author wenzelm
Thu, 01 Apr 2021 19:01:19 +0200
changeset 73528 c337c798f64c
parent 70586 57df8a85317a
permissions -rw-r--r--
clarified HTML template (see also 04cb7e02ca38): avoid odd patching of sources;

(*  Title:      Tools/Argo/argo_expr.ML
    Author:     Sascha Boehme

The input language of the Argo solver.

signature ARGO_EXPR =
  (* data types *)
  datatype typ = Bool | Real | Func of typ * typ | Type of string
  datatype kind =
    True | False | Not | And | Or | Imp | Iff | Ite | Eq | App | Con of string * typ |
    Le | Lt | Num of Rat.rat | Neg | Add | Sub | Mul | Div | Min | Max | Abs
  datatype expr = E of kind * expr list

  (* indices, equalities, orders *)
  val int_of_kind: kind -> int
  val con_ord: (string * typ) ord
  val eq_kind: kind * kind -> bool
  val kind_ord: kind ord
  val eq_expr: expr * expr -> bool
  val expr_ord: expr ord
  val dual_expr: expr -> expr -> bool

  (* constructors *)
  val kind_of_string: string -> kind
  val true_expr: expr
  val false_expr: expr
  val mk_not: expr -> expr
  val mk_and: expr list -> expr
  val mk_and2: expr -> expr -> expr
  val mk_or: expr list -> expr
  val mk_or2: expr -> expr -> expr
  val mk_imp: expr -> expr -> expr
  val mk_iff: expr -> expr -> expr
  val mk_ite: expr -> expr -> expr -> expr
  val mk_eq: expr -> expr -> expr
  val mk_app: expr -> expr -> expr
  val mk_con: string * typ -> expr
  val mk_le: expr -> expr -> expr
  val mk_lt: expr -> expr -> expr
  val mk_num: Rat.rat -> expr
  val mk_neg: expr -> expr
  val mk_add: expr list -> expr
  val mk_add2: expr -> expr -> expr
  val mk_sub: expr -> expr -> expr
  val mk_mul: expr -> expr -> expr
  val mk_div: expr -> expr -> expr
  val mk_min: expr -> expr -> expr
  val mk_max: expr -> expr -> expr
  val mk_abs: expr -> expr

  (* type checking *)
  exception TYPE of expr
  exception EXPR of expr
  val type_of: expr -> typ (* raises EXPR *)
  val check: expr -> bool (* raises TYPE and EXPR *)

  (* testers *)
  val is_nary: kind -> bool

  (* string representations *)
  val string_of_kind: kind -> string

structure Argo_Expr: ARGO_EXPR =

(* data types *)

datatype typ = Bool | Real | Func of typ * typ | Type of string

datatype kind =
  True | False | Not | And | Or | Imp | Iff | Ite | Eq | App | Con of string * typ |
  Le | Lt | Num of Rat.rat | Neg | Add | Sub | Mul | Div | Min | Max | Abs

datatype expr = E of kind * expr list

(* indices, equalities, orders *)

fun int_of_type Bool = 0
  | int_of_type Real = 1
  | int_of_type (Func _) = 2
  | int_of_type (Type _) = 3

fun int_of_kind True = 0
  | int_of_kind False = 1
  | int_of_kind Not = 2
  | int_of_kind And = 3
  | int_of_kind Or = 4
  | int_of_kind Imp = 5
  | int_of_kind Iff = 6
  | int_of_kind Ite = 7
  | int_of_kind Eq = 8
  | int_of_kind App = 9
  | int_of_kind (Con _) = 10
  | int_of_kind Le = 11
  | int_of_kind Lt = 12
  | int_of_kind (Num _) = 13
  | int_of_kind Neg = 14
  | int_of_kind Add = 15
  | int_of_kind Sub = 16
  | int_of_kind Mul = 17
  | int_of_kind Div = 18
  | int_of_kind Min = 19
  | int_of_kind Max = 20
  | int_of_kind Abs = 21

