theory Nested0 = Main:
In \S\ref{sec:nested-datatype} we defined the datatype of terms
datatype ('a,'b)"term" = Var 'a | App 'b "('a,'b)term list"
and closed with the observation that the associated schema for the definition
of primitive recursive functions leads to overly verbose definitions. Moreover,
if you have worked exercise~\ref{ex:trev-trev} you will have noticed that
you needed to reprove many lemmas reminiscent of similar lemmas about
@{term"rev"}. We will now show you how \isacommand{recdef} can simplify
definitions and proofs about nested recursive datatypes. As an example we
choose exercise~\ref{ex:trev-trev}:
consts trev :: "('a,'b)term \<Rightarrow> ('a,'b)term"