(* :mode=isabelle-options: *)
declare browser_info : bool = false
-- "generate theory browser information"
declare document : string = ""
-- "build document in given format: pdf, dvi, dvi.gz, ps, ps.gz, or false"
declare document_variants : string = "outline=/proof,/ML"
-- "declare alternative document variants (separated by colons)"
declare document_graph : bool = false
-- "generate session graph image for document"
declare document_dump : string = ""
-- "dump generated document sources into given directory"
declare document_dump_mode : string = "all"
-- "specific document dump mode: all, tex, tex+sty"
declare threads : int = 0
-- "maximum number of worker threads for prover process (0 = hardware max.)"
declare threads_trace : int = 0
-- "level of tracing information for multithreading"
declare parallel_proofs : int = 2
-- "level of parallel proof checking: 0, 1, 2"
declare parallel_proofs_threshold : int = 100
-- "threshold for sub-proof parallelization"
declare print_mode : string = ""
-- "additional print modes for prover output (separated by commas)"
declare proofs : int = 1
-- "level of detail for proof objects: 0, 1, 2"
declare quick_and_dirty : bool = false
-- "if true then some tools will OMIT some proofs"
declare skip_proofs : bool = false
-- "skip over proofs"
declare condition : string = ""
-- "required environment variables for subsequent theories (separated by commas)"
declare show_question_marks : bool = true
-- "show leading question mark of schematic variables"
declare names_long : bool = false
-- "show fully qualified names"
declare names_short : bool = false
-- "show base names only"
declare names_unique : bool = true
-- "show partially qualified names, as required for unique name resolution"
declare pretty_margin : int = 76
-- "right margin / page width of pretty printer in Isabelle/ML"
declare thy_output_display : bool = false
-- "indicate output as multi-line display-style material"
declare thy_output_break : bool = false
-- "control line breaks in non-display material"
declare thy_output_quotes : bool = false
-- "indicate if the output should be enclosed in double quotes"
declare thy_output_indent : int = 0
-- "indentation for pretty printing of display material"
declare thy_output_source : bool = false
-- "print original source text rather than internal representation"
declare timing : bool = false
-- "global timing of toplevel command execution and theory processing"
declare timeout : real = 0
-- "timeout for session build job (seconds > 0)"