fun eq_type (Bool, Bool) = true
  | eq_type (Real, Real) = true
  | eq_type (Func tys1, Func tys2) = eq_pair eq_type eq_type (tys1, tys2)
  | eq_type (Type n1, Type n2) = (n1 = n2)
  | eq_type _ = false

fun type_ord (Bool, Bool) = EQUAL
  | type_ord (Real, Real) = EQUAL
  | type_ord (Type n1, Type n2) = fast_string_ord (n1, n2)
  | type_ord (Func tys1, Func tys2) = prod_ord type_ord type_ord (tys1, tys2)
  | type_ord (ty1, ty2) = int_ord (int_of_type ty1, int_of_type ty2)

fun eq_con cp = eq_pair (op =) eq_type cp
fun con_ord cp = prod_ord fast_string_ord type_ord cp

fun eq_kind (Con c1, Con c2) = eq_con (c1, c2)
  | eq_kind (Num n1, Num n2) = n1 = n2
  | eq_kind (k1, k2) = (k1 = k2)

fun kind_ord (Con c1, Con c2) = con_ord (c1, c2)
  | kind_ord (Num n1, Num n2) = Rat.ord (n1, n2)
  | kind_ord (k1, k2) = int_ord (int_of_kind k1, int_of_kind k2)

fun eq_expr (E e1, E e2) = eq_pair eq_kind (eq_list eq_expr) (e1, e2)
fun expr_ord (E e1, E e2) = prod_ord kind_ord (list_ord expr_ord) (e1, e2)

fun dual_expr (E (Not, [e1])) e2 = eq_expr (e1, e2)
  | dual_expr e1 (E (Not, [e2])) = eq_expr (e1, e2)
  | dual_expr _ _ = false

(* constructors *)

val string_kinds = [
  ("true", True),("false", False), ("not", Not), ("and", And), ("or", Or), ("imp", Imp),
  ("iff", Iff), ("ite", Ite), ("eq", Eq), ("app", App), ("le", Le), ("lt", Lt), ("neg", Neg),
  ("add", Add), ("sub", Sub), ("mul", Mul), ("div", Div), ("min", Min), ("max", Max), ("abs", Abs)]

val kind_of_string = the o Symtab.lookup (Symtab.make string_kinds)

val true_expr = E (True, [])
val false_expr = E (False, [])
fun mk_not e = E (Not, [e])
fun mk_and es = E (And, es)
fun mk_and2 e1 e2 = mk_and [e1, e2]
fun mk_or es = E (Or, es)
fun mk_or2 e1 e2 = mk_or [e1, e2]
fun mk_imp e1 e2 = E (Imp, [e1, e2])
fun mk_iff e1 e2 = E (Iff, [e1, e2])
fun mk_ite e1 e2 e3 = E (Ite, [e1, e2, e3])
fun mk_eq e1 e2 = E (Eq, [e1, e2])
fun mk_app e1 e2 = E (App, [e1, e2])
fun mk_con n = E (Con n, [])
fun mk_le e1 e2 = E (Le, [e1, e2])
fun mk_lt e1 e2 = E (Lt, [e1, e2])
fun mk_num r = E (Num r, [])
fun mk_neg e = E (Neg, [e])
fun mk_add es = E (Add, es)
fun mk_add2 e1 e2 = mk_add [e1, e2]
fun mk_sub e1 e2 = E (Sub, [e1, e2])
fun mk_mul e1 e2 = E (Mul, [e1, e2])
fun mk_div e1 e2 = E (Div, [e1, e2])
fun mk_min e1 e2 = E (Min, [e1, e2])
fun mk_max e1 e2 = E (Max, [e1, e2])
fun mk_abs e = E (Abs, [e])

