author ballarin
Mon, 25 Mar 2013 19:53:44 +0100
changeset 51515 c3eb0b517ced
parent 49756 28e37eab4e6f
child 53366 c8c548d83862
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix issue related to mixins in roundup. Previously, mixins were only applied one level down the DFS tree while they should also be applied at the level of declaration. Makes the algorithm consistent with the version presented in the upcoming JAR paper.

(*  Title:      FOL/ex/Locale_Test/Locale_Test1.thy
    Author:     Clemens Ballarin, TU Muenchen

Test environment for the locale implementation.

theory Locale_Test1
imports FOL

typedecl int arities int :: "term"
consts plus :: "int => int => int" (infixl "+" 60)
  zero :: int ("0")
  minus :: "int => int" ("- _")

axiomatization where
  int_assoc: "(x + y::int) + z = x + (y + z)" and
  int_zero: "0 + x = x" and
  int_minus: "(-x) + x = 0" and
  int_minus2: "-(-x) = x"

section {* Inference of parameter types *}

locale param1 = fixes p
print_locale! param1

locale param2 = fixes p :: 'b
print_locale! param2

locale param_top = param2 r for r :: "'b :: {}"
  Fails, cannot generalise parameter.

locale param3 = fixes p (infix ".." 50)
print_locale! param3

locale param4 = fixes p :: "'a => 'a => 'a" (infix ".." 50)
print_locale! param4

subsection {* Incremental type constraints *}

locale constraint1 =
  fixes  prod (infixl "**" 65)
  assumes l_id: "x ** y = x"
  assumes assoc: "(x ** y) ** z = x ** (y ** z)"
print_locale! constraint1

locale constraint2 =
  fixes p and q
  assumes "p = q"
print_locale! constraint2

section {* Inheritance *}

locale semi =
  fixes prod (infixl "**" 65)
  assumes assoc: "(x ** y) ** z = x ** (y ** z)"
print_locale! semi thm semi_def

locale lgrp = semi +
  fixes one and inv
  assumes lone: "one ** x = x"
    and linv: "inv(x) ** x = one"
print_locale! lgrp thm lgrp_def lgrp_axioms_def

locale add_lgrp = semi "op ++" for sum (infixl "++" 60) +
  fixes zero and neg
  assumes lzero: "zero ++ x = x"
    and lneg: "neg(x) ++ x = zero"
print_locale! add_lgrp thm add_lgrp_def add_lgrp_axioms_def

locale rev_lgrp = semi "%x y. y ++ x" for sum (infixl "++" 60)
print_locale! rev_lgrp thm rev_lgrp_def

locale hom = f: semi f + g: semi g for f and g
print_locale! hom thm hom_def

locale perturbation = semi + d: semi "%x y. delta(x) ** delta(y)" for delta
print_locale! perturbation thm perturbation_def

locale pert_hom = d1: perturbation f d1 + d2: perturbation f d2 for f d1 d2
print_locale! pert_hom thm pert_hom_def

text {* Alternative expression, obtaining nicer names in @{text "semi f"}. *}
locale pert_hom' = semi f + d1: perturbation f d1 + d2: perturbation f d2 for f d1 d2
print_locale! pert_hom' thm pert_hom'_def

section {* Syntax declarations *}

locale logic =
  fixes land (infixl "&&" 55)
    and lnot ("-- _" [60] 60)
  assumes assoc: "(x && y) && z = x && (y && z)"
    and notnot: "-- (-- x) = x"

definition lor (infixl "||" 50) where
  "x || y = --(-- x && -- y)"

print_locale! logic

locale use_decl = l: logic + semi "op ||"
print_locale! use_decl thm use_decl_def

locale extra_type =
  fixes a :: 'a
    and P :: "'a => 'b => o"

definition test :: "'a => o" where
  "test(x) <-> (ALL b. P(x, b))"


term extra_type.test thm extra_type.test_def

interpretation var?: extra_type "0" "%x y. x = 0" .

