(* Title: Pure/Isar/isar_output.ML
ID: $Id$
Author: Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
Isar theory output.
signature ISAR_OUTPUT =
val display: bool ref
val quotes: bool ref
val indent: int ref
val source: bool ref
val add_commands: (string * (Args.src -> Toplevel.state -> string)) list -> unit
val add_options: (string * (string -> (unit -> string) -> unit -> string)) list -> unit
val print_antiquotations: unit -> unit
val boolean: string -> bool
val integer: string -> int
val args: (Proof.context * Args.T list -> 'a * (Proof.context * Args.T list)) ->
(Args.src -> Proof.context -> 'a -> string) -> Args.src -> Toplevel.state -> string
datatype markup = Markup | MarkupEnv | Verbatim
val modes: string list ref
val eval_antiquote: Scan.lexicon -> Toplevel.state -> string * Position.T -> string
val present_thy: Scan.lexicon -> (string -> string list) -> (markup -> string -> bool) ->
Toplevel.transition list -> (OuterLex.token, 'a) Source.source -> Buffer.T
val output_list: (Proof.context -> 'a -> Pretty.T) -> Args.src ->
Proof.context -> 'a list -> string
val output: (Proof.context -> 'a -> Pretty.T) -> Args.src -> Proof.context -> 'a -> string
structure IsarOutput: ISAR_OUTPUT =
structure T = OuterLex;
structure P = OuterParse;
(** global options **)
val locale = ref "";
val display = ref false;
val quotes = ref false;
val indent = ref 0;
val source = ref false;
val break = ref false;
(** maintain global commands **)
val global_commands =
ref (Symtab.empty: (Args.src -> Toplevel.state -> string) Symtab.table);
val global_options =
ref (Symtab.empty: (string -> (unit -> string) -> unit -> string) Symtab.table);
fun add_item kind (name, x) tab =
(if not (Symtab.defined tab name) then ()
else warning ("Redefined antiquotation " ^ kind ^ ": " ^ quote name);
Symtab.update (name, x) tab);
val add_commands = Library.change global_commands o fold (add_item "command");
val add_options = Library.change global_options o fold (add_item "option");
fun command src =
let val ((name, _), pos) = Args.dest_src src in
(case Symtab.lookup (! global_commands) name of
NONE => error ("Unknown antiquotation command: " ^ quote name ^ Position.str_of pos)
| SOME f => transform_failure (curry Antiquote.ANTIQUOTE_FAIL (name, pos)) (f src))
fun option (name, s) f () =
(case Symtab.lookup (! global_options) name of
NONE => error ("Unknown antiquotation option: " ^ quote name)
| SOME opt => opt s f ());
fun options [] f = f
| options (opt :: opts) f = option opt (options opts f);
fun print_antiquotations () =
[Pretty.big_list "antiquotation commands:" (map Pretty.str (Symtab.keys (! global_commands))),
Pretty.big_list "antiquotation options:" (map Pretty.str (Symtab.keys (! global_options)))]
|> Pretty.chunks |> Pretty.writeln;
(** syntax of antiquotations **)
(* option values *)
fun boolean "" = true
| boolean "true" = true
| boolean "false" = false
| boolean s = error ("Bad boolean value: " ^ quote s);
fun integer s =
fun int ss =
(case Library.read_int ss of (i, []) => i
| _ => error ("Bad integer value: " ^ quote s));
in (case Symbol.explode s of "-" :: ss => ~ (int ss) | ss => int ss) end;
(* args syntax *)
fun syntax (scan: (Proof.context * Args.T list -> 'a * (Proof.context * Args.T list))) =
Args.syntax "antiquotation" scan;
fun args scan f src state : string =
val ctxt0 =
if ! locale = "" then Toplevel.body_context_of state
else #3 (Locale.read_context_statement (SOME (! locale)) [] []
(ProofContext.init (Toplevel.theory_of state)));
val (ctxt, x) = syntax scan src ctxt0;
in f src ctxt x end;
(* outer syntax *)
val property = P.xname -- Scan.optional (P.$$$ "=" |-- P.!!! P.xname) "";
val properties = Scan.optional (P.$$$ "[" |-- P.!!! (P.enum "," property --| P.$$$ "]")) [];
val antiq = P.position P.xname -- properties -- P.arguments --| Scan.ahead P.eof
>> (fn (((x, pos), y), z) => (y, Args.src ((x, z), pos)));
fun antiq_args_aux keyword_lexicon (str, pos) =
Source.of_string str
|> Symbol.source false
|> T.source false (K (keyword_lexicon, Scan.empty_lexicon)) pos
|> T.source_proper
