author berghofe
Thu, 07 Oct 1999 14:44:55 +0200
changeset 7785 c06825c396e8
parent 7355 4c43090659ca
child 9526 e20323caff47
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added functions for enabling and disabling derivations.

(*  Title:      FOL/IFOL.thy
    ID:         $Id$
    Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
    Copyright   1993  University of Cambridge

Intuitionistic first-order logic.

theory IFOL = Pure
files ("IFOL_lemmas.ML") ("fologic.ML") ("hypsubstdata.ML") ("intprover.ML"):


classes "term" < logic
defaultsort "term"

typedecl o


  Trueprop      :: "o => prop"                  ("(_)" 5)
  True          :: o
  False         :: o

  (* Connectives *)

  "="           :: "['a, 'a] => o"              (infixl 50)

  Not           :: "o => o"                     ("~ _" [40] 40)
  &             :: "[o, o] => o"                (infixr 35)
  "|"           :: "[o, o] => o"                (infixr 30)
  -->           :: "[o, o] => o"                (infixr 25)
  <->           :: "[o, o] => o"                (infixr 25)

  (* Quantifiers *)

  All           :: "('a => o) => o"             (binder "ALL " 10)
  Ex            :: "('a => o) => o"             (binder "EX " 10)
  Ex1           :: "('a => o) => o"             (binder "EX! " 10)

  "~="          :: "['a, 'a] => o"              (infixl 50)

  "x ~= y"      == "~ (x = y)"

syntax (symbols)
  Not           :: "o => o"                     ("\\<not> _" [40] 40)
  "op &"        :: "[o, o] => o"                (infixr "\\<and>" 35)
  "op |"        :: "[o, o] => o"                (infixr "\\<or>" 30)
  "op -->"      :: "[o, o] => o"                (infixr "\\<midarrow>\\<rightarrow>" 25)
  "op <->"      :: "[o, o] => o"                (infixr "\\<leftarrow>\\<rightarrow>" 25)
  "ALL "        :: "[idts, o] => o"             ("(3\\<forall>_./ _)" [0, 10] 10)
  "EX "         :: "[idts, o] => o"             ("(3\\<exists>_./ _)" [0, 10] 10)
  "EX! "        :: "[idts, o] => o"             ("(3\\<exists>!_./ _)" [0, 10] 10)
  "op ~="       :: "['a, 'a] => o"              (infixl "\\<noteq>" 50)

syntax (xsymbols)
  "op -->"      :: "[o, o] => o"                (infixr "\\<longrightarrow>" 25)
  "op <->"      :: "[o, o] => o"                (infixr "\\<longleftrightarrow>" 25)

syntax (HTML output)
  Not           :: "o => o"                     ("\\<not> _" [40] 40)



  (* Equality *)

  refl:         "a=a"
  subst:        "[| a=b;  P(a) |] ==> P(b)"

  (* Propositional logic *)

  conjI:        "[| P;  Q |] ==> P&Q"
  conjunct1:    "P&Q ==> P"
  conjunct2:    "P&Q ==> Q"

  disjI1:       "P ==> P|Q"
  disjI2:       "Q ==> P|Q"
  disjE:        "[| P|Q;  P ==> R;  Q ==> R |] ==> R"

  impI:         "(P ==> Q) ==> P-->Q"
  mp:           "[| P-->Q;  P |] ==> Q"

  FalseE:       "False ==> P"

  (* Definitions *)

  True_def:     "True  == False-->False"
  not_def:      "~P    == P-->False"
  iff_def:      "P<->Q == (P-->Q) & (Q-->P)"

  (* Unique existence *)

  ex1_def:      "EX! x. P(x) == EX x. P(x) & (ALL y. P(y) --> y=x)"

  (* Quantifiers *)

  allI:         "(!!x. P(x)) ==> (ALL x. P(x))"
  spec:         "(ALL x. P(x)) ==> P(x)"

  exI:          "P(x) ==> (EX x. P(x))"
  exE:          "[| EX x. P(x);  !!x. P(x) ==> R |] ==> R"

  (* Reflection *)

  eq_reflection:  "(x=y)   ==> (x==y)"
  iff_reflection: "(P<->Q) ==> (P==Q)"

			setup Simplifier.setup
use "IFOL_lemmas.ML"	setup attrib_setup
use "fologic.ML"
use "hypsubstdata.ML"
use "intprover.ML"
