, t));
val (in_ts, out_ts) = get_args is 1 ts;
val ((all_vs', eqs), in_ts') =
foldl_map check_constrt ((all_vs, []), in_ts);
fun is_ind t = (case head_of t of
Const (s, _) => s = "op =" orelse AList.defined (op =) modes s
| Var ((s, _), _) => s mem arg_vs);
fun compile_prems out_ts' vs names gr [] =
val (gr2, out_ps) = foldl_map
(invoke_codegen thy defs dep module false) (gr, out_ts);
val (gr3, eq_ps) = foldl_map compile_eq (gr2, eqs);
val ((names', eqs'), out_ts'') =
foldl_map check_constrt ((names, []), out_ts');
val (nvs, out_ts''') = foldl_map distinct_v
((names', map (fn x => (x, [x])) vs), out_ts'');
val (gr4, out_ps') = foldl_map
(invoke_codegen thy defs dep module false) (gr3, out_ts''');
val (gr5, eq_ps') = foldl_map compile_eq (gr4, eqs')
(gr5, compile_match (snd nvs) (eq_ps @ eq_ps') out_ps'
(Pretty.block [Pretty.str "Seq.single", Pretty.brk 1, mk_tuple out_ps])
(exists (not o is_exhaustive) out_ts'''))
| compile_prems out_ts vs names gr ps =
val vs' = distinct (op =) (List.concat (vs :: map term_vs out_ts));
val SOME (p, mode as SOME (Mode ((_, js), _))) =
select_mode_prem thy modes' vs' ps;
val ps' = filter_out (equal p) ps;
val ((names', eqs), out_ts') =
foldl_map check_constrt ((names, []), out_ts);
val (nvs, out_ts'') = foldl_map distinct_v
((names', map (fn x => (x, [x])) vs), out_ts');
val (gr0, out_ps) = foldl_map
(invoke_codegen thy defs dep module false) (gr, out_ts'');
val (gr1, eq_ps) = foldl_map compile_eq (gr0, eqs)
(case p of
Prem (us, t) =>
val (in_ts, out_ts''') = get_args js 1 us;
val (gr2, in_ps) = foldl_map
(invoke_codegen thy defs dep module false) (gr1, in_ts);
val (gr3, ps) = if is_ind t then
apsnd (fn ps => ps @ [Pretty.brk 1, mk_tuple in_ps])
(compile_expr thy defs dep module false
(gr2, (mode, t)))
apsnd (fn p => conv_ntuple us t
[Pretty.str "Seq.of_list", Pretty.brk 1, p])
(invoke_codegen thy defs dep module true (gr2, t));
val (gr4, rest) = compile_prems out_ts''' vs' (fst nvs) gr3 ps';
(gr4, compile_match (snd nvs) eq_ps out_ps
(Pretty.block (ps @
[Pretty.str " :->", Pretty.brk 1, rest]))
(exists (not o is_exhaustive) out_ts''))
| Sidecond t =>
val (gr2, side_p) = invoke_codegen thy defs dep module true (gr1, t);
val (gr3, rest) = compile_prems [] vs' (fst nvs) gr2 ps';
(gr3, compile_match (snd nvs) eq_ps out_ps
(Pretty.block [Pretty.str "?? ", side_p,
Pretty.str " :->", Pretty.brk 1, rest])
(exists (not o is_exhaustive) out_ts''))
val (gr', prem_p) = compile_prems in_ts' arg_vs all_vs' gr ps;
(gr', Pretty.block [Pretty.str "Seq.single inp :->", Pretty.brk 1, prem_p])
fun compile_pred thy defs gr dep module prfx all_vs arg_vs modes s cls mode =
let val (gr', (cl_ps, mode_id)) =
foldl_map (fn (gr, cl) => compile_clause thy defs
gr dep module all_vs arg_vs modes mode cl) (gr, cls) |>>>
modename module s mode
((gr', "and "), Pretty.block
([Pretty.block (separate (Pretty.brk 1)
(Pretty.str (prfx ^ mode_id) ::
map Pretty.str arg_vs) @
[Pretty.str " inp ="]),
Pretty.brk 1] @
List.concat (separate [Pretty.str " ++", Pretty.brk 1] (map single cl_ps))))