(* type checking *)

exception TYPE of expr
exception EXPR of expr

fun dest_func_type _ (Func tys) = tys
  | dest_func_type e _ = raise TYPE e

fun type_of (E (True, _)) = Bool
  | type_of (E (False, _)) = Bool
  | type_of (E (Not, _)) = Bool
  | type_of (E (And, _)) = Bool
  | type_of (E (Or, _)) = Bool
  | type_of (E (Imp, _)) = Bool
  | type_of (E (Iff, _)) = Bool
  | type_of (E (Ite, [_, e, _])) = type_of e
  | type_of (E (Eq, _)) = Bool
  | type_of (E (App, [e, _])) = snd (dest_func_type e (type_of e))
  | type_of (E (Con (_, ty), _)) = ty
  | type_of (E (Le, _)) = Bool
  | type_of (E (Lt, _)) = Bool
  | type_of (E (Num _, _)) = Real
  | type_of (E (Neg, _)) = Real
  | type_of (E (Add, _)) = Real
  | type_of (E (Sub, _)) = Real
  | type_of (E (Mul, _)) = Real
  | type_of (E (Div, _)) = Real
  | type_of (E (Min, _)) = Real
  | type_of (E (Max, _)) = Real
  | type_of (E (Abs, _)) = Real
  | type_of e = raise EXPR e

fun all_type ty (E (_, es)) = forall (curry eq_type ty o type_of) es
val all_bool = all_type Bool
val all_real = all_type Real

  Types as well as proper arities are checked.
  Exception TYPE is raised for invalid types.
  Exception EXPR is raised for invalid expressions and invalid arities.

fun check (e as E (_, es)) = (forall check es andalso raw_check e) orelse raise TYPE e

and raw_check (E (True, [])) = true
  | raw_check (E (False, [])) = true
  | raw_check (e as E (Not, [_])) = all_bool e
  | raw_check (e as E (And, _ :: _)) = all_bool e
  | raw_check (e as E (Or, _ :: _)) = all_bool e
  | raw_check (e as E (Imp, [_, _])) = all_bool e
  | raw_check (e as E (Iff, [_, _])) = all_bool e
  | raw_check (E (Ite, [e1, e2, e3])) =
      let val ty1 = type_of e1 and ty2 = type_of e2 and ty3 = type_of e3
      in eq_type (ty1, Bool) andalso eq_type (ty2, ty3) end
  | raw_check (E (Eq, [e1, e2])) =
      let val ty1 = type_of e1 and ty2 = type_of e2
      in eq_type (ty1, ty2) andalso not (eq_type (ty1, Bool)) end
  | raw_check (E (App, [e1, e2])) =
      eq_type (fst (dest_func_type e1 (type_of e1)), type_of e2)
  | raw_check (E (Con _, [])) = true
  | raw_check (E (Num _, [])) = true
  | raw_check (e as E (Le, [_, _])) = all_real e
  | raw_check (e as E (Lt, [_, _])) = all_real e
  | raw_check (e as E (Neg, [_])) = all_real e
  | raw_check (e as E (Add, _)) = all_real e
  | raw_check (e as E (Sub, [_, _])) = all_real e
  | raw_check (e as E (Mul, [_, _])) = all_real e
  | raw_check (e as E (Div, [_, _])) = all_real e
  | raw_check (e as E (Min, [_, _])) = all_real e
  | raw_check (e as E (Max, [_, _])) = all_real e
  | raw_check (e as E (Abs, [_])) = all_real e
  | raw_check e = raise EXPR e

(* testers *)

fun is_nary k = member (op =) [And, Or, Add] k

(* string representations *)

val kind_strings = map swap string_kinds

fun string_of_kind (Con (n, _)) = n
  | string_of_kind (Num n) = Rat.string_of_rat n
  | string_of_kind k = the (AList.lookup (op =) kind_strings k)


structure Argo_Exprtab = Table(type key = Argo_Expr.expr val ord = Argo_Expr.expr_ord)