(* Title: FOL/ex/list
ID: $Id$
Author: Tobias Nipkow
Copyright 1991 University of Cambridge
header {* Examples of simplification and induction on lists *}
theory List
imports Nat2
typedecl 'a list
arities list :: ("term") "term"
hd :: "'a list => 'a"
tl :: "'a list => 'a list"
forall :: "['a list, 'a => o] => o"
len :: "'a list => nat"
at :: "['a list, nat] => 'a"
Nil :: "'a list" ("[]")
Cons :: "['a, 'a list] => 'a list" (infixr "." 80)
app :: "['a list, 'a list] => 'a list" (infixr "++" 70)
list_ind: "[| P([]); ALL x l. P(l)-->P(x . l) |] ==> All(P)"
"[| l = l'; !!x. P(x)<->P'(x) |] ==> forall(l,P) <-> forall(l',P')"
list_distinct1: "~[] = x . l"
list_distinct2: "~x . l = []"
list_free: "x . l = x' . l' <-> x=x' & l=l'"
app_nil: "[]++l = l"
app_cons: "(x . l)++l' = x .(l++l')"
tl_eq: "tl(m . q) = q"
hd_eq: "hd(m . q) = m"
forall_nil: "forall([],P)"
forall_cons: "forall(x . l,P) <-> P(x) & forall(l,P)"
len_nil: "len([]) = 0"
len_cons: "len(m . q) = succ(len(q))"
at_0: "at(m . q,0) = m"
at_succ: "at(m . q,succ(n)) = at(q,n)"
ML {* use_legacy_bindings (the_context ()) *}