|> Source.source T.stopper (Scan.error (Scan.bulk (P.!!! antiq))) NONE
|> Source.exhaust;
fun antiq_args lex (s, pos) =
(case antiq_args_aux lex (s, pos) of [x] => x | _ => raise ERROR) handle ERROR =>
error ("Malformed antiquotation: " ^ quote ("@{" ^ s ^ "}") ^ Position.str_of pos);
(* eval_antiquote *)
val modes = ref ([]: string list);
fun eval_antiquote lex state (str, pos) =
fun expand (Antiquote.Text s) = s
| expand (Antiquote.Antiq x) =
let val (opts, src) = antiq_args lex x in
options opts (fn () => command src state) (); (*preview errors!*)
Library.setmp print_mode (! modes @ Latex.modes @ ! print_mode)
(Output.no_warnings (options opts (fn () => command src state))) ()
val ants = Antiquote.antiquotes_of (str, pos);
if Toplevel.is_toplevel state andalso exists Antiquote.is_antiq ants then
error ("Cannot expand antiquotations at top-level" ^ Position.str_of pos)
else implode (map expand ants)
(** present theory source **)
(* presentation tokens *)
datatype token =
| BasicToken of T.token
| MarkupToken of string * (string * Position.T)
| MarkupEnvToken of string * (string * Position.T)
| VerbatimToken of string * Position.T;
fun output_token lex state =
val eval = eval_antiquote lex state
fn NoToken => ""
| BasicToken tok => Latex.output_basic tok
| MarkupToken (cmd, txt) => Latex.output_markup cmd (eval txt)
| MarkupEnvToken (cmd, txt) => Latex.output_markup_env cmd (eval txt)
| VerbatimToken txt => Latex.output_verbatim (eval txt)
fun basic_token pred (BasicToken tok) = pred tok
| basic_token _ _ = false;
val improper_token = basic_token (not o T.is_proper);
val comment_token = basic_token T.is_comment;
val blank_token = basic_token T.is_blank;
val newline_token = basic_token T.is_newline;
(* command spans *)
type command = string * Position.T * string list; (*name, position, tags*)
type tok = token * string * int; (*token, markup flag, meta-comment depth*)
type source = tok list;
datatype span = Span of command * (source * source * source * source) * bool;
fun make_span cmd src =
fun take_newline ((tok: tok) :: toks) =
if newline_token (#1 tok) then ([tok], toks, true)
else ([], tok :: toks, false)
| take_newline [] = ([], [], false);
val (((src_prefix, src_main), src_suffix1), (src_suffix2, src_appendix, newline)) =
|> take_prefix (improper_token o #1)
||>> take_suffix (improper_token o #1)
||>> take_prefix (comment_token o #1)
||> take_newline;
in Span (cmd, (src_prefix, src_main, src_suffix1 @ src_suffix2, src_appendix), newline) end;
(* present spans *)
fun err_bad_nesting pos =
error ("Bad nesting of commands in presentation" ^ pos);
fun edge1 f (x, y) = if_none (Option.map (Buffer.add o f) (if x = y then NONE else x)) I;
fun edge2 f (x, y) = if_none (Option.map (Buffer.add o f) (if x = y then NONE else y)) I;
val begin_tag = edge2 Latex.begin_tag;
val end_tag = edge1 Latex.end_tag;
fun open_delim delim e = edge2 Latex.begin_delim e #> delim #> edge2 Latex.end_delim e;
fun close_delim delim e = edge1 Latex.begin_delim e #> delim #> edge1 Latex.end_delim e;
fun present_span lex default_tags span state state'
(tag_stack, active_tag, newline, buffer, present_cont) =
val present = fold (fn (tok, flag, 0) =>
Buffer.add (output_token lex state' tok)
#> Buffer.add flag
| _ => I);
val Span ((cmd_name, cmd_pos, cmd_tags), srcs, span_newline) = span;
val (tag, tags) = tag_stack;
val tag' =
(case tag of NONE => [] | SOME tg => [tg])
|> fold OuterKeyword.update_tags cmd_tags
|> try hd;
val active_tag' =
if is_some tag' then tag'
else try hd (default_tags cmd_name);
val edge = (active_tag, active_tag');
val newline' =
if is_none active_tag' then span_newline else newline;
val nesting = Toplevel.level state' - Toplevel.level state;
val tag_stack' =
if nesting = 0 andalso not (Toplevel.is_proof state) then tag_stack
else if nesting >= 0 then (tag', replicate nesting tag @ tags)
(case Library.drop (~ nesting - 1, tags) of
tgs :: tgss => (tgs, tgss)
| [] => err_bad_nesting (Position.str_of cmd_pos));
val buffer' =
|> end_tag edge
|> close_delim (fst present_cont) edge
|> snd present_cont