fun compile_preds thy defs gr dep module all_vs arg_vs modes preds =
let val ((gr', _), prs) = foldl_map (fn ((gr, prfx), (s, cls)) =>
foldl_map (fn ((gr', prfx'), mode) => compile_pred thy defs gr'
dep module prfx' all_vs arg_vs modes s cls mode)
((gr, prfx), ((the o AList.lookup (op =) modes) s))) ((gr, "fun "), preds)
(gr', space_implode "\n\n" (map Pretty.string_of (List.concat prs)) ^ ";\n\n")
(**** processing of introduction rules ****)
exception Modes of
(string * (int list option list * int list) list) list *
(string * (int list list option list * int list list)) list;
fun lookup_modes gr dep = apfst List.concat (apsnd List.concat (ListPair.unzip
(map ((fn (SOME (Modes x), _, _) => x | _ => ([], [])) o get_node gr)
(Graph.all_preds (fst gr) [dep]))));
fun print_factors factors = message ("Factors:\n" ^
space_implode "\n" (map (fn (s, (fs, f)) => s ^ ": " ^
space_implode " -> " (map
(fn NONE => "X" | SOME f' => string_of_factors [] f')
(fs @ [SOME f]))) factors));
fun prep_intrs intrs = map (rename_term o #prop o rep_thm o standard) intrs;
fun constrain cs [] = []
| constrain cs ((s, xs) :: ys) = (s, case AList.lookup (op =) cs s of
NONE => xs
| SOME xs' => xs inter xs') :: constrain cs ys;
fun mk_extra_defs thy defs gr dep names module ts =
Library.foldl (fn (gr, name) =>
if name mem names then gr
else (case get_clauses thy name of
NONE => gr
| SOME (names, thyname, intrs) =>
mk_ind_def thy defs gr dep names (if_library thyname module)
[] [] (prep_intrs intrs)))
(gr, foldr add_term_consts [] ts)
and mk_ind_def thy defs gr dep names module modecs factorcs intrs =
add_edge (hd names, dep) gr handle Graph.UNDEF _ =>
val _ $ (_ $ _ $ u) = Logic.strip_imp_concl (hd intrs);
val (_, args) = strip_comb u;
val arg_vs = List.concat (map term_vs args);
fun dest_prem factors (_ $ (p as (Const ("op :", _) $ t $ u))) =
(case AList.lookup (op =) factors (case head_of u of
Const (name, _) => name | Var ((name, _), _) => name) of
NONE => Prem (full_split_prod t, u)
| SOME f => Prem (split_prod [] f t, u))
| dest_prem factors (_ $ ((eq as Const ("op =", _)) $ t $ u)) =
Prem ([t, u], eq)
| dest_prem factors (_ $ t) = Sidecond t;
fun add_clause factors (clauses, intr) =
val _ $ (_ $ t $ u) = Logic.strip_imp_concl intr;
val Const (name, _) = head_of u;
val prems = map (dest_prem factors) (Logic.strip_imp_prems intr);
AList.update (op =) (name, ((these o AList.lookup (op =) clauses) name) @
[(split_prod [] ((the o AList.lookup (op =) factors) name) t, prems)]) clauses
fun check_set (Const (s, _)) = s mem names orelse is_some (get_clauses thy s)
| check_set (Var ((s, _), _)) = s mem arg_vs
| check_set _ = false;
fun add_prod_factors extra_fs (fs, _ $ (Const ("op :", _) $ t $ u)) =
if check_set (head_of u)
then infer_factors (sign_of thy) extra_fs
(fs, (SOME (FVar (prod_factors [] t)), u))
else fs
| add_prod_factors _ (fs, _) = fs;
val gr' = mk_extra_defs thy defs
(add_edge (hd names, dep)
(new_node (hd names, (NONE, "", "")) gr)) (hd names) names module intrs;
