author wenzelm
Fri, 23 Dec 2022 22:41:47 +0100
changeset 76765 c654103e9c9d
parent 75979 29d813c431bb
permissions -rw-r--r--
more robust Document.Pending_Edits: cover all nodes simulataneously, and thus support proper Snapshot.switch; prefer global operations for snapshot() and rendering();

/*  Title:      Tools/VSCode/src/preview_panel.scala
    Author:     Makarius

HTML document preview.

package isabelle.vscode

import isabelle._

import{File => JFile}

class Preview_Panel(resources: VSCode_Resources) {
  private val pending = Synchronized(Map.empty[JFile, Int])

  def request(file: JFile, column: Int): Unit =
    pending.change(map => map + (file -> column))

  def flush(channel: Channel): Boolean = {
    pending.change_result { map =>
      val map1 =
        map.iterator.foldLeft(map) {
          case (m, (file, column)) =>
            resources.get_model(file) match {
              case Some(model) =>
                val snapshot = resources.snapshot(model)
                if (snapshot.is_outdated) m
                else {
                  val context =
                      elements = Browser_Info.extra_elements)
                  val document = context.preview_document(snapshot)
                  channel.write(LSP.Preview_Response(file, column, document.title, document.content))
                  m - file
              case None => m - file
      (map1.nonEmpty, map1)