thm var.test_def

text {* Under which circumstances term syntax remains active. *}

locale "syntax" =
  fixes p1 :: "'a => 'b"
    and p2 :: "'b => o"

definition d1 :: "'a => o" where "d1(x) <-> ~ p2(p1(x))"
definition d2 :: "'b => o" where "d2(x) <-> ~ p2(x)"

thm d1_def d2_def


thm syntax.d1_def syntax.d2_def

locale syntax' = "syntax" p1 p2 for p1 :: "'a => 'a" and p2 :: "'a => o"

thm d1_def d2_def  (* should print as "d1(?x) <-> ..." and "d2(?x) <-> ..." *)

ML {*
  fun check_syntax ctxt thm expected =
      val obtained = Print_Mode.setmp [] (Display.string_of_thm ctxt) thm;
      if obtained <> expected
      then error ("Theorem syntax '" ^ obtained ^ "' obtained, but '" ^ expected ^ "' expected.")
      else ()

declare [[show_hyps]]

ML {*
  check_syntax @{context} @{thm d1_def} "d1(?x) <-> ~ p2(p1(?x))";
  check_syntax @{context} @{thm d2_def} "d2(?x) <-> ~ p2(?x)";


locale syntax'' = "syntax" p3 p2 for p3 :: "'a => 'b" and p2 :: "'b => o"

thm d1_def d2_def
  (* should print as "syntax.d1(p3, p2, ?x) <-> ..." and "d2(?x) <-> ..." *)

ML {*
  check_syntax @{context} @{thm d1_def} "syntax.d1(p3, p2, ?x) <-> ~ p2(p3(?x))";
  check_syntax @{context} @{thm d2_def} "d2(?x) <-> ~ p2(?x)";


section {* Foundational versions of theorems *}

thm logic.assoc
thm logic.lor_def

section {* Defines *}

locale logic_def =
  fixes land (infixl "&&" 55)
    and lor (infixl "||" 50)
    and lnot ("-- _" [60] 60)
  assumes assoc: "(x && y) && z = x && (y && z)"
    and notnot: "-- (-- x) = x"
  defines "x || y == --(-- x && -- y)"

thm lor_def

lemma "x || y = --(-- x && --y)"
  by (unfold lor_def) (rule refl)


(* Inheritance of defines *)

locale logic_def2 = logic_def

lemma "x || y = --(-- x && --y)"
  by (unfold lor_def) (rule refl)


section {* Notes *}

(* A somewhat arcane homomorphism example *)

definition semi_hom where
  "semi_hom(prod, sum, h) <-> (ALL x y. h(prod(x, y)) = sum(h(x), h(y)))"

lemma semi_hom_mult:
  "semi_hom(prod, sum, h) ==> h(prod(x, y)) = sum(h(x), h(y))"
  by (simp add: semi_hom_def)

locale semi_hom_loc = prod: semi prod + sum: semi sum
  for prod and sum and h +
  assumes semi_homh: "semi_hom(prod, sum, h)"
  notes semi_hom_mult = semi_hom_mult [OF semi_homh]

thm semi_hom_loc.semi_hom_mult
(* unspecified, attribute not applied in backgroud theory !!! *)

lemma (in semi_hom_loc) "h(prod(x, y)) = sum(h(x), h(y))"
  by (rule semi_hom_mult)

(* Referring to facts from within a context specification *)

  assumes x: "P <-> P"
  notes y = x
  shows True ..

section {* Theorem statements *}

lemma (in lgrp) lcancel:
  "x ** y = x ** z <-> y = z"
  assume "x ** y = x ** z"
  then have "inv(x) ** x ** y = inv(x) ** x ** z" by (simp add: assoc)
  then show "y = z" by (simp add: lone linv)
qed simp
print_locale! lgrp

locale rgrp = semi +
  fixes one and inv
  assumes rone: "x ** one = x"
    and rinv: "x ** inv(x) = one"

lemma rcancel:
  "y ** x = z ** x <-> y = z"
  assume "y ** x = z ** x"
  then have "y ** (x ** inv(x)) = z ** (x ** inv(x))"
    by (simp add: assoc [symmetric])
  then show "y = z" by (simp add: rone rinv)
qed simp