val (extra_modes, extra_factors) = lookup_modes gr' (hd names);
val fs = constrain factorcs (map (apsnd dest_factors)
(Library.foldl (add_prod_factors extra_factors) ([], List.concat (map (fn t =>
Logic.strip_imp_concl t :: Logic.strip_imp_prems t) intrs))));
val factors = List.mapPartial (fn (name, f) =>
if name mem arg_vs then NONE
else SOME (name, (map (AList.lookup (op =) fs) arg_vs, f))) fs;
val clauses =
Library.foldl (add_clause (fs @ map (apsnd snd) extra_factors)) ([], intrs);
val modes = constrain modecs
(infer_modes thy extra_modes factors arg_vs clauses);
val _ = print_factors factors;
val _ = print_modes modes;
val (gr'', s) = compile_preds thy defs gr' (hd names) module (terms_vs intrs)
arg_vs (modes @ extra_modes) clauses;
(map_node (hd names)
(K (SOME (Modes (modes, factors)), module, s)) gr'')
fun find_mode gr dep s u modes is = (case find_first (fn Mode ((_, js), _) => is=js)
(modes_of modes u handle Option => []) of
NONE => codegen_error gr dep
("No such mode for " ^ s ^ ": " ^ string_of_mode ([], is))
| mode => mode);
fun mk_ind_call thy defs gr dep module t u is_query = (case head_of u of
Const (s, T) => (case (get_clauses thy s, get_assoc_code thy s T) of
(NONE, _) => NONE
| (SOME (names, thyname, intrs), NONE) =>
fun mk_mode (((ts, mode), i), Const ("dummy_pattern", _)) =
((ts, mode), i+1)
| mk_mode (((ts, mode), i), t) = ((ts @ [t], mode @ [i]), i+1);
val module' = if_library thyname module;
val gr1 = mk_extra_defs thy defs
(mk_ind_def thy defs gr dep names module'
[] [] (prep_intrs intrs)) dep names module' [u];
val (modes, factors) = lookup_modes gr1 dep;
val ts = split_prod [] ((snd o the o AList.lookup (op =) factors) s) t;
val (ts', is) = if is_query then
fst (Library.foldl mk_mode ((([], []), 1), ts))
else (ts, 1 upto length ts);
val mode = find_mode gr1 dep s u modes is;
val (gr2, in_ps) = foldl_map
(invoke_codegen thy defs dep module false) (gr1, ts');
val (gr3, ps) =
compile_expr thy defs dep module false (gr2, (mode, u))
SOME (gr3, Pretty.block
(ps @ [Pretty.brk 1, mk_tuple in_ps]))
| _ => NONE)
| _ => NONE);
fun list_of_indset thy defs gr dep module brack u = (case head_of u of
Const (s, T) => (case (get_clauses thy s, get_assoc_code thy s T) of
(NONE, _) => NONE
| (SOME (names, thyname, intrs), NONE) =>
val module' = if_library thyname module;
val gr1 = mk_extra_defs thy defs
(mk_ind_def thy defs gr dep names module'
[] [] (prep_intrs intrs)) dep names module' [u];
val (modes, factors) = lookup_modes gr1 dep;
val mode = find_mode gr1 dep s u modes [];
val (gr2, ps) =
compile_expr thy defs dep module false (gr1, (mode, u));
val (gr3, _) =
invoke_tycodegen thy defs dep module false (gr2, body_type T)
SOME (gr3, (if brack then parens else I)
(Pretty.block ([Pretty.str "Seq.list_of", Pretty.brk 1,
Pretty.str "("] @
conv_ntuple' (snd (valOf (AList.lookup (op =) factors s)))
(HOLogic.dest_setT (fastype_of u))
(ps @ [Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.str "()"]) @
[Pretty.str ")"])))
| _ => NONE)
| _ => NONE);
fun clause_of_eqn eqn =