|> open_delim (present (#1 srcs)) edge
|> begin_tag edge
|> present (#2 srcs);
val present_cont' =
if newline then (present (#3 srcs), present (#4 srcs))
else (I, present (#3 srcs) #> present (#4 srcs));
in (tag_stack', active_tag', newline', buffer', present_cont') end;
fun present_trailer ((_, tags), active_tag, _, buffer, present_cont) =
if not (null tags) then err_bad_nesting " at end of theory"
|> end_tag (active_tag, NONE)
|> close_delim (fst present_cont) (active_tag, NONE)
|> snd present_cont;
(* present_thy *)
datatype markup = Markup | MarkupEnv | Verbatim;
val space_proper =
Scan.one T.is_blank -- Scan.any T.is_comment -- Scan.one T.is_proper;
val is_improper = not o (T.is_proper orf T.is_begin_ignore orf T.is_end_ignore);
val improper = Scan.any is_improper;
val improper_end = Scan.repeat (Scan.unless space_proper (Scan.one is_improper));
val opt_newline = Scan.option (Scan.one T.is_newline);
val ignore =
Scan.depend (fn d => opt_newline |-- Scan.one T.is_begin_ignore
>> pair (d + 1)) ||
Scan.depend (fn d => Scan.one T.is_end_ignore --|
(if d = 0 then Scan.fail_with (K "Bad nesting of meta-comments") else opt_newline)
>> pair (d - 1));
val tag = (improper -- P.$$$ "%" -- improper) |-- P.!!! (P.tag_name --| improper_end);
val locale =
Scan.option ((P.$$$ "(" -- improper -- P.$$$ "in") |--
P.!!! (improper |-- P.xname --| (improper -- P.$$$ ")")));
fun present_thy lex default_tags is_markup trs src =
(* tokens *)
val ignored = Scan.state --| ignore
>> (fn d => (NONE, (NoToken, "", d)));
fun markup mark mk flag = Scan.peek (fn d =>
improper |-- P.position (Scan.one (T.is_kind T.Command andf is_markup mark o T.val_of)) --
Scan.repeat tag --
P.!!!! ((improper -- locale -- improper) |-- P.position P.text --| improper_end)
>> (fn (((tok, pos), tags), txt) =>
let val name = T.val_of tok
in (SOME (name, pos, tags), (mk (name, txt), flag, d)) end));
val command = Scan.peek (fn d =>
P.position (Scan.one (T.is_kind T.Command)) --
Scan.repeat tag
>> (fn ((tok, pos), tags) =>
let val name = T.val_of tok
in (SOME (name, pos, tags), (BasicToken tok, Latex.markup_false, d)) end));
val cmt = Scan.peek (fn d =>
P.$$$ "--" |-- P.!!!! (improper |-- P.position P.text)
>> (fn txt => (NONE, (MarkupToken ("cmt", txt), "", d))));
val other = Scan.peek (fn d =>
Scan.one T.not_eof >> (fn tok => (NONE, (BasicToken tok, "", d))));
val token =
ignored ||
markup Markup MarkupToken Latex.markup_true ||
markup MarkupEnv MarkupEnvToken Latex.markup_true ||
markup Verbatim (VerbatimToken o #2) "" ||
command || cmt || other;
(* spans *)
val stopper =
((NONE, (BasicToken (#1 T.stopper), "", 0)),
fn (_, (BasicToken x, _, _)) => #2 T.stopper x | _ => false);
val cmd = Scan.one (is_some o #1);
val non_cmd = Scan.one (is_none o #1 andf not o #2 stopper) >> #2;
val comments = Scan.any (comment_token o #1 o #2);
val blank = Scan.one (blank_token o #1 o #2);
val newline = Scan.one (newline_token o #1 o #2);
val before_cmd =
Scan.option (newline -- comments) --
Scan.option (newline -- comments) --
Scan.option (blank -- comments) -- cmd;
val span =
Scan.repeat non_cmd -- cmd --
Scan.repeat (Scan.unless before_cmd non_cmd) --
Scan.option (newline >> (single o #2))
>> (fn (((toks1, (cmd, tok2)), toks3), tok4) =>
make_span (the cmd) (toks1 @ tok2 :: toks3 @ if_none tok4 []));
val spans =
|> Source.filter (not o T.is_semicolon)
|> Source.source' 0 T.stopper (Scan.error (Scan.bulk token)) NONE
|> Source.source stopper (Scan.error (Scan.bulk span)) NONE
|> Source.exhaust;
if length trs = length spans then
((NONE, []), NONE, true, Buffer.empty, (I, I))
|> Toplevel.present_excursion (trs ~~ map (present_span lex default_tags) spans)
|> present_trailer
else error "Messed-up outer syntax for presentation"
(** setup default output **)
(* options *)
val _ = add_options
[("show_types", Library.setmp Syntax.show_types o boolean),
("show_sorts", Library.setmp Syntax.show_sorts o boolean),
("show_structs", Library.setmp show_structs o boolean),
("show_question_marks", Library.setmp show_question_marks o boolean),
("long_names", Library.setmp NameSpace.long_names o boolean),