print_locale! rgrp

subsection {* Patterns *}

lemma (in rgrp)
  assumes "y ** x = z ** x" (is ?a)
  shows "y = z" (is ?t)
proof -
  txt {* Weird proof involving patterns from context element and conclusion. *}
    assume ?a
    then have "y ** (x ** inv(x)) = z ** (x ** inv(x))"
      by (simp add: assoc [symmetric])
    then have ?t by (simp add: rone rinv)
  note x = this
  show ?t by (rule x [OF `?a`])

section {* Interpretation between locales: sublocales *}

sublocale lgrp < right: rgrp
proof unfold_locales
    fix x
    have "inv(x) ** x ** one = inv(x) ** x" by (simp add: linv lone)
    then show "x ** one = x" by (simp add: assoc lcancel)
  note rone = this
    fix x
    have "inv(x) ** x ** inv(x) = inv(x) ** one"
      by (simp add: linv lone rone)
    then show "x ** inv(x) = one" by (simp add: assoc lcancel)

(* effect on printed locale *)

print_locale! lgrp

(* use of derived theorem *)

lemma (in lgrp)
  "y ** x = z ** x <-> y = z"
  apply (rule rcancel)

(* circular interpretation *)

sublocale rgrp < left: lgrp
proof unfold_locales
    fix x
    have "one ** (x ** inv(x)) = x ** inv(x)" by (simp add: rinv rone)
    then show "one ** x = x" by (simp add: assoc [symmetric] rcancel)
  note lone = this
    fix x
    have "inv(x) ** (x ** inv(x)) = one ** inv(x)"
      by (simp add: rinv lone rone)
    then show "inv(x) ** x = one" by (simp add: assoc [symmetric] rcancel)

(* effect on printed locale *)

print_locale! rgrp
print_locale! lgrp

(* Duality *)

locale order =
  fixes less :: "'a => 'a => o" (infix "<<" 50)
  assumes refl: "x << x"
    and trans: "[| x << y; y << z |] ==> x << z"

sublocale order < dual: order "%x y. y << x"
  apply unfold_locales apply (rule refl) apply (blast intro: trans)

print_locale! order  (* Only two instances of order. *)

locale order' =
  fixes less :: "'a => 'a => o" (infix "<<" 50)
  assumes refl: "x << x"
    and trans: "[| x << y; y << z |] ==> x << z"

locale order_with_def = order'

definition greater :: "'a => 'a => o" (infix ">>" 50) where
  "x >> y <-> y << x"


sublocale order_with_def < dual: order' "op >>"
  apply unfold_locales
  unfolding greater_def
  apply (rule refl) apply (blast intro: trans)

print_locale! order_with_def
(* Note that decls come after theorems that make use of them. *)

(* locale with many parameters ---
   interpretations generate alternating group A5 *)

locale A5 =
  fixes A and B and C and D and E
  assumes eq: "A <-> B <-> C <-> D <-> E"

sublocale A5 < 1: A5 _ _ D E C
  using eq apply (blast intro: A5.intro) done

sublocale A5 < 2: A5 C _ E _ A
  using eq apply (blast intro: A5.intro) done

sublocale A5 < 3: A5 B C A _ _
  using eq apply (blast intro: A5.intro) done

(* Any even permutation of parameters is subsumed by the above. *)

print_locale! A5

(* Free arguments of instance *)

locale trivial =
  fixes P and Q :: o
  assumes Q: "P <-> P <-> Q"

lemma Q_triv: "Q" using Q by fast


sublocale trivial < x: trivial x _
  apply unfold_locales using Q by fast

print_locale! trivial

context trivial begin thm x.Q [where ?x = True] end

sublocale trivial < y: trivial Q Q
  by unfold_locales
  (* Succeeds since previous interpretation is more general. *)

print_locale! trivial  (* No instance for y created (subsumed). *)

subsection {* Sublocale, then interpretation in theory *}

interpretation int?: lgrp "op +" "0" "minus"
proof unfold_locales
qed (rule int_assoc int_zero int_minus)+

thm int.assoc int.semi_axioms

interpretation int2?: semi "op +"
  by unfold_locales  (* subsumed, thm int2.assoc not generated *)

