fun cread thy s = read_cterm (sign_of thy) (s, (TVar(("DUMMY",0),[])));
fun read thy = term_of o cread thy;
fun Term s = read WF1.thy s;
fun Rfunc thy R eqs =
let val {induction,rules,theory,tcs} =
timeit(fn () => Tfl.Rfunction thy (read thy R) (read thy eqs))
in {induction=induction, rules=rules, theory=theory,
tcs = map (cterm_of (sign_of theory)) tcs}
val Rfunction = Rfunc WF1.thy;
fun function tm = timeit (fn () => Tfl.function WF1.thy (Term tm));
* Factorial. Notice how functions without pattern matching are often harder
* to deal with than those with! Unfortunately, not all functions can be
* described purely by pattern matching, e.g., "variant" as below.
function "fact x = (if (x = 0) then Suc 0 else x * fact (x - Suc 0))";
"fact x = (if (x = 0) then Suc 0 else x * fact (x - Suc 0))";
function "(Fact 0 = (Suc 0)) & \
\ (Fact (Suc x) = (Fact x * Suc x))";
Rfunction "pred_nat"
"(Fact 0 = (Suc 0)) & \
\ (Fact (Suc x) = (Fact x * Suc x))";
* Fibonacci.
function "(Fib 0 = (Suc 0)) & \
\ (Fib (Suc 0) = (Suc 0)) & \
\ (Fib (Suc(Suc x)) = (Fib x + Fib (Suc x)))";
(* "<" doesn't currently work smoothly *)
Rfunction"{p::(nat*nat). fst p < snd p}"
"(Fib 0 = (Suc 0)) & \
\ (Fib (Suc 0) = (Suc 0)) & \
\ (Fib (Suc(Suc x)) = (Fib x + Fib (Suc x)))";
(* "trancl pred" means "<" and works better *)
Rfunction"trancl pred_nat"
"(Fib 0 = (Suc 0)) & \
\ (Fib (Suc 0) = (Suc 0)) & \
\ (Fib (Suc(Suc x)) = (Fib x + Fib (Suc x)))";
* Ackermann.
Rfunction"pred_nat ** pred_nat"
"(Ack (0,n) = (n + Suc 0)) & \
\ (Ack (Suc m,0) = (Ack (m, Suc 0))) & \
\ (Ack (Suc m, Suc n) = Ack (m, Ack (Suc m, n)))";
* Almost primitive recursion.
function"(map2(f, [], L) = []) & \
\ (map2(f, h#t, []) = []) & \
\ (map2(f, h1#t1, h2#t2) = f h1 h2 # map2 (f, t1, t2))";
(* Swap arguments *)
function"(map2(([],L), f) = []) & \
\ (map2((h#t, []), f) = []) & \
\ (map2((h1#t1, h2#t2), f) = f h1 h2 # map2((t1,t2),f))";
"measure((length o fst o snd)::('a=>'b=>'c)*'a list*'b list => nat)"
"(map2((f::'a=>'b=>'c), ([]::'a list), (L::'b list)) = []) & \
\ (map2(f, h#t, []) = []) & \
\ (map2(f, h1#t1, h2#t2) = f h1 h2 # map2 (f, t1, t2))";
* Relation "R" holds stepwise in a list
function"(finiteRchain ((R::'a=>'a=>bool), ([]::'a list)) = True) & \
\ (finiteRchain (R, [x]) = True) & \
\ (finiteRchain (R, x#y#rst) = (R x y & finiteRchain(R, y#rst)))";
Rfunction"measure ((length o snd)::('a=>'a=>bool) * 'a list => nat)"
"(finiteRchain((R::'a=>'a=>bool), ([]::'a list)) = True) & \
\ (finiteRchain(R, [x]) = True) & \
\ (finiteRchain(R, x#y#rst) = (R x y & finiteRchain(R, y#rst)))";
* Quicksort.
function"(qsort(ord, []) = []) & \
\ (qsort(ord, x#rst) = \
\ qsort(ord,filter(not o ord x) rst) \
\ @[x]@ \
\ qsort(ord,filter(ord x) rst))";
Rfunction"measure ((length o snd)::('a=>'a=>bool) * 'a list => nat)"
"(qsort((ord::'a=>'a=>bool), ([]::'a list)) = []) & \
\ (qsort(ord, x#rst) = \
\ qsort(ord,filter(not o ord x) rst) \
\ @[x]@ \
\ qsort(ord,filter(ord x) rst))";
* Variant.
function"variant(x, L) = (if (x mem L) then variant(Suc x, L) else x)";
"measure(%(p::nat*nat list). length(filter(%y. fst(p) <= y) (snd p)))"
"variant(x, L) = (if (x mem L) then variant(Suc x, L) else x)";
* Euclid's algorithm
function"(gcd ((0::nat),(y::nat)) = y) & \
\ (gcd (Suc x, 0) = Suc x) & \
\ (gcd (Suc x, Suc y) = \
\ (if (y <= x) then gcd(x - y, Suc y) \
\ else gcd(Suc x, y - x)))";
* Wrong answer because Isabelle rewriter (going bottom-up) attempts to
* apply congruence rule for split to "split" but can't because split is only
* partly applied. It then fails, instead of just not doing the rewrite.
* Tobias has said he'll fix it.
* ... July 96 ... seems to have been fixed.