val (t, u) = HOLogic.dest_eq (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (concl_of eqn));
val (Const (s, T), ts) = strip_comb t;
val (Ts, U) = strip_type T
(Logic.list_implies (prems_of eqn, HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_mem
(foldr1 HOLogic.mk_prod (ts @ [u]), Const (s ^ "_aux",
HOLogic.mk_setT (foldr1 HOLogic.mk_prodT (Ts @ [U])))))))
fun mk_fun thy defs name eqns dep module module' gr =
case try (get_node gr) name of
val clauses = map clause_of_eqn eqns;
val pname = name ^ "_aux";
val arity = length (snd (strip_comb (fst (HOLogic.dest_eq
(HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (concl_of (hd eqns)))))));
val mode = 1 upto arity;
val (gr', (fun_id, mode_id)) = gr |>
mk_const_id module' name |>>>
modename module' pname ([], mode);
val vars = map (fn i => Pretty.str ("x" ^ string_of_int i)) mode;
val s = Pretty.string_of (Pretty.block
[mk_app false (Pretty.str ("fun " ^ snd fun_id)) vars, Pretty.str " =",
Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.str "Seq.hd", Pretty.brk 1,
parens (Pretty.block [Pretty.str mode_id,
Pretty.brk 1, mk_tuple vars])]) ^ ";\n\n";
val gr'' = mk_ind_def thy defs (add_edge (name, dep)
(new_node (name, (NONE, module', s)) gr')) name [pname] module'
[(pname, [([], mode)])]
[(pname, map (fn i => replicate i 2) (0 upto arity-1))]
val (modes, _) = lookup_modes gr'' dep;
val _ = find_mode gr'' dep pname (snd (HOLogic.dest_mem (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop
(Logic.strip_imp_concl (hd clauses))))) modes mode
in (gr'', mk_qual_id module fun_id) end
| SOME _ =>
(add_edge (name, dep) gr, mk_qual_id module (get_const_id name gr));
fun inductive_codegen thy defs gr dep module brack (Const ("op :", _) $ t $ u) =
((case mk_ind_call thy defs gr dep module (Term.no_dummy_patterns t) u false of
| SOME (gr', call_p) => SOME (gr', (if brack then parens else I)
(Pretty.block [Pretty.str "?! (", call_p, Pretty.str ")"])))
handle TERM _ => mk_ind_call thy defs gr dep module t u true)
| inductive_codegen thy defs gr dep module brack t = (case strip_comb t of
(Const (s, _), ts) => (case Symtab.lookup (#eqns (CodegenData.get thy)) s of
NONE => list_of_indset thy defs gr dep module brack t
| SOME eqns =>
val (_, (_, thyname)) = split_last eqns;
val (gr', id) = mk_fun thy defs s (preprocess thy (map fst eqns))
dep module (if_library thyname module) gr;
val (gr'', ps) = foldl_map
(invoke_codegen thy defs dep module true) (gr', ts);
in SOME (gr'', mk_app brack (Pretty.str id) ps)
| _ => NONE);
val setup =
add_codegen "inductive" inductive_codegen #>
CodegenData.init #>
add_attribute "ind" (Scan.option (Args.$$$ "target" |-- Args.colon |-- Args.name) >> add);
(**** combinators for code generated from inductive predicates ****)
infix 5 :->;
infix 3 ++;
fun s :-> f = Seq.maps f s;
fun s1 ++ s2 = Seq.append s1 s2;
fun ?? b = if b then Seq.single () else Seq.empty;
fun ?! s = is_some (Seq.pull s);
fun equal__1 x = Seq.single x;
val equal__2 = equal__1;
fun equal__1_2 (x, y) = ?? (x = y);