ML {* (Global_Theory.get_thms @{theory} "int2.assoc";
    error "thm int2.assoc was generated")
  handle ERROR "Unknown fact \"int2.assoc\"" => ([]:thm list); *}

thm int.lone int.right.rone
  (* the latter comes through the sublocale relation *)

subsection {* Interpretation in theory, then sublocale *}

interpretation fol: logic "op +" "minus"
  by unfold_locales (rule int_assoc int_minus2)+

locale logic2 =
  fixes land (infixl "&&" 55)
    and lnot ("-- _" [60] 60)
  assumes assoc: "(x && y) && z = x && (y && z)"
    and notnot: "-- (-- x) = x"

definition lor (infixl "||" 50) where
  "x || y = --(-- x && -- y)"


sublocale logic < two: logic2
  by unfold_locales (rule assoc notnot)+

thm fol.two.assoc

subsection {* Declarations and sublocale *}

locale logic_a = logic
locale logic_b = logic

sublocale logic_a < logic_b
  by unfold_locales

subsection {* Equations *}

locale logic_o =
  fixes land (infixl "&&" 55)
    and lnot ("-- _" [60] 60)
  assumes assoc_o: "(x && y) && z <-> x && (y && z)"
    and notnot_o: "-- (-- x) <-> x"

definition lor_o (infixl "||" 50) where
  "x || y <-> --(-- x && -- y)"


interpretation x: logic_o "op &" "Not"
  where bool_logic_o: "x.lor_o(x, y) <-> x | y"
proof -
  show bool_logic_o: "PROP logic_o(op &, Not)" by unfold_locales fast+
  show "logic_o.lor_o(op &, Not, x, y) <-> x | y"
    by (unfold logic_o.lor_o_def [OF bool_logic_o]) fast

thm x.lor_o_def bool_logic_o

lemma lor_triv: "z <-> z" ..

lemma (in logic_o) lor_triv: "x || y <-> x || y" by fast

thm lor_triv [where z = True] (* Check strict prefix. *)

subsection {* Inheritance of mixins *}

locale reflexive =
  fixes le :: "'a => 'a => o" (infix "\<sqsubseteq>" 50)
  assumes refl: "x \<sqsubseteq> x"

definition less (infix "\<sqsubset>" 50) where "x \<sqsubset> y <-> x \<sqsubseteq> y & x ~= y"


  gle :: "'a => 'a => o" and gless :: "'a => 'a => o" and
  gle' :: "'a => 'a => o" and gless' :: "'a => 'a => o"
  grefl: "gle(x, x)" and gless_def: "gless(x, y) <-> gle(x, y) & x ~= y" and
  grefl': "gle'(x, x)" and gless'_def: "gless'(x, y) <-> gle'(x, y) & x ~= y"

text {* Setup *}

locale mixin = reflexive
lemmas less_thm = less_def

interpretation le: mixin gle where "reflexive.less(gle, x, y) <-> gless(x, y)"
proof -
  show "mixin(gle)" by unfold_locales (rule grefl)
  note reflexive = this[unfolded mixin_def]
  show "reflexive.less(gle, x, y) <-> gless(x, y)"
    by (simp add: reflexive.less_def[OF reflexive] gless_def)

text {* Mixin propagated along the locale hierarchy *}

locale mixin2 = mixin
lemmas less_thm2 = less_def

interpretation le: mixin2 gle
  by unfold_locales

thm le.less_thm2  (* mixin applied *)
lemma "gless(x, y) <-> gle(x, y) & x ~= y"
  by (rule le.less_thm2)

text {* Mixin does not leak to a side branch. *}

locale mixin3 = reflexive
lemmas less_thm3 = less_def

interpretation le: mixin3 gle
  by unfold_locales

thm le.less_thm3  (* mixin not applied *)
lemma "reflexive.less(gle, x, y) <-> gle(x, y) & x ~= y" by (rule le.less_thm3)

