Added named_thms antiquotation.
# $Id$
# - convert files in DIMACS CNF format [1] into Isabelle/HOL
# theories
# Author: Tjark Weber
# Copyright 2004
# For each CNF file, a theory file (with '.thy' appended to the original
# filename) is generated. The CNF files are not modified.
# This script is not too strict about the format of the input file. However,
# in rare cases it may produce a theory that will not be accepted by
# Isabelle/HOL (e.g. when a CNF file contains '\end{verbatim}' or '*}' in a
# comment).
# Each CNF file must contain at least one clause, and may not contain empty
# clauses (i.e. '0' immediately followed by another '0').
# The CNF formula is negated, so that an unsatisfiable formula becomes
# provable.
# [1]
sub dimacs2hol {
my ($file) = @_;
print STDERR "Converting $file ...";
open (FILE, $file) || die $!;
undef $/; $_ = <FILE>; $/ = "\n"; # slurp whole file
close FILE || die $!;
s/(^c.*\n\s*)*^p[ \t]+cnf[ \t]+\d+[ \t]+\d+[ \t]*\n//m || die "CNF header not found"; # find and remove header
my ($header) = $&;
s/^c.*\n//gm; # remove further comments
s/\A\s*//; # remove leading whitespace
s/(\s+0)?\s*\z//; # remove trailing whitespace, and possibly a last '0'
s/-/~/g; # replace '-' by '~' (negation in HOL)
s/[1-9]\d*/v$&/g; # add 'v' before variables
s/\s+0\s+/\"\nand \"/g; # replace ' 0 ' by '"\nand "'
s/(\d)(\s+[~v])/$1 |$2/g; # insert ' |' between literals
my ($filename) = $file;
$filename =~ s/.*\///g; # filter out directories, only leave what's after the last '/'
open (FILE, "> $file.thy") || die $!;
print FILE "(* Theory generated from \"$filename\" by dimacs2hol *)\n";
print FILE "\n";
print FILE "theory \"$filename\"\n";
print FILE "imports Main\n";
print FILE "begin\n";
print FILE "\n";
print FILE "text {*\n";
print FILE "\\begin{verbatim}\n";
print FILE $header;
print FILE "\\end{verbatim}\n";
print FILE "*}\n";
print FILE "\n";
print FILE "theorem assumes \""; print FILE;
print FILE "\"\n";
print FILE "shows \"False\"\n"; # negate the whole CNF formula
print FILE "using prems\n";
print FILE "oops\n";
print FILE "\n";
print FILE "end\n";
close FILE || die $!;
print STDERR " done.\n";
## main
foreach $file (@ARGV) {
eval { &dimacs2hol($file); };
if ($@) { print STDERR "\n*** dimacs2hol $file: ", $@, "\n"; unlink "$file.thy"; }