("short_names", Library.setmp NameSpace.short_names o boolean),
("unique_names", Library.setmp NameSpace.unique_names o boolean),
("eta_contract", Library.setmp Syntax.eta_contract o boolean),
("locale", Library.setmp locale),
("display", Library.setmp display o boolean),
("break", Library.setmp break o boolean),
("quotes", Library.setmp quotes o boolean),
("mode", fn s => fn f => fn () => Library.setmp print_mode (s :: ! print_mode) f ()),
("margin", Pretty.setmp_margin o integer),
("indent", Library.setmp indent o integer),
("source", Library.setmp source o boolean),
("goals_limit", Library.setmp goals_limit o integer)];
(* basic pretty printing *)
val str_of_source = space_implode " " o map Args.string_of o #2 o #1 o Args.dest_src;
fun tweak_line s =
if ! display then s else Symbol.strip_blanks s;
val pretty_text = Pretty.chunks o map Pretty.str o map tweak_line o Library.split_lines;
fun pretty_term ctxt = ProofContext.pretty_term ctxt o ProofContext.extern_skolem ctxt;
fun pretty_term_typ ctxt t =
(Syntax.const Syntax.constrainC $
ProofContext.extern_skolem ctxt t $
Syntax.term_of_typ (! show_sorts) (Term.fastype_of t))
|> ProofContext.pretty_term ctxt;
fun pretty_term_typeof ctxt = ProofContext.pretty_typ ctxt o Term.fastype_of;
fun pretty_term_const ctxt t =
if Term.is_Const t then pretty_term ctxt t
else error ("Logical constant expected: " ^ ProofContext.string_of_term ctxt t);
fun pretty_thm ctxt = pretty_term ctxt o Thm.full_prop_of;
fun pretty_term_style ctxt (name, t) =
pretty_term ctxt (TermStyle.the_style (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt) name ctxt t);
fun pretty_thm_style ctxt (name, th) =
pretty_term_style ctxt (name, Thm.full_prop_of th);
fun pretty_prf full ctxt thms =
Pretty.chunks (map (ProofContext.pretty_proof_of ctxt full) thms);
(* Isar output *)
fun output_list pretty src ctxt xs =
map (pretty ctxt) xs (*always pretty in order to exhibit errors!*)
|> (if ! source then K [pretty_text (str_of_source src)] else I)
|> (if ! quotes then map Pretty.quote else I)
|> (if ! display then
map (Output.output o Pretty.string_of o Pretty.indent (! indent))
#> space_implode "\\isasep\\isanewline%\n"
#> enclose "\\begin{isabelle}%\n" "%\n\\end{isabelle}"
map (Output.output o (if ! break then Pretty.string_of else Pretty.str_of))
#> space_implode "\\isasep\\isanewline%\n"
#> enclose "\\isa{" "}");
fun output pretty src ctxt = output_list pretty src ctxt o single;
fun output_goals main_goal src state = args (Scan.succeed ()) (output (fn _ => fn _ =>
Pretty.chunks (Proof.pretty_goals main_goal (Toplevel.proof_of state
handle Toplevel.UNDEF => error "No proof state")))) src state;
fun output_ml src ctxt txt =
(Context.use_mltext ("fn _ => (" ^ txt ^ ")") false (SOME (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt));
(if ! source then str_of_source src else txt)
|> (if ! quotes then quote else I)
|> (if ! display then enclose "\\begin{verbatim}\n" "\n\\end{verbatim}"
#> map (space_implode "\\verb,|," o map (enclose "\\verb|" "|") o space_explode "|")
#> space_implode "\\isasep\\isanewline%\n"));
(* commands *)
val _ = add_commands
[("thm", args Attrib.local_thmss (output_list pretty_thm)),
("thm_style", args (Scan.lift Args.liberal_name -- Attrib.local_thm) (output pretty_thm_style)),
("prop", args Args.local_prop (output pretty_term)),
("term", args Args.local_term (output pretty_term)),
("term_style", args (Scan.lift Args.liberal_name -- Args.local_term) (output pretty_term_style)),
("term_type", args Args.local_term (output pretty_term_typ)),
("typeof", args Args.local_term (output pretty_term_typeof)),
("const", args Args.local_term (output pretty_term_const)),
("typ", args Args.local_typ_abbrev (output ProofContext.pretty_typ)),
("text", args (Scan.lift Args.name) (output (K pretty_text))),
("goals", output_goals true),
("subgoals", output_goals false),
("prf", args Attrib.local_thmss (output (pretty_prf false))),
("full_prf", args Attrib.local_thmss (output (pretty_prf true))),
("ML", args (Scan.lift Args.name) output_ml)];