text {* Mixin only available in original context *}

locale mixin4_base = reflexive

locale mixin4_mixin = mixin4_base

interpretation le: mixin4_mixin gle
  where "reflexive.less(gle, x, y) <-> gless(x, y)"
proof -
  show "mixin4_mixin(gle)" by unfold_locales (rule grefl)
  note reflexive = this[unfolded mixin4_mixin_def mixin4_base_def mixin_def]
  show "reflexive.less(gle, x, y) <-> gless(x, y)"
    by (simp add: reflexive.less_def[OF reflexive] gless_def)

locale mixin4_copy = mixin4_base
lemmas less_thm4 = less_def

locale mixin4_combined = le1: mixin4_mixin le' + le2: mixin4_copy le for le' le
lemmas less_thm4' = less_def

interpretation le4: mixin4_combined gle' gle
  by unfold_locales (rule grefl')

thm le4.less_thm4' (* mixin not applied *)
lemma "reflexive.less(gle, x, y) <-> gle(x, y) & x ~= y"
  by (rule le4.less_thm4')

text {* Inherited mixin applied to new theorem *}

locale mixin5_base = reflexive

locale mixin5_inherited = mixin5_base

interpretation le5: mixin5_base gle
  where "reflexive.less(gle, x, y) <-> gless(x, y)"
proof -
  show "mixin5_base(gle)" by unfold_locales
  note reflexive = this[unfolded mixin5_base_def mixin_def]
  show "reflexive.less(gle, x, y) <-> gless(x, y)"
    by (simp add: reflexive.less_def[OF reflexive] gless_def)

interpretation le5: mixin5_inherited gle
  by unfold_locales

lemmas (in mixin5_inherited) less_thm5 = less_def

thm le5.less_thm5  (* mixin applied *)
lemma "gless(x, y) <-> gle(x, y) & x ~= y"
  by (rule le5.less_thm5)

text {* Mixin pushed down to existing inherited locale *}

locale mixin6_base = reflexive

locale mixin6_inherited = mixin5_base

interpretation le6: mixin6_base gle
  by unfold_locales
interpretation le6: mixin6_inherited gle
  by unfold_locales
interpretation le6: mixin6_base gle
  where "reflexive.less(gle, x, y) <-> gless(x, y)"
proof -
  show "mixin6_base(gle)" by unfold_locales
  note reflexive = this[unfolded mixin6_base_def mixin_def]
  show "reflexive.less(gle, x, y) <-> gless(x, y)"
    by (simp add: reflexive.less_def[OF reflexive] gless_def)

lemmas (in mixin6_inherited) less_thm6 = less_def

thm le6.less_thm6  (* mixin applied *)
lemma "gless(x, y) <-> gle(x, y) & x ~= y"
  by (rule le6.less_thm6)

text {* Existing mixin inherited through sublocale relation *}

locale mixin7_base = reflexive

locale mixin7_inherited = reflexive

interpretation le7: mixin7_base gle
  where "reflexive.less(gle, x, y) <-> gless(x, y)"
proof -
  show "mixin7_base(gle)" by unfold_locales
  note reflexive = this[unfolded mixin7_base_def mixin_def]
  show "reflexive.less(gle, x, y) <-> gless(x, y)"
    by (simp add: reflexive.less_def[OF reflexive] gless_def)

interpretation le7: mixin7_inherited gle
  by unfold_locales

lemmas (in mixin7_inherited) less_thm7 = less_def

thm le7.less_thm7  (* before, mixin not applied *)
lemma "reflexive.less(gle, x, y) <-> gle(x, y) & x ~= y"
  by (rule le7.less_thm7)

sublocale mixin7_inherited < mixin7_base
  by unfold_locales

lemmas (in mixin7_inherited) less_thm7b = less_def

thm le7.less_thm7b  (* after, mixin applied *)
lemma "gless(x, y) <-> gle(x, y) & x ~= y"
  by (rule le7.less_thm7b)

text {* This locale will be interpreted in later theories. *}

locale mixin_thy_merge = le: reflexive le + le': reflexive le' for le le'