Rfunction"measure (split (op+) ::nat*nat=>nat)"
"(gcd ((0::nat),(y::nat)) = y) & \
\ (gcd (Suc x, 0) = Suc x) & \
\ (gcd (Suc x, Suc y) = \
\ (if (y <= x) then gcd(x - y, Suc y) \
\ else gcd(Suc x, y - x)))";
* A simple nested function.
Rfunction"trancl pred_nat"
"(g 0 = 0) & \
\ (g(Suc x) = g(g x))";
* A clever division algorithm. Primitive recursive.
function"(Div(0,x) = (0,0)) & \
\ (Div(Suc x, y) = \
\ (let (q,r) = Div(x,y) \
\ in if (y <= Suc r) then (Suc q,0) else (q, Suc r)))";
Rfunction"inv_image pred_nat (fst::nat*nat=>nat)"
"(Div(0,x) = (0,0)) & \
\ (Div(Suc x, y) = \
\ (let q = fst(Div(x,y)); \
\ r = snd(Div(x,y)) \
\ in \
\ if (y <= Suc r) then (Suc q,0) else (q, Suc r)))";
* Testing nested contexts.
function"(f(0,x) = (0,0)) & \
\ (f(Suc x, y) = \
\ (let z = x \
\ in \
\ if (0<y) then (0,0) else f(z,y)))";
function"(f(0,x) = (0,0)) & \
\ (f(Suc x, y) = \
\ (if y = x \
\ then (if (0<y) then (0,0) else f(x,y)) \
\ else (x,y)))";
* Naming trickery in lets.
(* No trick *)
function "(test(x, []) = x) & \
\ (test(x,h#t) = (let y = Suc x in test(y,t)))";
(* Trick *)
function"(test(x, []) = x) & \
\ (test(x,h#t) = \
\ (let x = Suc x \
\ in \
\ test(x,t)))";
(* Tricky naming, plus nested contexts *)
function "vary(x, L) = \
\ (if (x mem L) \
\ then (let x = Suc x \
\ in vary(x,L)) \
\ else x)";
* Handling paired lets of various kinds
"(Fib(0) = Suc 0) & \
\ (Fib (Suc 0) = Suc 0) & \
\ (Fib (Suc (Suc n)) = \
\ (let (x,y) = (Fib (Suc n), Fib n) in x+y))";
"(qsort((ord::'a=>'a=>bool), ([]::'a list)) = []) & \
\ (qsort(ord, x#rst) = \
\ (let (L1,L2) = (filter(not o ord x) rst, \
\ filter (ord x) rst) \
\ in \
\ qsort(ord,L1)@[x]@qsort(ord,L2)))";
function"(qsort((ord::'a=>'a=>bool), ([]::'a list)) = []) & \
\ (qsort(ord, x#rst) = \
\ (let (L1,L2,P) = (filter(not o ord x) rst, \
\ filter (ord x) rst, x) \
\ in \
\ qsort(ord,L1)@[x]@qsort(ord,L2)))";
function"(qsort((ord::'a=>'a=>bool), ([]::'a list)) = []) & \
\ (qsort(ord, x#rst) = \
\ (let (L1,L2) = (filter(not o ord x) rst, \
\ filter (ord x) rst); \
\ (p,q) = (x,rst) \
\ in \
\ qsort(ord,L1)@[x]@qsort(ord,L2)))";
* A biggish function
function"(acc1(A,[],s,xss,zs,xs) = \
\ (if xs=[] then (xss, zs) \
\ else acc1(A, zs,s,(xss @ [xs]),[],[]))) & \
\ (acc1(A,(y#ys), s, xss, zs, xs) = \
\ (let s' = s; \
\ zs' = (if fst A s' then [] else zs@[y]); \
\ xs' = (if fst A s' then xs@zs@[y] else xs) \
\ in \
\ acc1(A, ys, s', xss, zs', xs')))";
* Nested, with context.
"(k 0 = 0) & \
\ (k (Suc n) = (let x = k (Suc 0) \
\ in if (0=Suc 0) then k (Suc(Suc 0)) else n))";
* A function that partitions a list into two around a predicate "P".
val {theory,induction,rules,tcs} =
"inv_image pred_list \
\ ((fst o snd)::('a=>bool)*'a list*'a list*'a list => 'a list)"
"(part(P::'a=>bool, [], l1,l2) = (l1,l2)) & \
\ (part(P, h#rst, l1,l2) = \
\ (if P h then part(P,rst, h#l1, l2) \
\ else part(P,rst, l1, h#l2)))";
* Another quicksort.
Rfunc theory "measure ((length o snd)::('a=>'a=>bool) * 'a list => nat)"
"(fqsort(ord,[]) = []) & \
\ (fqsort(ord, x#rst) = \
\ (let less = fst(part((%y. ord y x), rst,([],[]))); \
\ more = snd(part((%y. ord y x), rst,([],[]))) \
\ in \
\ fqsort(ord,less)@[x]@fqsort(ord,more)))";
Rfunc theory "measure ((length o snd)::('a=>'a=>bool) * 'a list => nat)"
"(fqsort(ord,[]) = []) & \
\ (fqsort(ord, x#rst) = \
\ (let (less,more) = part((%y. ord y x), rst,([],[])) \
\ in \
\ fqsort(ord,less)@[x]@fqsort(ord,more)))";
(* Should fail on repeated variables. *)
function"(And(x,[]) = x) & \
\ (And(y, y#t) = And(y, t))";