subsection {* Mixins in sublocale *}

text {* Simulate a specification of left groups where unit and inverse are defined
  rather than specified.  This is possible, but not in FOL, due to the lack of a
  selection operator. *}

axiomatization glob_one and glob_inv
  where glob_lone: "prod(glob_one(prod), x) = x"
    and glob_linv: "prod(glob_inv(prod, x), x) = glob_one(prod)"

locale dgrp = semi

definition one where "one = glob_one(prod)"

lemma lone: "one ** x = x"
  unfolding one_def by (rule glob_lone)

definition inv where "inv(x) = glob_inv(prod, x)"

lemma linv: "inv(x) ** x = one"
  unfolding one_def inv_def by (rule glob_linv)


sublocale lgrp < "def": dgrp
  where one_equation: " = one" and inv_equation: "dgrp.inv(prod, x) = inv(x)"
proof -
  show "dgrp(prod)" by unfold_locales
  from this interpret d: dgrp .
  -- Unit
  have " = glob_one(prod)" by (rule d.one_def)
  also have "... = glob_one(prod) ** one" by (simp add: rone)
  also have "... = one" by (simp add: glob_lone)
  finally show " = one" .
  -- Inverse
  then have "dgrp.inv(prod, x) ** x = inv(x) ** x" by (simp add: glob_linv d.linv linv)
  then show "dgrp.inv(prod, x) = inv(x)" by (simp add: rcancel)

print_locale! lgrp

context lgrp begin

text {* Equations stored in target *}

lemma " = one" by (rule one_equation)
lemma "dgrp.inv(prod, x) = inv(x)" by (rule inv_equation)

text {* Mixins applied *}

lemma "one = glob_one(prod)" by (rule one_def)
lemma "inv(x) = glob_inv(prod, x)" by (rule inv_def)


text {* Interpreted versions *}

lemma "0 = glob_one (op +)" by (rule int.def.one_def)
lemma "- x = glob_inv(op +, x)" by (rule int.def.inv_def)

text {* Roundup applies mixins at declaration level in DFS tree *}

locale roundup = fixes x assumes true: "x <-> True"

sublocale roundup \<subseteq> sub: roundup x where "x <-> True & True"
  apply unfold_locales apply (simp add: true) done
lemma (in roundup) "True & True <-> True" by (rule sub.true)

section {* Interpretation in proofs *}

lemma True
  interpret "local": lgrp "op +" "0" "minus"
    by unfold_locales  (* subsumed *)
    fix zero :: int
    assume "!!x. zero + x = x" "!!x. (-x) + x = zero"
    then interpret local_fixed: lgrp "op +" zero "minus"
      by unfold_locales
    thm local_fixed.lone
    print_dependencies! lgrp "op +" 0 minus + lgrp "op +" zero minus
  assume "!!x zero. zero + x = x" "!!x zero. (-x) + x = zero"
  then interpret local_free: lgrp "op +" zero "minus" for zero
    by unfold_locales
  thm local_free.lone [where ?zero = 0]

lemma True
    fix pand and pnot and por
    assume passoc: "!!x y z. pand(pand(x, y), z) <-> pand(x, pand(y, z))"
      and pnotnot: "!!x. pnot(pnot(x)) <-> x"
      and por_def: "!!x y. por(x, y) <-> pnot(pand(pnot(x), pnot(y)))"
    interpret loc: logic_o pand pnot
      where por_eq: "!!x y. logic_o.lor_o(pand, pnot, x, y) <-> por(x, y)"  (* FIXME *)
    proof -
      show logic_o: "PROP logic_o(pand, pnot)" using passoc pnotnot by unfold_locales
      fix x y
      show "logic_o.lor_o(pand, pnot, x, y) <-> por(x, y)"
        by (unfold logic_o.lor_o_def [OF logic_o]) (rule por_def [symmetric])
    print_interps logic_o
    have "!!x y. por(x, y) <-> pnot(pand(pnot(x), pnot(y)))" by (rule loc.lor_o_def)
